Poll: Trump’s Lead over DeSantis Nationally Climbed 20 Points Since July; 6 months ago DeSantis should have stepped away, he has hurt his brand, we told him this...
Former President Donald Trump has seen his lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) grow by 20 points nationally since July, per a poll.
The poll, published on Wednesday, shows that 56 percent of registered Republicans and independents who lean Republican back Trump for the nomination. He has gained 10 points of support since July’s Marquette poll, which showed him at 46 percent.’
DeSanctum is a back-stabbing bitch, who denies that the 2020 election was stolen. He somehow believes that since Trump couldn't "beat" Biden, HE is more apt to beat Biden. What an idiot.
No one in their right mind believes Biden got 81 million real votes from real people. But DeeeeSanctum wants us to believe that HE will get more votes than Trump, who GAINED in popularity and votes from 2016 to 2020.
Perhaps if DeSantistein goes to Israel a few more times, to sign a couple more anti-1st Amendment bills like HB269, which makes it ILLEGAL to criticize jews?