6th century medieval barbarians, must be put down, use our 2nd once life threatened, 95% of terrorists like this beast held at Canada border, 100% have valid Canada papers, Bataclan is booked!
Ouch! Paul, you gotta start upping your batting average buddy!
This false flag "Muslim Terror" meme is otherwise going to negatively impact your work on Kovid.
You got off to a bad start with Germany's incident last month...
which I pointed out to you at the time turned out to be AN ANTI-MUSLIM apostate Saudi Arabian who spent his 'spare time'(when not planning depradation?}'counselling'/encouraging muslims thinking of leaving the faith. oops.
We have a long string of dupe patsies with obvious 'mind control' elements in their story - going back to Sirhan and RFK Sr - the list of muzzie 'bommas' is sure to contain some actual freak wahabists nutjobs with too much mullah-foolah fellowship to blame, BUT caution would be advised with horrendous 'productions' like Bataclan... where the same Francois Molins you quote has entered into his testimony at the inquest the following:
"Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives. According to a witness, the testicles of a victim were cut off, but no findings have corroborated it." oopsy.
With all due respect, if you post another German(truck)incident and leave off the year(2016)when you write December... that just looks bad bud. That's breibart shit.
Ninety or so died, there was a whole lot of survivors, NONE of whom came forwards with claims about knives or 'barbarism' on Nov 13, a masonic black friday. What we DO KNOW is that the venue was sold by Israeli owners Pascal and Joel Laloux, on Sept 11, 2015, 2 months before the attack.
Too much on the line with your work here, to indulge in muzzie-baiting the less grounded of your audience. Stick to the Facts, keep your powder dry big guy!
'A government committee heard from a leading investigator that police officers vomited after seeing a number of the victims disfigured bodies after ISIS killers reportedly gouged their eyes out and castrated some of them.'
Mr TP said: “Bodies have not been presented to the families because there were people beheaded, slaughtered people, people who have been eviscerated. There are women who have taken stabs at the genitals.
“While we fixed a terrorist to the emergency door, another was doing all these things upstairs.”
Committee chief President Georges Fenech said the authorities have given out conflicting information on whether victims were show or blown up.
“On the causes of the death of my son A at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled.
"a government committee" discredited - "leading investigator" discredited - "police officer" discredited - "ISIS killers" cia/mossad/nato likely (most of the time) that is how it is Paul , yes the above are in on it - most of the public events follow this - but i would say only "some" but VERY FEW are actual organic "muslim terrorist"
Nope, one guy in uniform came out of the building, told another one (who did not know him) what somebody inside had told him. I'll go over the official transcript of the nvestigation with you line by line if you wish. I'm not backing off one bit.
but Last, here you say: which I pointed out to you at the time turned out to be AN ANTI-MUSLIM apostate Saudi Arabian who spent his 'spare time'(when not planning depradation?}'counselling'/encouraging muslims thinking of leaving the faith. oops.
who is to say you are right and I am wrong? who is to say what you think as false flag is real? in that case. who is to say he was anti islamist terror? the guy was Saudi Arabian of islamic faith...no matter what and how you spin it, makes it other than what it was...go tell the 13 who died at Ft Hood what you are telling me here.
'With all due respect, if you post another German(truck)incident and leave off the year(2016)when you write December... that just looks bad bud. That's breibart shit.'
I said 'remember this'...for a reason, I want you to go back and read it and you did. and yes it was 2015 or 2016 etc. same thing homie. you are seeming to be apologizing for these devastating act. I am so happy you have the freedom to do so and on this sight.
but you are wrong...what took place in the photo is Bataclan and they tortured the people killed. you read on site that supports the barbarity on westerners and assume that is fact? go tell that to the 135 dead from Bataclan. Its amazing...80 killed by that dog in Nice and you are apologizing for him...any dog who does that, white, black, pink, islamic, hindu, jew, christian etc. must be put down. my view is law and order and I call it as it is...we are under attack...period.
