POTUS Trump, HANG them! they told you MILLIONS would die if you did not lock down or bring mRNA Malone Bourla vaccine, you trusted them & locked down & gave vaccine, but the deaths were NEVER going
to happen; They lied to you, deceived you, misled you, STOP saying the lockdowns & vaccine worked as so many millions did NOT die; Sir, they were NEVER going to die, it was all a FRAUD on you & US
now hang them; This is the situation people like you POTUS Trump are in, the millions did not die so you think the lockdowns saved them and the mRNA vaccine, but there is NO evidence anywhere in the entire world that any lock down ever worked, not across the 4 years of COVID…and you know now that the mRNA vaccine has failed as they brought a non-sterilizing vaccine OUT OF THE GATE that failed to protect the upper airways, did not sterilize the virus (stop infection, replication, transmission), could not support a mandate, plunged to negative efficacy and effectiveness near instantly, and had waning immunity rapidly. That all who got vaccine must get boosters for they do not work.
Ask them, any of them, show you the evidence, the data, the numbers, as it is there now, accumulated to see, to assess, show the evidence that ANY lockdown or mRNA vaccine worked.
They cannot.
Sir, you may have wanted it to work, but it did not.
It was all a lie Sir, all of COVID, all 100% of it…nothing under you about COVID was true. You trusted them and they worked to topple you, to damage you for you took the blame for the failures. Rightly, but you trusted they were giving you accurate best guidance but they were conspiring to destroy you. Daily, and they did. You did not lose only because of stolen votes, you also lost due to the devastation of the pandemic response e.g. lockdowns, school closures etc…I want you to face it and speak to the population and tell them the truth as it has became clear it was all a fraud:
So again Mr. President, please stop saying the lock downs worked or the vaccine worked. The public knows otherwise. We lived the effects of the lockdowns and vaccine. It hurt us badly. They never did work and they lied to you. These people, all in your administration and Biden’s, who brought the fake pandemic and mRNA vaccine, must be hung after proper courts deal with them and declare verdict. If courts and judges say death penalty, you must be prepared as POTUS to ensure it is carried out. No pardons, nothing like that.
Yes Paul, why does he keep saying the "vaccines" saved millions today, is he being blackmailed or threatened, OR, is he in on it, I would love to know the answer to that.
I pray President Trump does this!
It is the only thing about him that bothers me.
So many doctors, scientists & whistleblowers have & still are coming forward worldwide exposing how dangerous the mRNA injections are.
So many of your voters has witnessed loved ones who took the mRNA injections who are now permanently injured or dead!
And those of us who refused the injections are healthy!
PLEASE President Trump be brave & come forward & admit the injections are harmful & that Fauci, Gates, the CDC & WHO & everyone who knew they were bad & pushed them on us will be held accountable!?!