Trump suggests permanently moving Palestinians from Gaza; what is your view on this? a recent dramatic development and it is developing, so let us listen to more by Trump as they explain the plan
I'd like to see the US take control of all of Israel (including the West Bank and Gaza) then split it into two countries, Israel and Palestine based on the 1947 UN Partition Plan borders.
That will never happen. Gazan coastal real estate is very valuable. It would be ideal for condos, casinos, strip clubs, brothels and US style gay bath houses. Think of the tourism potential. In addition, the US and Israel are grasping for the Gazan gas deposits valued at an estimated $500B. They will also want to depopulate the West Bank where the Meged oil and gas field is largely situated. The value of the estimated 1.5 billion barrel field was put at $99 billion some years ago. The US under Israel's direction will want to grab that. The preferred way would probably be to do to the Palestinians what the Turks did to the Armenians. However, that would be difficult to cover up. So they need some other pretext. Causing starvation or chronic disease may be the method of choice.
The last sentence is sad. I don't like the idea at all. Why doesn't the US spend money on rebuilding all the disasters the Leftists have caused in our country.
Muslims, Christians and Jews lived peacefully in Palestine before 1947 and the Balfour Declaration bring introduced. Who gave the Rothchilds the right to take away Palestine and give it to others and kill many of the people living there? It was the Rothchilds and the UN. You need to read some history please. 🇨🇦
They are the Indigenous people there, the descendants of people who have lived there for millennia. They are, quite possibly, the people most related to the ancient Israelites. Unlike those who run the apartheid state, they have no genetic connection to Europe.
Thanks, that is an excellent description. I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry from my father's side, and Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic ties to Israel at all whatsoever. European Jews aka Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Kharzas, who converted to Judaism around 700-800 AD. Considering that many of the indigenous people aka Palestinians have been living in that area for millennia, I'd say that they have more rights to the land than European Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe and New York City.
It would be hard to label you an "antisemite," which scoundrels often do when people tell the truth, as you do. You have very sound moral reasoning and are obviously a very decent human being.
What happened on October 7 in Israel was terrible, but Israel has a history of carrying out false flag attacks and blaming them on others. Operation Susannah, which is well documented historically is one example. Thus, some suspect that HAMAS was infiltrated by Israel intelligence who actually planned and carried out the October 7 attack.
I am reminded of the comments on another stack by someone called "Lakeshore," who intimated that he or she also had some Ashkenazi ancestry, saying that he or she really didn't understand how the events of WWII in Europe " ... gave permission for Irgun Stern and Haganah to displace 1M Palestinian Christian Muslim and non-Zionist Jews during the Nakba, of which 30-50,000 died, and then declare themselves a country, when the Balfour Declaration specially forbade this. Wouldn’t Jews have been much safer migrating to America until some deeper mutual and voluntary agreement could have been arranged with the Arab Nations? It’s not clear to me that Islamic extremism even existed as a defined phenomenon before the 1917 migration started into Palestine. Is there any room at all to ask the question to what extent the political movement known of as Zionism has contributed to bad feelings toward the Jewish people?"
thank you for this debate, and keeping it nice and peaceful and view always is we all have opinions and does not make us bad people...we must respect opinions and go from there to unpack the issue
Thanks, and don't forget 9/11, which also seems to have been an Israeli orchestrated false flag attack. Or, the assignation of JFK, which I believe was likely orchestrated by Israeli intelligence, and carried out with the help of the Jewish mob, their friends in the Italian mob, as well as Israel supporters within the CIA/FBI. Also, J Edger Hoover was blackmailed by Jewish mob leader, Meyer Lansky. I believe he had a picture of Hoover sucking another guy's you know what. So, that could have been used to persuade Hoover to take part. I recently read the book, "The letters of JFK", and the author of that book seems to think that Israel is responsible for the assignation becuase JFK sent several letters to Israeli Prime Minister, Ben-Gurion, demanding that they stop their nuclear testing and allow for nuclear inspections. Here's a video of author talking about it.
Before 1948 the people who lived in that region had Palestinian passports, and that land was labeled as Palestine on maps (For instance, look up the National Geographic 1947 map). While there are a small percentage of people living in Gaza who have dual Palestinian/Egyptian citizenship, the majority of them don't.
Well, at the beginning of the 20th Century, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire. And as Theodor Herzl envisioned a great war to change that, indeed the staged (hint, hint...) assassination of the Austrian crown prince by a communist, was the desired push into the great conflagration, with, by the way, the German Kaiser pleading for peace with Britain, France and his cousin the Russian Czar til the end, to no avail, and being the last of the involved European countries to mobilize the German armed forces.
So then the Balfour Declaration to Lionel Rothschild could be realized, as the Ottoman Empire lost control of Palastine to the British.
Yes, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1516 to 1917. It was called Filistin during that time. Then it became under British control from1917 to 1947. While it was under British control it was called Palestine, and people were given Palestinian passports.
How about you look at the historic maps in your Bible. There was no “Palestine” on any of them. There was a “Philistine”, but that was NOT the same people at all. The name “Palestine” was given to the land of Israel by the Romans. They hated Israel, and hated that name, so they changed it. Many who lived in Israel at that time were Jews, and they ALSO, were considered “Palestinians” after the Romans gave the land that name. Look it up.
You might want to read this. It explains a lot of it.
DNA investigation has shown that the people known as "Palestinians" are the only group in the world with DNA descending from remains dug up from original settlements. IOW, they're the "original Jews." Over the years, as conquerors came and went, some converted to Christianity or, more recently, Islam. The people who live in Israel today show DNA linkeage with Central Asian Caucasians-East Europeans. Netanyahu's lineage, e.g., is Polish. I referenced the sources in one of my Substacks. You can easily use a more independent search engine like Yandex to confirm my statements. I'm shocked to see some people reply in Substacks still using Google search which is heavily censored and skewed.
No, they are NOT the original Jews. They are ARABS, who yes, were Semitic. However, they were descended from ISHMAEL, NOT from Isaac. Ishmael was Abraham’s illegitimate first son, whose mother was an Egyptian. The Israelites were descended from Isaac and Jacob. There is clearly SO much you just don’t know.
Also, Joseph married an Egyptian, so his descendants have Egyptian blood in them, but they are STILL Israelites.
Ah, dear lady. Your interpretation rests solely upon history as dictated by the group who professes such "historical facts." How correct is the literature on this question? I would say, at this time in the 21st century, such "history" is rubbish. I believe scholarly writings have pointed again and again and again to the questionable origin and nature of texts called "The Old Testament" and "Bible." You have no idea who wrote them; who edited them; who excluded other pieces of literature from such volumes; indeed, you have no authenticated trail of linkage to such people. The world has changed and shifted constantly since those times, and you have no way of knowing except through your BELIEF in such literature. You are more than entitled to your belief, but that's all it is: a BELIEF which you have no right to impose on others.
Agree. The Israel of today was created by the Rothschilds in 1948. The Zionists dba UN/WHO/WEF originated as Ashkenazi in N. Turkey then migrated to Khazaria, current day Ukraine, where they converted to Judaism in the 8 or 9c for political reasons, not religious beliefs/faith. They’re the Khazarian Mafia and increased in power as the Bolsheviks, then Rothschilds (Ashkenazi Jews) and Rockefellers (Sephardic Jews). They follow the Babylonian Talmud and practice Kabbalah (Jewish dark mysticism).