I know what I am talking about and covid is done, the part of covid we are still onto is stopping any new fake avian non pandemic encroachment on freedoms and any of the fraud deadly Malone Bancel Bourla Pfizer et al. mRNA death shots. but the floor is open to all topics...I suggest when you get your own site you write what you want.
I am not wrong, and I'm 'apologizing' for no one. You are starting to lose it sir. It would be better to back up and start over with this one. "You" are under attack, and the attack appears to be of an internal rather than external nature.
Well, for starters, the government in Germany was to say what was the guys orientation... and IF YOU think that an apostate Arab with a grudge AGAINST islam is good enough to go with as a slamdunk to make your story work...
then there's not just a hole in your narrative, but a chasm in your quality standards squire.
I did not know that about the venue owners. Fascinating. But Europe and the UK are strange. That, according to some, psychopath, Churchill in the UK, responsible ultimately for over 60 million deaths, mostly of Christians, because of his unnecessary intervention over West Prussia and Ciechanow, Upper Silesia, Poznan, part of Lodz and the city of Danzig, had his family concerned that he was going to convert to Islam. That's particularly remarkable in that he was by some accounts Jewish on his mother's side and once said of the Jewish people " ...no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race that has ever appeared in the world." America's greatest general, General Patton, praised the nobility of the German people reportedIy said that we had defeated the wong enemy. I realize the current hysteria is over muslims, whom I have no time for, and that muslims are the focus of this stack, but I wonder if it ever concerned Churchill that nearly 60 million Christians were slaughtered. I doubt it. Christians are expendable.
'America's greatest general, General Patton, praised the nobility of the German people reportedIy said that we had defeated the wong enemy. I realize the current hysteria is over muslims, whom I have no time for, and that muslims are the focus of this stack, but I wonder if it ever concerned Churchill that nearly 60 million Christians were slaughtered. I doubt it. Christians are expendable.'
muslims are not the focus, radical islamism is going to be reported when it occurs. all forms of terror and harm on innocents. from christians, jews, hindus, islamists, anyone who takes life...
According to the Qur'an they are "the most vile creatures". Those who do not wage Jihad. "Decent" Muslims are those who do not follow the teachings of the Qur'an.
You sound like you have spent a lot of time studying your Qur'an, Duane. I take it you're a Wahabbist.mSufis discourage or forbid studying the Quran's exegesis or reflecting on its verses.
Isn’t this interesting? As Trump approaches his Presidency, we’re getting all these Muslim terrorist acts in the United States. The government of Syria has recently been removed from power. According to the information General Wesley Clark got from the Pentagon days after 911, the United States intended on taking out 7 Middle East Arab countries in 5 years. All of them have been taken out since then with the exception of Iran. Trump appears to be a Zionist supporter by the simple fact that he accepted a 100 million-dollar Super PAC Presidential campaign donation from Miriam Adelson, one of the richest Zionists in Israel. There are various other indications from the past to indicate his loyalty to the Zionist cause as well. I’m wondering if all this Muslim “terrorism” that we’re seeing in the United States are a false flag inspired prelude for what’s to come, the invasion of Iran. They are so terrified that Iran will develop nukes and use them to destroy Israel, bullshit dreamt up by Zionist, neo-con, right-wing think tank lobby groups. It has no basis in reality. 911 was the catalyst for the invasion and destabilization of a multitude of countries in the Middle East. There is only one more to go. Who benefits from this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE
I have seen this interview: "According to the information General Wesley Clark got from the Pentagon days after 911, the United States intended on taking out 7 Middle East Arab countries in 5 years. "
It is time that the western world face the fact that jihadist/Islamists are enemies of civilization, and have to be captured and isolated from society. They are vicious enemies of pluralistic culture and it is nonsensical to pretend that they can be invited to be part of a community of faith groups.
it is important what you said 'jihadist/Islamists'...I have many hard working decent muslim colleagues, associates, etc. good people, law abiding. it is important we distinguish radicalization from mainstream good people. It is different. akin to how in any peoples, ethnicities, religions, there are sick twisted extremists. the issue is not to learn more but to ensure people who seek to kill you do not live among you, whomever they are
It's peculiar however that the Qur'an mandates Jihad, murder, torture, rape as acts of "mainstream good Muslims" , the Qur'an doesn't consider this violence as radical, or twisted extremist. Yet we all know peaceful and productive Muslims. They, however are far removed from what their holy book demands that they do.
