POTUS Biden, close the fcuk*ng border now! Instant, stop every single illegal today & move to deport all near 10 million you let in across 3 years including the 300 jihadists inside America! If you do
not, POTUS Trump will & he will deport all who came the last 30 years, this is a must, else America is lost, no sane nations does what US has done, you Biden, Obama, Bush etc., NONE, you INVADED USA
Rapists, murderers, drug pushers, islamic jihadists are pouring in across the borders, even the ones with Canada, seal them all. Chinese nationals, military aged, islamic nationals military aged…why?
Seal the borders now! 10 years.
A sitting POTUS Biden invaded his own nation, this is what Biden did!
Biden has invaded America! As crazy as you think that sounds.
We must vote him out and every democrat and republican who did this, any RINO and move to get every one of the illegals out across the last 30 years, man, woman, child. All. We must hold Trump’s foot to the fire on this.
Absolutely keep speaking these truths, to encourage others. At this hour, we have an opportunity to stop this-SHUT the border completely-no one, not one to come through. Detain who is here in the states and start deportation immediatley! IF stepford biden cannot do this SHUT DOWN THE GOVENMENT!
You hit the nail on the head, Paul:
"No 'sane' nation" does this.... no sane LEADER would ever do this to his or her country or its people - it is NEVER going to be for "the good of the people", or that country, but only serves to benefit someone's nefarious agenda. Sanity plays no role here...but evil does.