The Ashkenazi are descendants of Noah’s great grandson Ashkenaz through his son Japheth (Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6) and not of the Messianic lineage through Noah’s son Shem.
The Zionists are the false Jews, synagogue of Satan, in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9.
The other quite interesting characteristic they share is that they believe themselves quite separate from humanity. They believe themselves so far superior as to possess "the right" to herd, regulate, and govern humanity. IOW, "the divine right of kings." Of course, we look at current royalty in the limelight and see abominably genetically inferior people like Charles III. Their bloodlines are dissipating from far too much interbreeding. The only characteristic which has developed to a far superior level is the utter ruthlessness and cruelty which the Asiatic Khazars--cum European via rape/marriage to Northern Europeans--displayed so abundantly.
Writers call such people by many names such as Black Nobility; Jesuits; Merovingians; etc. These people today are reflected in the WEF Clique (technocratic oligarchs) which approaches humanity as simply too stupid to govern themselves. They nicely avoid the truth which is that their transnational corporations and thirst for power have led to the gutting and pillaging of natural assets from every country worldwide thereby depriving citizens of just development and reward for themselves. With this disparity comes pollution; destabilization of populations; famines; wars; and so forth.
I think the Rothschilds preceded the Bolsheviks. The family was known in Illuminati era Germany, before Napoleonic era. The Bolsheviks came out of the era of the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848.
Yes the Mileikowski (Netanyahu) family are Polish. Do you happen to know what their relationship was to "Piłsudski's Colonels," the military dictatorship that governed Poland in 1939 and was attacking and harassing ethnic Germans in Silesia, East Prussia and other German areas under Polish occupation prior to Germany taking those lands back in 2939. Were the attacks on the ethnic Germans a provocation designed to trigger a response that could be used as a casus belli to start WWII? Did the Netanyahu family have any role in starting WW2? approximately 60 million people, most or many of whom were Christians, were killed in that war.
He is Jewish. Yes, his family was in Poland, but go back even further. When the Israelites were driven out of Israel into exile, a lot them went to eastern Europe and settled there. Some settled in the area of Ashkenaz, which is why they are called "Ashkenazi Jews", but they are not descended from Ashkenaz, who was descended from Noah's son, Japheth.
The problem is that so many of you have just not studied the history of the Jews way back to when GOD first renamed Jacob with the name of Israel. That's where the name for the LAND of Israel originated. That land is the HOLY land, and GOD owns it, and GOD gave it to the Jews.
Study where all the tribes went when they were exiled from their land. Then study where GOD says he will be bringing them BACK to their land, and will be reuniting ALL TWELVE of the tribes. It's all in your Bible, and many texts written over the years document this too.
You're wrong, the Palestinians have lived there for thousands of years, Netanyahu kicked them out so his ilk could live in the region. "Israel" of today was started in 1948.
No, that's not true. Israelites can be traced back over 3,500 years, to when GOD renamed Jacob with the name of "Israel". That land was already promised to Abraham BEFORE that even happened. The name Israelite is well explained in the Bible as the people of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. No other people who did not descend from those three in that order can be called Israelite by birth.
The name Palestine never even existed until just about 60 years ago. Even Jews were considered Palestinians at one point. It was ROME that gave that name to the land of Israel, because they didn't like the name Israel, who they always hated. Go read some REAL history. It's all there.
Netanyahu and his ilk are NOT Israelites, they are from Europe, Netanyahu isn't even his real last name. You really have to do reattach on this, this land was taken up in 1948, it is NOT the Israel of the Bible. Please stop saying it is, you are 100% wrong. Is your REAL history from the Schofield Bible, if so, its propaganda written by a jew who wanted to confuse the Christians, those are now zionist christians.
Palestinians were also mentioned in the Bible. They were called Canaanites and Philistines in the Bible. In case you didn't notice, the word Palestine is derived from Philistine.
I agree that they could be referred to as Israelis since they were born within what is considered "greater Israel", though Israel has refused to give the people of Gaza and the West Bank Israeli citizenship, and they are subjected to military law as opposed to civilian law. So, I think referring to them as Palestinian is more accurate. "In the wake of the 1948 Palestine war, the Israeli government conferred Israeli citizenship upon all Palestinians who had remained or were not expelled. However, they were subject to discrimination by being placed under martial law until 1966, while other Israeli citizens were not."
Actually YOU better check some history on that. There is no "Palestine", so there is no Palestinian Passport. Check out the Green Prince. His real name is Mosab Hassan Yousef. He was the son of one of the founders of Hamas. He explains how all the people in The West Bank have Jordanian citizenship, and the people in Gaza have Egyptian citizenship. There is no Palestine. There is no Palestinian government, and no official passports for those people.
I am very interested in learning and sharing but fascinated when people share information...I find it is marvelous to be able to update your thinking based on good information shared
Palestinians were mentioned in the Bible. They were called Canaanites and Philistines in the Bible. The word Palestine is derived from "Philistia," which was the ancient Greek and Roman name for the land of the Philistines.
Al Masri is the most common last name and it means the egyptian, Arafat was born in Egypt they're no different from any other Arabs of which there are 22.5 countries and 57 Islamic countries only two of which are functional democracies far far away from the Middle East
Arafat's parents were born in Palestine. While Al Masri is a common last name in Palestine, it is not the most common last name. The following last names are more common than Al-Masri in Gaza and the West Bank according to AI (Last names starting with Abu, like Abu-Amr, Abu-Ali, Abu-Baker, Abu-Khali, Abu-Sultan), Hamdan, and Khatib.
Many, if not most of the Arabs in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel (aka Palestinians) are indigenous to that region, and have descendants who have lived in that region for hundred to thousands of years.
Trump has no respect for the Palestinian people, probably even less than people of color and working people in the US. Remember his disgustingly condescension in Puerto Rico after one of those devastating hurricanes that decimated the island? He finally showed up their and tossed paper towels at the people while their island was under water and without services. If you believe this b.s. of his, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you cheaply.
Second, who the heck is Trump or anyone else to claim ownership of another's land and decide to simply displace them to some foreign place without any history for the people. The only thing Trump is interested in is a major real estate deal for his personal profit. Trump 2 will be even worse than Trump 1 with his profiteering.
do you really mean this? "Second, who the heck is Trump or anyone else to claim ownership of another's land and decide to simply displace them to some foreign place without any history for the people. The only thing Trump is interested in is a major real estate deal for his personal profit. Trump 2 will be even worse than Trump 1 with his profiteering."
I have to agree with Tanya on this one. I believe Trump and his cohorts just want to develop that land for themselves. However, God may have other plans.
I like Trump too. However,I also, like you do, have great respect for Margaret and Tanya even though we don't see eye to eye on every issue. I have to disagree with Tanya and Margaret that: "The only thing Trump is interested in is a major real estate deal for his personal profit." He's also interested in the Gazan gas and oil reserves and no doubt also those under the West Bank. He's also interested in doing whatever Bibi instructs him to do at home and abroad. Up to a point. Bibi only injected the Israelis with the Trump-Malone mRNA shot. Trump, acting out of altruism, may also inject the Palestinians, given that the shot is beautiful and has saved 100s of millions of lives.
Kushner is already invested in developing the "beachfront" property in Gaza, and !srael wants their resources. Curious to see if the bounty confiscated from the indigenous people of Palestine (who've been there a couple thousand years) will be divided between the U S and !srael or will be !srael's alone, given that Adelson gave Trump $100 million to "secure" !srael's "interest" in the region. Guess the US D S is gonna do what they've always done -- continue to topple g0vts and displace people for their own interests.