The Torah mandates these things too. I realize you spend a lot of time in your mosque studying the Qur'an but I'm sure you are aware that Sufi moslems don't take these verses literally.
We can talk all night about Muslim fundamentalists, lone wolf jihadis, on and on. Bottom line? The Russians, the Kremlin, the KGB, now FSB, have promoted and aided, and trained these folks for decades! Especially in acts of terrorism. Plane hijackings back when I was a kid were just the start….
What the Russians learned under Lenin, Communists realized they could “weaponize” Islam as an ally.
“The communist century was one of lies, violence, and killing. Terrorism,
in particular, has been an important tool for communists to spread their ideology around the world.”
And speaking to the Muslim Brotherhood, Sayyid Qutb has been given credit as the Marx of Islamic extremism.
Yasser Arafat (PLO) was an agent of the Soviet intelligence service. Mahmoud Abbas speaks fluent Russian as a result of his KGB training at Patrice Lumumba University (renamed People’s Friendship University after 1991). A lot of these Mideast leaders were schooled in Moscow, including terrorism…something the Soviets have practiced for decades. Even the Ayatollah’s were schooled by the Commies via Moscow.
Author Craig Winn wanted to know the motivation behind the 9/11 attacks. He read and dissected the Qur'an and the Sira the Hadith. He interviewed Muslims. He then wrote, Muhammad, Prophet of Doom. Here is a little tidbit. "The Qur'an condemns all non' Muslims-Christians and Jews, as well as those who worship many Gods and no Gods. It is an equal opportunity hater. It's attitude toward unbelieving infidels is overwhelmingly hostile. The Qur'an was written to justify some of the most ungodly behavior the world has ever known. The simple truth is : good Muslims are bad people. Islam makes them that way. Allah calls bad Muslims hypocrites, and "the most vile creatures" because they are unwilling to fight. Allah says hell's hottest fires await them who refuse to wage Jihad. There have been Muslims who tried to reform Islam, to really change Islam into a religion of "peace". They completely fail every time. Islam is a prehistoric death cult, it should have no place what so ever in our world. Maybe in time to come it will vanish, but since they brainwash every child from birth to be Muslim, it will be difficult to get rid of this perversion and cult of murderers, rapists, torturers.
There was a truck attack in Toronto a couple years ago. On Young St. White pickup...ran up on sidewalk, killed several and injured people as well. But, that's Canada, I think the driver made some excuse and got off charges. In the end I think trudope bought him a new truck!!!!!
regarding your previous question about the Navy Seal.
Increasingly, NONE of us KNOW what's "true" or untrue. Given the concentrated ownership of ALL channels of communication now... it is possible to seal off information hermetically from 'leaking' - and indeed they are now working on deleting the past record of facts as well(the wayback machine takedown 2 months ago.)
What we CAN say is that it's eminently possible that he was indeed 'on duty' and performing at the behest of elements of the "intelligence community" with a long history of successfully programming soldiers to 'accomplish' missions which they then entirely 'forget' after the fact - be it assassinations or what have you.
"Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional
Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo
NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance...Dr.
Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many nations,
revealed how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins.
He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for
commando-type operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies
worldwide. He described the men who went through his program as "hit men and
assassins" who could kill on command."
You can be sure that the guy in NV was programmed to do whatever he did. The technology utilized goes right back to use in Nam. (Can't find the damn book right now)
oh... and "After his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut]was?] disappeared." What a surprise.
I take it you were referring to my earlier post about Master Sgt. Matthew Livelsberger. The information you have presented is very interesting. I did not know any of this. All I knew was from the reports in the MSM that this terrorist was a highly decorated Active Duty Army Special Forces soldier, and the claims that he was MAGA.
Ouch! Paul, you gotta start upping your batting average buddy!