Another way of looking at it is if he succeeds he strengthens the US economy, avoids WW3 and stabilizes the Middle East, which has been cauldron of violence at least since 1947.
"Second, who the heck is Trump or anyone else to claim ownership of another's land and decide to simply displace them to some foreign place without any history for the people. "
Looks to me like Trump dismantling the DS will he take on the Rothchild cult next or has that been done? ...who are the sabbatean-frankists? From Mark Ceylon.
AMMAN, Jordan — European countries joined Arab nations Wednesday in rebuking a shock announcement by United States President Donald Trump that he wants to take control over Gaza and forcibly displace its inhabitants to neighboring countries including Jordan and Egypt.
Trump’s remarks that the U.S. should “own” Gaza and turn it from a “demolition site” into the “Riviera of the Middle East,” sparked immediate blowback from Palestinian officials, their regional allies around the Middle East and key European capitals.
Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, said that the proposal to move the Palestinians out was “unacceptable” and against international law; in France, a government spokesperson said Paris is “fully opposed to the displacement of populations” and called Trump’s proposal “dangerous” for regional stability; and in the U.K., Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Palestinians “must be allowed home” to rebuild.
The Arab world is likely to reject Trump’s proposal, though initial responses were muted because it was the middle of the night there when the news conference happened. Late on Tuesday, the Saudi foreign ministry said the kingdom rejected “any violation of the rights of the Palestinian people, whether through settlement, land annexation, or attempts to displace them.” Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have also rejected evictions, while the Palestinian Authority and Hamas say they wouldn’t support an evacuation of Gaza.
WASHINGTON—President Trump called for the U.S. to take long-term control of Gaza and for nearly two million Palestinian residents to permanently leave for neighboring countries, a break with decades of U.S. policy that left the idea of a Palestinian state in tatters.
“The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip,” Trump said during a press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. “I do see a long-term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East.”
The proposal, if implemented, would deeply involve the U.S. in a development project that Trump officials said earlier in the day could take 10 to 15 years. He left unaddressed how the U.S. would persuade Palestinians to voluntarily surrender their land and whether Israel would ultimately exercise sovereignty in the territory.
President Donald Trump on Tuesday proposed that the United States take a “long-term ownership position” over Gaza, moving its residents to a “good, fresh, beautiful piece of land” in another country and developing the war-torn territory under U.S. control, offering a vision of mass displacement likely to inflame sentiments in the Arab world.
Trump’s proposal, which he offered as he welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House, was likely to provoke a furious reaction from many Palestinians as well as their Arab allies in the region, since it suggested permanently removing Gaza’s 2.2 million residents from Palestinian territory and settling them outside of their land. It would also pull the United States even more deeply into the conflict by taking over territory that belongs to Palestinians.
The idea was a first indicator of Trump’s swaggering approach to the region, as he waded into a generations-old conflict with the assurance that he could resolve what years of efforts by U.S. diplomats have failed to accomplish. His proposal appeared to give little consideration to what Palestinians have said they want.
“I don’t think people should be going back to Gaza. I think that Gaza has been very unlucky for them,” Trump said. “They’ve lived like hell. They lived like you’re living in hell. Gaza is not a place for people to be living, and the only reason they want to go back, and I believe this strongly, is because they have no alternative.”
Gazan residents generally want to stay on their land. Trump did not specify where the new land for Gazans might be found, although he made his comments after repeating his desire for Egypt and Jordan to take in Gaza’s residents. Nor did he appear to grapple with the many Gazan residents who would not want to depart their home territory, nor with the practicalities of potentially forcing them to leave it.
“I do see a long-term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East,” Trump said.
Asked if U.S. troops would be deployed to take over Gaza, Trump said that “we’ll do what’s necessary. … We’ll take it over and develop it.”
No matter what contracts, agreements etc are signed or to shake hands upon, or any outside Government says they will do this or that....Gaza (former Palestine) was God given to the Israel as their land. When you have read these, go to the bottom for your end is nigh!
Numbers 34:1 - 15
1.And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan; (this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof:)
3 Then your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin along by the coast of Edom, and your south border shall be the outmost coast of the salt sea eastward:
4 And your border shall turn from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin: and the going forth thereof shall be from the south to Kadeshbarnea, and shall go on to Hazaraddar, and pass on to Azmon:
5.And the border shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it shall be at the sea.
6 And as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a border: this shall be your west border.
7 And this shall be your north border: from the great sea ye shall point out for you mount Hor:
8 From mount Hor ye shall point out your border unto the entrance of Hamath; and the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad:
Concurrent with how Christianity has stolen and misappropriated and misquotes the Torah they have done the same with the ten commandments which state thou shalt not murder.
There are rules for war and life and all of human existence in the Torah. Israel has fought the most remarkable war achieving the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in modern warfare history, it's your quotes in truth right
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
9 And the border shall go on to Ziphron, and the goings out of it shall be at Hazarenan: this shall be your north border.
10 And ye shall point out your east border from Hazarenan to Shepham:
11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward:
12 And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea: this shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about.
13 And Moses commanded the children of Israel, saying, This is the land which ye shall inherit by lot, which the LORD commanded to give unto the nine tribes, and to the half tribe:
14 For the tribe of the children of Reuben according to the house of their fathers, and the tribe of the children of Gad according to the house of their fathers, have received their inheritance; and half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance:
15 The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side Jordan near Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.
IF POTUS does this then this will also be true....Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Daniel 9:24 -27 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
(7 weeks is 7 years, midst of the week 3.5 years).
The Israel of today is not the Israel of Biblical times. The current state of Israel was created by the Rothschilds in 1948. The Zionists laying claim to Gaza and claiming they’re God’s Chosen originated as Ashkenazi, descendants of Noah’s great grandson Ashkenaz (Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6), not descended from the Messianic lineage through Noah’s son Shem. They’re converts to Judaism, not true Jews. They are not the Chosen people. They’re imposters. The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar Jews are the false Jews YHWH warns of in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9.
AND the Hebrews in Biblical history broke YHWH’s covenant through idolatry, dark arts (Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism), sacrifice to Baal, and rejection of Yahusha as Lord and Savior. YHWH’s Chosen are ALL believers in Christ; those that accept Yahshua as Lord and Savior. In Christ there is no Jew or Gentile. YHWH has protected a remnant of the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the 144,000; they will accept Yahshua as Lord and Savior and proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation.
Why would YHWH’s covenant of a promised land be temporal? His covenant is future tense, His Kingdom, the New Jerusalem prophesied in Revelation, to ALL believers in Yahshua HaMaschiach as Lord and Savior, and not of this temporal world. YHWH will destroy this world in the pouring out of His wrath and the final battle between good and evil, Armageddon, on the Mount of Meggido. Lucifer and his evil minions will be cast into the Lake of Fire.
John 18:36
Yahshua answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
True, I know of Ashkenaz and also in Revelation 2:9"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan".
Openly said, the Jews in the USA will have nothing to do with those in Israel. Do they mean all, some, or a percentage big or small. It did not say. So as in the days of old - only Lot and his wife were saved - so maybe based on that its only a small percentage.
So now we are to accept that our sitting President wants to takeover Gaza? Gaza was given to the Palestinians by Israel. Technically Gaza is still part of the Holy Land. Wonder what God thinks about someone claiming ownership of his property? Is Netanyahu onboard with this? Is Israel as a whole ok with this? You just can't dump 2 to 3 million people on someone or have we already forgotten our own border crisis. Stop the greed now. It's not time for real estate deals.
That's the zionist dogma acting like nothing happened, i believe that if you don't recognize that ,you have killed more then 100.000 humans and specially kids and women's there's something wrong about it, the way this arcon orquestraded this religion dogma by manipulating the book called the Bible and saying you're the chosen ones ,just right there its means that this god its a racist and promising a land to Abraham wich he move fron ancient babilon wich is now irán and irak ,i means people have to wake up from this lies.....
Consequences for starting a war and preparing tunnels only for your warriors instead of your citizens could have come with far more brutality than they did. Israel's civilian to combatant death ratio is the lowest ever in war history fighting an enemy with 500 miles of underground tunnels connected to an Egyptian faucet that is open. 22 Arab countries and 57 Islamic countries don't want anything to do with them and in 1970 King Hussein from Saudi arabia, the hashemite killed 30,000 or more as they started shit fucked around and found out, they were kicked out of Kuwait also, they were given Gaza and fucked it up consequences need to come hard and fast there are no Innocents in Gaza
You make it sound like !srael isn't the master of tunnels... even in NY. BTW - Does Jeffrey Epstein's (M0SSAD) (Ghislane Maxwell, abd orhers, all also M0SSAD) handiwork (and all the tunnels in HIS/their network "operation" of slavery and sex trafficking, including underground "tunnel" submarine antics) not ring a bell? Or do we ignore that because of who that particular guilty party(s) is, who they catered to/blackmailed, and what affiliatiin he (they) was a part of? Asking for a friend.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
So Trump is no longer in stealth mode fighting for humanity.
The USA and Trump ought to keep their noses out of other Sovereign nations - especially when they are FAR AWAY and not on USA borders.
This is another horrible NEOCON practice leading to further human suffering in both physical and mental. It also can lead to war.
I do not care if you are a superpower with the greatest military.
No Superpower has a right to interfere in another countries Sovereign rights.
So yes, a reasonable comment above. Trump , Kushner and war criminal Benji all in on this. This is neither honorable or good. It is high order THEFT of again, sick elites like the BUSH family, Clinton's, Obhama, and now Trump.
I am sad. I thought Trump was a good guy, but now as these under the table NEOCONpracticeds continue it suggest deep state and dark ops are alive, especially in the USA.
Why not tell Trump to take China or Russia too. So I will essentially STEAL because I can.
Greenland, Canada, Panama, Mexico are also on the USA shopping list.
We are witnessing interesting but dark and dangerous time .
Superman, where ate you?
Good LINK.. BELOW ..this was planned in secret DECADES AGO
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
I do believe the Gazans should be removed from there, because prophecy says that Israel land will ALL be returned to the Israelites. However, I don't think that's what Trump is thinking. I think he just wants that beach front property, and his son in law, Jared Kushner, wants to develop it. It's all about money.
However, God may have different ideas. He may let Trump remove the people from that land, but not let Trump develop it. He may just return the land to the Israelites. How and when that will be done remains to be seen, but God will be making the final decisions, NOT TRUMP!!!
No, they’re not. The Israelites are the descendants of Jacob. Jacob was given the name Israel by GOD after a struggle all night with a messenger from God. God was testing him. The 12 sons of Jacob are the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. That is well known. There are many who follow Christ who have nothing to do with Jacob. Some are Jews who have been led astray, but most are not. You clearly have never read the Bible for yourself. You’ve clearly just been believing the nonsense they teach you in church. Until you actually read the Bible yourself, you would be wise to not comment on it. You’re making yourself look like a fool.
Stop LARPing as a Jew as you eat your pig, brain parasites are a thing
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
The Cross and Resurrection happened. God's chosen people are those circumcised in the heart -- the believers. Read Galations and Hebrews... and recall that God scattered the tribes in the OT because they did not follow Him. The covenant was 2 sided. If/then. Israel did not adhere to their part of the deal.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
Israel is relatively small nearly the size of the state of Massachusetts. Comparing land of Israel about 10,240 Square Miles to land of Muslim nations about 5,392,668 Square Miles shows Muslims have total land area about "526 Times Larger than Israel." Therefore it's reasonable to move to Muslim nation of choice.
Furthermore National Sovereignty includes people's successful assimilation of respective National Values. Those whom resist assimilating need to move to another nation.
Lastly, records show Israel has a long history on the land of Israel dating more than 2,000 years ago. Yes Gaza is included as part of Israel and must return to Israel control for National and International safety and security.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
I'd like to see the US take control of all of Israel (including the West Bank and Gaza) then split it into two countries, Israel and Palestine based on the 1947 UN Partition Plan borders.
That will never happen. Gazan coastal real estate is very valuable. It would be ideal for condos, casinos, strip clubs, brothels and US style gay bath houses. Think of the tourism potential. In addition, the US and Israel are grasping for the Gazan gas deposits valued at an estimated $500B. They will also want to depopulate the West Bank where the Meged oil and gas field is largely situated. The value of the estimated 1.5 billion barrel field was put at $99 billion some years ago. The US under Israel's direction will want to grab that. The preferred way would probably be to do to the Palestinians what the Turks did to the Armenians. However, that would be difficult to cover up. So they need some other pretext. Causing starvation or chronic disease may be the method of choice.
I agree that the chances of that happening are slim to none.
The last sentence is sad. I don't like the idea at all. Why doesn't the US spend money on rebuilding all the disasters the Leftists have caused in our country.
We are seeing Bible Prophesy are we not???
<*}}}< John 17; Romans 8; Hebrews 11; Acts 17:11; Colossians 3:1-17; 2 Timothy 2:12; James 5; Revelation 19-22
Asking the same question.
Nope. These are NOT Palestinians and as such are NOT entitled to Israeli property. Palestine was an AraFAT social construct.
I want this article to drive good debate, not hate...
thank you Edward...
Muslims, Christians and Jews lived peacefully in Palestine before 1947 and the Balfour Declaration bring introduced. Who gave the Rothchilds the right to take away Palestine and give it to others and kill many of the people living there? It was the Rothchilds and the UN. You need to read some history please. 🇨🇦
Good point.
LOL If the people in Gaza and the West Bank aren't Palestinian, what nationality are they?
I want the debate and ask us to keep it nice and civil for we learn...thank you you all
They are the Indigenous people there, the descendants of people who have lived there for millennia. They are, quite possibly, the people most related to the ancient Israelites. Unlike those who run the apartheid state, they have no genetic connection to Europe.
Thanks, that is an excellent description. I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry from my father's side, and Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic ties to Israel at all whatsoever. European Jews aka Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Kharzas, who converted to Judaism around 700-800 AD. Considering that many of the indigenous people aka Palestinians have been living in that area for millennia, I'd say that they have more rights to the land than European Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe and New York City.
very informative here, it is important we try to discuss this rationally and civilly...this is good information and makes you credible in the debate
It would be hard to label you an "antisemite," which scoundrels often do when people tell the truth, as you do. You have very sound moral reasoning and are obviously a very decent human being.