This false flag "Muslim Terror" meme is otherwise going to negatively impact your work on Kovid.
You got off to a bad start with Germany's incident last month...
which I pointed out to you at the time turned out to be AN ANTI-MUSLIM apostate Saudi Arabian who spent his 'spare time'(when not planning depradation?}'counselling'/encouraging muslims thinking of leaving the faith. oops.
We have a long string of dupe patsies with obvious 'mind control' elements in their story - going back to Sirhan and RFK Sr - the list of muzzie 'bommas' is sure to contain some actual freak wahabists nutjobs with too much mullah-foolah fellowship to blame, BUT caution would be advised with horrendous 'productions' like Bataclan... where the same Francois Molins you quote has entered into his testimony at the inquest the following:
"Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives. According to a witness, the testicles of a victim were cut off, but no findings have corroborated it." oopsy.
With all due respect, if you post another German(truck)incident and leave off the year(2016)when you write December... that just looks bad bud. That's breibart shit.
Ninety or so died, there was a whole lot of survivors, NONE of whom came forwards with claims about knives or 'barbarism' on Nov 13, a masonic black friday. What we DO KNOW is that the venue was sold by Israeli owners Pascal and Joel Laloux, on Sept 11, 2015, 2 months before the attack.
Too much on the line with your work here, to indulge in muzzie-baiting the less grounded of your audience. Stick to the Facts, keep your powder dry big guy!
'A government committee heard from a leading investigator that police officers vomited after seeing a number of the victims disfigured bodies after ISIS killers reportedly gouged their eyes out and castrated some of them.'
The committee heard some of the male victims were castrated with their genitals put in their mouths.
Women were stabbed in the genitals and sexually tortured and others were disemboweled, the committee heard.
Mr TP said: “Bodies have not been presented to the families because there were people beheaded, slaughtered people, people who have been eviscerated. There are women who have taken stabs at the genitals.
“While we fixed a terrorist to the emergency door, another was doing all these things upstairs.”
Committee chief President Georges Fenech said the authorities have given out conflicting information on whether victims were show or blown up.
“On the causes of the death of my son A at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled.
"a government committee" discredited - "leading investigator" discredited - "police officer" discredited - "ISIS killers" cia/mossad/nato likely (most of the time) that is how it is Paul , yes the above are in on it - most of the public events follow this - but i would say only "some" but VERY FEW are actual organic "muslim terrorist"
hhhmmm, very interesting, thank you for informing, it is important
Nope, one guy in uniform came out of the building, told another one (who did not know him) what somebody inside had told him. I'll go over the official transcript of the nvestigation with you line by line if you wish. I'm not backing off one bit.
but Last, here you say: which I pointed out to you at the time turned out to be AN ANTI-MUSLIM apostate Saudi Arabian who spent his 'spare time'(when not planning depradation?}'counselling'/encouraging muslims thinking of leaving the faith. oops.
who is to say you are right and I am wrong? who is to say what you think as false flag is real? in that case. who is to say he was anti islamist terror? the guy was Saudi Arabian of islamic faith...no matter what and how you spin it, makes it other than what it was...go tell the 13 who died at Ft Hood what you are telling me here.
'With all due respect, if you post another German(truck)incident and leave off the year(2016)when you write December... that just looks bad bud. That's breibart shit.'
I said 'remember this'...for a reason, I want you to go back and read it and you did. and yes it was 2015 or 2016 etc. same thing homie. you are seeming to be apologizing for these devastating act. I am so happy you have the freedom to do so and on this sight.
but you are wrong...what took place in the photo is Bataclan and they tortured the people killed. you read on site that supports the barbarity on westerners and assume that is fact? go tell that to the 135 dead from Bataclan. Its amazing...80 killed by that dog in Nice and you are apologizing for him...any dog who does that, white, black, pink, islamic, hindu, jew, christian etc. must be put down. my view is law and order and I call it as it is...we are under attack...period.
I know what I am talking about and covid is done, the part of covid we are still onto is stopping any new fake avian non pandemic encroachment on freedoms and any of the fraud deadly Malone Bancel Bourla Pfizer et al. mRNA death shots. but the floor is open to all topics...I suggest when you get your own site you write what you want.