What happened on October 7 in Israel was terrible, but Israel has a history of carrying out false flag attacks and blaming them on others. Operation Susannah, which is well documented historically is one example. Thus, some suspect that HAMAS was infiltrated by Israel intelligence who actually planned and carried out the October 7 attack.
I am reminded of the comments on another stack by someone called "Lakeshore," who intimated that he or she also had some Ashkenazi ancestry, saying that he or she really didn't understand how the events of WWII in Europe " ... gave permission for Irgun Stern and Haganah to displace 1M Palestinian Christian Muslim and non-Zionist Jews during the Nakba, of which 30-50,000 died, and then declare themselves a country, when the Balfour Declaration specially forbade this. Wouldn’t Jews have been much safer migrating to America until some deeper mutual and voluntary agreement could have been arranged with the Arab Nations? It’s not clear to me that Islamic extremism even existed as a defined phenomenon before the 1917 migration started into Palestine. Is there any room at all to ask the question to what extent the political movement known of as Zionism has contributed to bad feelings toward the Jewish people?"
some are whispering that Oct 7 was inside job exactly to arrive us at this development phase? can you wrap your head around that?
thank you for this debate, and keeping it nice and peaceful and view always is we all have opinions and does not make us bad people...we must respect opinions and go from there to unpack the issue
Thanks, and don't forget 9/11, which also seems to have been an Israeli orchestrated false flag attack. Or, the assignation of JFK, which I believe was likely orchestrated by Israeli intelligence, and carried out with the help of the Jewish mob, their friends in the Italian mob, as well as Israel supporters within the CIA/FBI. Also, J Edger Hoover was blackmailed by Jewish mob leader, Meyer Lansky. I believe he had a picture of Hoover sucking another guy's you know what. So, that could have been used to persuade Hoover to take part. I recently read the book, "The letters of JFK", and the author of that book seems to think that Israel is responsible for the assignation becuase JFK sent several letters to Israeli Prime Minister, Ben-Gurion, demanding that they stop their nuclear testing and allow for nuclear inspections. Here's a video of author talking about it.
They are Egyptians. They all hold Egyptian Passports. There is no such place as Palestine. Never was.
Before 1948 the people who lived in that region had Palestinian passports, and that land was labeled as Palestine on maps (For instance, look up the National Geographic 1947 map). While there are a small percentage of people living in Gaza who have dual Palestinian/Egyptian citizenship, the majority of them don't.
Well, at the beginning of the 20th Century, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire. And as Theodor Herzl envisioned a great war to change that, indeed the staged (hint, hint...) assassination of the Austrian crown prince by a communist, was the desired push into the great conflagration, with, by the way, the German Kaiser pleading for peace with Britain, France and his cousin the Russian Czar til the end, to no avail, and being the last of the involved European countries to mobilize the German armed forces.
So then the Balfour Declaration to Lionel Rothschild could be realized, as the Ottoman Empire lost control of Palastine to the British.
Yes, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1516 to 1917. It was called Filistin during that time. Then it became under British control from1917 to 1947. While it was under British control it was called Palestine, and people were given Palestinian passports.
How about you look at the historic maps in your Bible. There was no “Palestine” on any of them. There was a “Philistine”, but that was NOT the same people at all. The name “Palestine” was given to the land of Israel by the Romans. They hated Israel, and hated that name, so they changed it. Many who lived in Israel at that time were Jews, and they ALSO, were considered “Palestinians” after the Romans gave the land that name. Look it up.
You might want to read this. It explains a lot of it.,22410
Please note that the Philistines mixed with the Caninities, and that many of the people currently living Gaza and the West Bank have Philistine/Canaanite ancestry.
DNA investigation has shown that the people known as "Palestinians" are the only group in the world with DNA descending from remains dug up from original settlements. IOW, they're the "original Jews." Over the years, as conquerors came and went, some converted to Christianity or, more recently, Islam. The people who live in Israel today show DNA linkeage with Central Asian Caucasians-East Europeans. Netanyahu's lineage, e.g., is Polish. I referenced the sources in one of my Substacks. You can easily use a more independent search engine like Yandex to confirm my statements. I'm shocked to see some people reply in Substacks still using Google search which is heavily censored and skewed.
No, they are NOT the original Jews. They are ARABS, who yes, were Semitic. However, they were descended from ISHMAEL, NOT from Isaac. Ishmael was Abraham’s illegitimate first son, whose mother was an Egyptian. The Israelites were descended from Isaac and Jacob. There is clearly SO much you just don’t know.
Also, Joseph married an Egyptian, so his descendants have Egyptian blood in them, but they are STILL Israelites.
Ah, dear lady. Your interpretation rests solely upon history as dictated by the group who professes such "historical facts." How correct is the literature on this question? I would say, at this time in the 21st century, such "history" is rubbish. I believe scholarly writings have pointed again and again and again to the questionable origin and nature of texts called "The Old Testament" and "Bible." You have no idea who wrote them; who edited them; who excluded other pieces of literature from such volumes; indeed, you have no authenticated trail of linkage to such people. The world has changed and shifted constantly since those times, and you have no way of knowing except through your BELIEF in such literature. You are more than entitled to your belief, but that's all it is: a BELIEF which you have no right to impose on others.
Your belief is as good mine.
Peace out!
Agree. The Israel of today was created by the Rothschilds in 1948. The Zionists dba UN/WHO/WEF originated as Ashkenazi in N. Turkey then migrated to Khazaria, current day Ukraine, where they converted to Judaism in the 8 or 9c for political reasons, not religious beliefs/faith. They’re the Khazarian Mafia and increased in power as the Bolsheviks, then Rothschilds (Ashkenazi Jews) and Rockefellers (Sephardic Jews). They follow the Babylonian Talmud and practice Kabbalah (Jewish dark mysticism).
The Ashkenazi are descendants of Noah’s great grandson Ashkenaz through his son Japheth (Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6) and not of the Messianic lineage through Noah’s son Shem.
The Zionists are the false Jews, synagogue of Satan, in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9.
The other quite interesting characteristic they share is that they believe themselves quite separate from humanity. They believe themselves so far superior as to possess "the right" to herd, regulate, and govern humanity. IOW, "the divine right of kings." Of course, we look at current royalty in the limelight and see abominably genetically inferior people like Charles III. Their bloodlines are dissipating from far too much interbreeding. The only characteristic which has developed to a far superior level is the utter ruthlessness and cruelty which the Asiatic Khazars--cum European via rape/marriage to Northern Europeans--displayed so abundantly.
Writers call such people by many names such as Black Nobility; Jesuits; Merovingians; etc. These people today are reflected in the WEF Clique (technocratic oligarchs) which approaches humanity as simply too stupid to govern themselves. They nicely avoid the truth which is that their transnational corporations and thirst for power have led to the gutting and pillaging of natural assets from every country worldwide thereby depriving citizens of just development and reward for themselves. With this disparity comes pollution; destabilization of populations; famines; wars; and so forth.
I think the Rothschilds preceded the Bolsheviks. The family was known in Illuminati era Germany, before Napoleonic era. The Bolsheviks came out of the era of the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848.
What ethnicity is Benzion Neranyahu (nee Mileikowsky), Polish?
Yes the Mileikowski (Netanyahu) family are Polish. Do you happen to know what their relationship was to "Piłsudski's Colonels," the military dictatorship that governed Poland in 1939 and was attacking and harassing ethnic Germans in Silesia, East Prussia and other German areas under Polish occupation prior to Germany taking those lands back in 2939. Were the attacks on the ethnic Germans a provocation designed to trigger a response that could be used as a casus belli to start WWII? Did the Netanyahu family have any role in starting WW2? approximately 60 million people, most or many of whom were Christians, were killed in that war.
He is Jewish. Yes, his family was in Poland, but go back even further. When the Israelites were driven out of Israel into exile, a lot them went to eastern Europe and settled there. Some settled in the area of Ashkenaz, which is why they are called "Ashkenazi Jews", but they are not descended from Ashkenaz, who was descended from Noah's son, Japheth.
The problem is that so many of you have just not studied the history of the Jews way back to when GOD first renamed Jacob with the name of Israel. That's where the name for the LAND of Israel originated. That land is the HOLY land, and GOD owns it, and GOD gave it to the Jews.
Study where all the tribes went when they were exiled from their land. Then study where GOD says he will be bringing them BACK to their land, and will be reuniting ALL TWELVE of the tribes. It's all in your Bible, and many texts written over the years document this too.
You're wrong, the Palestinians have lived there for thousands of years, Netanyahu kicked them out so his ilk could live in the region. "Israel" of today was started in 1948.
No, that's not true. Israelites can be traced back over 3,500 years, to when GOD renamed Jacob with the name of "Israel". That land was already promised to Abraham BEFORE that even happened. The name Israelite is well explained in the Bible as the people of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. No other people who did not descend from those three in that order can be called Israelite by birth.
The name Palestine never even existed until just about 60 years ago. Even Jews were considered Palestinians at one point. It was ROME that gave that name to the land of Israel, because they didn't like the name Israel, who they always hated. Go read some REAL history. It's all there.
Netanyahu and his ilk are NOT Israelites, they are from Europe, Netanyahu isn't even his real last name. You really have to do reattach on this, this land was taken up in 1948, it is NOT the Israel of the Bible. Please stop saying it is, you are 100% wrong. Is your REAL history from the Schofield Bible, if so, its propaganda written by a jew who wanted to confuse the Christians, those are now zionist christians.
No. Israel goes back to the time frame of scriptures. Israel mentioned many times in the Old Testament as the home of the Jewish people.
Palestinians were also mentioned in the Bible. They were called Canaanites and Philistines in the Bible. In case you didn't notice, the word Palestine is derived from Philistine.
They are Israelis
I agree that they could be referred to as Israelis since they were born within what is considered "greater Israel", though Israel has refused to give the people of Gaza and the West Bank Israeli citizenship, and they are subjected to military law as opposed to civilian law. So, I think referring to them as Palestinian is more accurate.
A lot of people say they are citizens of Israel. "In the wake of the 1948 Palestine war, the Israeli government conferred Israeli citizenship upon all Palestinians who had remained or were not expelled. However, they were subject to discrimination by being placed under martial law until 1966, while other Israeli citizens were not."
Better check some history on that.
Actually YOU better check some history on that. There is no "Palestine", so there is no Palestinian Passport. Check out the Green Prince. His real name is Mosab Hassan Yousef. He was the son of one of the founders of Hamas. He explains how all the people in The West Bank have Jordanian citizenship, and the people in Gaza have Egyptian citizenship. There is no Palestine. There is no Palestinian government, and no official passports for those people.
You are correct. I see others here seem to be confused by the facts.
I am very interested in learning and sharing but fascinated when people share information...I find it is marvelous to be able to update your thinking based on good information shared
Who are the ultimate string-pullers?
Those who do not need to care about laws, because they control the money of countries.
Those with the greatest wad of cash to spend on politicians & foundations.
Who controls the money?
City of London (senior partner) & Federal Reserve System/Wall Street (junior partner).
Who financed BOTH sides of the Civil War, WW1, WW2/Hitler?
Rothschilds (through their agents Warburg, Koehn & Loeb, Harriman etc.)
Who funded Communism?
Rothschilds (Weishaupt, Robbespiere, Marx, Trotzky, Lenin, Stalin, Russian Oct. Revolution, USSR's industrial development through Wall Street)
Who created Israel?
Rothschilds (Balfour Declaration 1917)
Who is the left hand / right hand of the City of London / East India Corporation?
George Soros / Henry (Heinz) Kissinger
Who created the False Flag attack on Britain in Jerusalem 1946?
Israel (Menachem Begin's Irgun disguised as Arabs bombed the King David Hotel)
Who created the Lavon Affair False Flag attack on Egypt in 1954
Israel (Jews disguised as Arabs bombed American & Egyptian sites to provoke US to take sides)
Who False Flag attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 to provoke an American attack on Egypt?
Israel ( wanted to sink the Liberty with all their US sailors with Johnson's permission as an Egyptian attack)
Who financed / founded HAMAS?
Israel (see Netanyahu's speech)
Who financed Khomeini & Iranian revolution?
City of London (Rouhani studied Sharia Law in Edingburgh, best friends with Jack Straw, Rothschild strawman)
Who controls Congress?
Palestinians were mentioned in the Bible. They were called Canaanites and Philistines in the Bible. The word Palestine is derived from "Philistia," which was the ancient Greek and Roman name for the land of the Philistines.
Yes and they are the true semites thru DNA testing.
You are wrong.
Al Masri is the most common last name and it means the egyptian, Arafat was born in Egypt they're no different from any other Arabs of which there are 22.5 countries and 57 Islamic countries only two of which are functional democracies far far away from the Middle East
Arafat's parents were born in Palestine. While Al Masri is a common last name in Palestine, it is not the most common last name. The following last names are more common than Al-Masri in Gaza and the West Bank according to AI (Last names starting with Abu, like Abu-Amr, Abu-Ali, Abu-Baker, Abu-Khali, Abu-Sultan), Hamdan, and Khatib.
Your history is wrong and is nothing more than lamestream whore media propaganda. You're very mistaken about who's "land" that is. It's shameful.
1947 Map of Palestine from National Geographic
The scriptures pre dated by a long time any NG map of 1947.
Many, if not most of the Arabs in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel (aka Palestinians) are indigenous to that region, and have descendants who have lived in that region for hundred to thousands of years.
What is your source? Is it credible?
It is on ancient maps, far predating Arafat and the PLO
You are correct!
there had been a plan, I think it was mostly agreed upon, to make Jerusalem an international city under the aegis and protection of the UN
Ugh. The UN sucks and no way will that happen.
We are seeing Bible Prophesy are we not???
<*}}}< John 17; Romans 8; Hebrews 11; Acts 17:11; Colossians 3:1-17; 2 Timothy 2:12; James 5; Revelation 19-22
Trump has no respect for the Palestinian people, probably even less than people of color and working people in the US. Remember his disgustingly condescension in Puerto Rico after one of those devastating hurricanes that decimated the island? He finally showed up their and tossed paper towels at the people while their island was under water and without services. If you believe this b.s. of his, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you cheaply.
Second, who the heck is Trump or anyone else to claim ownership of another's land and decide to simply displace them to some foreign place without any history for the people. The only thing Trump is interested in is a major real estate deal for his personal profit. Trump 2 will be even worse than Trump 1 with his profiteering.
do you really mean this? "Second, who the heck is Trump or anyone else to claim ownership of another's land and decide to simply displace them to some foreign place without any history for the people. The only thing Trump is interested in is a major real estate deal for his personal profit. Trump 2 will be even worse than Trump 1 with his profiteering."
I have to agree with Tanya on this one. I believe Trump and his cohorts just want to develop that land for themselves. However, God may have other plans.
thank you Margaret for your honesty and balance
I like your invocation of God
I like Trump too. However,I also, like you do, have great respect for Margaret and Tanya even though we don't see eye to eye on every issue. I have to disagree with Tanya and Margaret that: "The only thing Trump is interested in is a major real estate deal for his personal profit." He's also interested in the Gazan gas and oil reserves and no doubt also those under the West Bank. He's also interested in doing whatever Bibi instructs him to do at home and abroad. Up to a point. Bibi only injected the Israelis with the Trump-Malone mRNA shot. Trump, acting out of altruism, may also inject the Palestinians, given that the shot is beautiful and has saved 100s of millions of lives.
again, your sarcasm is both educational and funny and real and troubling
Kushner is already invested in developing the "beachfront" property in Gaza, and !srael wants their resources. Curious to see if the bounty confiscated from the indigenous people of Palestine (who've been there a couple thousand years) will be divided between the U S and !srael or will be !srael's alone, given that Adelson gave Trump $100 million to "secure" !srael's "interest" in the region. Guess the US D S is gonna do what they've always done -- continue to topple g0vts and displace people for their own interests.
I do not think this is possible that it will happen
Poland is a mess, we better take that over, too....
How does God feel about apartheid countries?
Trump is just a money chasing schlub.....a simpleton
Believe it or don't: God anointed Trump. To me it is 100% certain. I have my reasons. And time will tell. As future proves past.
Another way of looking at it is if he succeeds he strengthens the US economy, avoids WW3 and stabilizes the Middle East, which has been cauldron of violence at least since 1947.
"Second, who the heck is Trump or anyone else to claim ownership of another's land and decide to simply displace them to some foreign place without any history for the people. "
Hey, lay off Donnie......beezness is beezness.
Looks to me like Trump dismantling the DS will he take on the Rothchild cult next or has that been done? ...who are the sabbatean-frankists? From Mark Ceylon.
'The dark underbelly of the humanitarian beast' USAID
subscriber: Linda Shannon
Linda’s Substack
True, and great that it is now dampened.
What is going on with GAZA however?
How can America take sides and force people out?
And what happened to the mRNA AI factories in Texas?
Why aren’t we talking about this?
I agree
is USA taking sides?
AMMAN, Jordan — European countries joined Arab nations Wednesday in rebuking a shock announcement by United States President Donald Trump that he wants to take control over Gaza and forcibly displace its inhabitants to neighboring countries including Jordan and Egypt.
Trump’s remarks that the U.S. should “own” Gaza and turn it from a “demolition site” into the “Riviera of the Middle East,” sparked immediate blowback from Palestinian officials, their regional allies around the Middle East and key European capitals.
Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, said that the proposal to move the Palestinians out was “unacceptable” and against international law; in France, a government spokesperson said Paris is “fully opposed to the displacement of populations” and called Trump’s proposal “dangerous” for regional stability; and in the U.K., Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Palestinians “must be allowed home” to rebuild.
The Arab world is likely to reject Trump’s proposal, though initial responses were muted because it was the middle of the night there when the news conference happened. Late on Tuesday, the Saudi foreign ministry said the kingdom rejected “any violation of the rights of the Palestinian people, whether through settlement, land annexation, or attempts to displace them.” Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have also rejected evictions, while the Palestinian Authority and Hamas say they wouldn’t support an evacuation of Gaza.
WASHINGTON—President Trump called for the U.S. to take long-term control of Gaza and for nearly two million Palestinian residents to permanently leave for neighboring countries, a break with decades of U.S. policy that left the idea of a Palestinian state in tatters.
“The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip,” Trump said during a press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. “I do see a long-term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East.”
The proposal, if implemented, would deeply involve the U.S. in a development project that Trump officials said earlier in the day could take 10 to 15 years. He left unaddressed how the U.S. would persuade Palestinians to voluntarily surrender their land and whether Israel would ultimately exercise sovereignty in the territory.
President Donald Trump on Tuesday proposed that the United States take a “long-term ownership position” over Gaza, moving its residents to a “good, fresh, beautiful piece of land” in another country and developing the war-torn territory under U.S. control, offering a vision of mass displacement likely to inflame sentiments in the Arab world.
Trump proposes U.S. ‘take over’ Gaza, permanent displacement of residents
Trump’s proposal, which he offered as he welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House, was likely to provoke a furious reaction from many Palestinians as well as their Arab allies in the region, since it suggested permanently removing Gaza’s 2.2 million residents from Palestinian territory and settling them outside of their land. It would also pull the United States even more deeply into the conflict by taking over territory that belongs to Palestinians.
The idea was a first indicator of Trump’s swaggering approach to the region, as he waded into a generations-old conflict with the assurance that he could resolve what years of efforts by U.S. diplomats have failed to accomplish. His proposal appeared to give little consideration to what Palestinians have said they want.
“I don’t think people should be going back to Gaza. I think that Gaza has been very unlucky for them,” Trump said. “They’ve lived like hell. They lived like you’re living in hell. Gaza is not a place for people to be living, and the only reason they want to go back, and I believe this strongly, is because they have no alternative.”
Gazan residents generally want to stay on their land. Trump did not specify where the new land for Gazans might be found, although he made his comments after repeating his desire for Egypt and Jordan to take in Gaza’s residents. Nor did he appear to grapple with the many Gazan residents who would not want to depart their home territory, nor with the practicalities of potentially forcing them to leave it.
“I do see a long-term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East,” Trump said.
Asked if U.S. troops would be deployed to take over Gaza, Trump said that “we’ll do what’s necessary. … We’ll take it over and develop it.”
Netanyahu said that he was open to the idea.
“He sees a different future for that piece of land,” Netanyahu said of Trump’s proposal for the United States to take over Gaza.
No matter what contracts, agreements etc are signed or to shake hands upon, or any outside Government says they will do this or that....Gaza (former Palestine) was God given to the Israel as their land. When you have read these, go to the bottom for your end is nigh!
Numbers 34:1 - 15
1.And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan; (this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof:)
3 Then your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin along by the coast of Edom, and your south border shall be the outmost coast of the salt sea eastward:
4 And your border shall turn from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin: and the going forth thereof shall be from the south to Kadeshbarnea, and shall go on to Hazaraddar, and pass on to Azmon:
5.And the border shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it shall be at the sea.
6 And as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a border: this shall be your west border.
7 And this shall be your north border: from the great sea ye shall point out for you mount Hor:
8 From mount Hor ye shall point out your border unto the entrance of Hamath; and the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad:
I believe God also said "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not steal".
Concurrent with how Christianity has stolen and misappropriated and misquotes the Torah they have done the same with the ten commandments which state thou shalt not murder.
There are rules for war and life and all of human existence in the Torah. Israel has fought the most remarkable war achieving the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in modern warfare history, it's your quotes in truth right
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
He did but that applies to us not God. The Land of Sodom and Gomorrah, the idolatry of worshipping the Golden Calf Exodus 32:28.
9 And the border shall go on to Ziphron, and the goings out of it shall be at Hazarenan: this shall be your north border.
10 And ye shall point out your east border from Hazarenan to Shepham:
11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward:
12 And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea: this shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about.
13 And Moses commanded the children of Israel, saying, This is the land which ye shall inherit by lot, which the LORD commanded to give unto the nine tribes, and to the half tribe:
14 For the tribe of the children of Reuben according to the house of their fathers, and the tribe of the children of Gad according to the house of their fathers, have received their inheritance; and half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance:
15 The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on this side Jordan near Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.
IF POTUS does this then this will also be true....Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Daniel 9:24 -27 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
(7 weeks is 7 years, midst of the week 3.5 years).
The Israel of today is not the Israel of Biblical times. The current state of Israel was created by the Rothschilds in 1948. The Zionists laying claim to Gaza and claiming they’re God’s Chosen originated as Ashkenazi, descendants of Noah’s great grandson Ashkenaz (Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6), not descended from the Messianic lineage through Noah’s son Shem. They’re converts to Judaism, not true Jews. They are not the Chosen people. They’re imposters. The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar Jews are the false Jews YHWH warns of in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9.
AND the Hebrews in Biblical history broke YHWH’s covenant through idolatry, dark arts (Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism), sacrifice to Baal, and rejection of Yahusha as Lord and Savior. YHWH’s Chosen are ALL believers in Christ; those that accept Yahshua as Lord and Savior. In Christ there is no Jew or Gentile. YHWH has protected a remnant of the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the 144,000; they will accept Yahshua as Lord and Savior and proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation.
Why would YHWH’s covenant of a promised land be temporal? His covenant is future tense, His Kingdom, the New Jerusalem prophesied in Revelation, to ALL believers in Yahshua HaMaschiach as Lord and Savior, and not of this temporal world. YHWH will destroy this world in the pouring out of His wrath and the final battle between good and evil, Armageddon, on the Mount of Meggido. Lucifer and his evil minions will be cast into the Lake of Fire.
John 18:36
Yahshua answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
All glory to Yahshua, Lord and Savior.
True, I know of Ashkenaz and also in Revelation 2:9"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan".
Openly said, the Jews in the USA will have nothing to do with those in Israel. Do they mean all, some, or a percentage big or small. It did not say. So as in the days of old - only Lot and his wife were saved - so maybe based on that its only a small percentage.
And then read John 8:44, Christ's words.
There is a very well-known term for this: Ethnic Cleansing.
Unless Trump is talking about moving the Palestinians out of Gaza and back to the lands that were stolen from them?
"There is a very well-known term for this: Ethnic Cleansing."
So now we are to accept that our sitting President wants to takeover Gaza? Gaza was given to the Palestinians by Israel. Technically Gaza is still part of the Holy Land. Wonder what God thinks about someone claiming ownership of his property? Is Netanyahu onboard with this? Is Israel as a whole ok with this? You just can't dump 2 to 3 million people on someone or have we already forgotten our own border crisis. Stop the greed now. It's not time for real estate deals.
That's the zionist dogma acting like nothing happened, i believe that if you don't recognize that ,you have killed more then 100.000 humans and specially kids and women's there's something wrong about it, the way this arcon orquestraded this religion dogma by manipulating the book called the Bible and saying you're the chosen ones ,just right there its means that this god its a racist and promising a land to Abraham wich he move fron ancient babilon wich is now irán and irak ,i means people have to wake up from this lies.....
Consequences for starting a war and preparing tunnels only for your warriors instead of your citizens could have come with far more brutality than they did. Israel's civilian to combatant death ratio is the lowest ever in war history fighting an enemy with 500 miles of underground tunnels connected to an Egyptian faucet that is open. 22 Arab countries and 57 Islamic countries don't want anything to do with them and in 1970 King Hussein from Saudi arabia, the hashemite killed 30,000 or more as they started shit fucked around and found out, they were kicked out of Kuwait also, they were given Gaza and fucked it up consequences need to come hard and fast there are no Innocents in Gaza
You make it sound like !srael isn't the master of tunnels... even in NY. BTW - Does Jeffrey Epstein's (M0SSAD) (Ghislane Maxwell, abd orhers, all also M0SSAD) handiwork (and all the tunnels in HIS/their network "operation" of slavery and sex trafficking, including underground "tunnel" submarine antics) not ring a bell? Or do we ignore that because of who that particular guilty party(s) is, who they catered to/blackmailed, and what affiliatiin he (they) was a part of? Asking for a friend.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
"here are no Innocents in Gaza"
I guess you got brainwashed HARD
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
You have no say in what God does or thinks. You can put out all the delusional and hateful stuff you want, but GOD will be making the final decisions.
So Trump is no longer in stealth mode fighting for humanity.
The USA and Trump ought to keep their noses out of other Sovereign nations - especially when they are FAR AWAY and not on USA borders.
This is another horrible NEOCON practice leading to further human suffering in both physical and mental. It also can lead to war.
I do not care if you are a superpower with the greatest military.
No Superpower has a right to interfere in another countries Sovereign rights.
So yes, a reasonable comment above. Trump , Kushner and war criminal Benji all in on this. This is neither honorable or good. It is high order THEFT of again, sick elites like the BUSH family, Clinton's, Obhama, and now Trump.
I am sad. I thought Trump was a good guy, but now as these under the table NEOCONpracticeds continue it suggest deep state and dark ops are alive, especially in the USA.
Why not tell Trump to take China or Russia too. So I will essentially STEAL because I can.
Greenland, Canada, Panama, Mexico are also on the USA shopping list.
We are witnessing interesting but dark and dangerous time .
Superman, where ate you?
Good LINK.. BELOW ..this was planned in secret DECADES AGO
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
I do believe the Gazans should be removed from there, because prophecy says that Israel land will ALL be returned to the Israelites. However, I don't think that's what Trump is thinking. I think he just wants that beach front property, and his son in law, Jared Kushner, wants to develop it. It's all about money.
However, God may have different ideas. He may let Trump remove the people from that land, but not let Trump develop it. He may just return the land to the Israelites. How and when that will be done remains to be seen, but God will be making the final decisions, NOT TRUMP!!!
"Isrealites" are those who follow Christ, not those who had Him crucified. Be careful of your interpretation.
No, they’re not. The Israelites are the descendants of Jacob. Jacob was given the name Israel by GOD after a struggle all night with a messenger from God. God was testing him. The 12 sons of Jacob are the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. That is well known. There are many who follow Christ who have nothing to do with Jacob. Some are Jews who have been led astray, but most are not. You clearly have never read the Bible for yourself. You’ve clearly just been believing the nonsense they teach you in church. Until you actually read the Bible yourself, you would be wise to not comment on it. You’re making yourself look like a fool.
Stop LARPing as a Jew as you eat your pig, brain parasites are a thing
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
The Cross and Resurrection happened. God's chosen people are those circumcised in the heart -- the believers. Read Galations and Hebrews... and recall that God scattered the tribes in the OT because they did not follow Him. The covenant was 2 sided. If/then. Israel did not adhere to their part of the deal.
Rabbi Tovia Singer has insight for you
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014
Israel is relatively small nearly the size of the state of Massachusetts. Comparing land of Israel about 10,240 Square Miles to land of Muslim nations about 5,392,668 Square Miles shows Muslims have total land area about "526 Times Larger than Israel." Therefore it's reasonable to move to Muslim nation of choice.
Furthermore National Sovereignty includes people's successful assimilation of respective National Values. Those whom resist assimilating need to move to another nation.
Lastly, records show Israel has a long history on the land of Israel dating more than 2,000 years ago. Yes Gaza is included as part of Israel and must return to Israel control for National and International safety and security.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014