I am not wrong, and I'm 'apologizing' for no one. You are starting to lose it sir. It would be better to back up and start over with this one. "You" are under attack, and the attack appears to be of an internal rather than external nature.
Well, for starters, the government in Germany was to say what was the guys orientation... and IF YOU think that an apostate Arab with a grudge AGAINST islam is good enough to go with as a slamdunk to make your story work...
then there's not just a hole in your narrative, but a chasm in your quality standards squire.
'NONE of us KNOW what's "true" or untrue.'
All that's "true" is what Minitrue says is true, hence the wayback machine takedown.
It's the Bataclan, Vegas, New Orleans, Iceland, or the Philippines, or Hastings
Or, or this place
You'll find a god in every golden cloister.
And if you're lucky, then the god's a she.
One night in DC and the tough guys tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel the Devil walking next to me
very nice...
this I believe: "'NONE of us KNOW what's "true" or untrue.'"
I also think that there is MK Ultra acting among us too.
I am open to that in many if these
Big time ~ MK Ultra in a frosty glass
They raise horses?
I did not know that about the venue owners. Fascinating. But Europe and the UK are strange. That, according to some, psychopath, Churchill in the UK, responsible ultimately for over 60 million deaths, mostly of Christians, because of his unnecessary intervention over West Prussia and Ciechanow, Upper Silesia, Poznan, part of Lodz and the city of Danzig, had his family concerned that he was going to convert to Islam. That's particularly remarkable in that he was by some accounts Jewish on his mother's side and once said of the Jewish people " ...no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race that has ever appeared in the world." America's greatest general, General Patton, praised the nobility of the German people reportedIy said that we had defeated the wong enemy. I realize the current hysteria is over muslims, whom I have no time for, and that muslims are the focus of this stack, but I wonder if it ever concerned Churchill that nearly 60 million Christians were slaughtered. I doubt it. Christians are expendable.
great statement here ANW:
'America's greatest general, General Patton, praised the nobility of the German people reportedIy said that we had defeated the wong enemy. I realize the current hysteria is over muslims, whom I have no time for, and that muslims are the focus of this stack, but I wonder if it ever concerned Churchill that nearly 60 million Christians were slaughtered. I doubt it. Christians are expendable.'
muslims are not the focus, radical islamism is going to be reported when it occurs. all forms of terror and harm on innocents. from christians, jews, hindus, islamists, anyone who takes life...
I have nothing against decent muslims like Mike Tyson or Mohammed Ali's family.
According to the Qur'an they are "the most vile creatures". Those who do not wage Jihad. "Decent" Muslims are those who do not follow the teachings of the Qur'an.
You sound like you have spent a lot of time studying your Qur'an, Duane. I take it you're a Wahabbist.mSufis discourage or forbid studying the Quran's exegesis or reflecting on its verses.
Isn’t this interesting? As Trump approaches his Presidency, we’re getting all these Muslim terrorist acts in the United States. The government of Syria has recently been removed from power. According to the information General Wesley Clark got from the Pentagon days after 911, the United States intended on taking out 7 Middle East Arab countries in 5 years. All of them have been taken out since then with the exception of Iran. Trump appears to be a Zionist supporter by the simple fact that he accepted a 100 million-dollar Super PAC Presidential campaign donation from Miriam Adelson, one of the richest Zionists in Israel. There are various other indications from the past to indicate his loyalty to the Zionist cause as well. I’m wondering if all this Muslim “terrorism” that we’re seeing in the United States are a false flag inspired prelude for what’s to come, the invasion of Iran. They are so terrified that Iran will develop nukes and use them to destroy Israel, bullshit dreamt up by Zionist, neo-con, right-wing think tank lobby groups. It has no basis in reality. 911 was the catalyst for the invasion and destabilization of a multitude of countries in the Middle East. There is only one more to go. Who benefits from this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE
I have seen this interview: "According to the information General Wesley Clark got from the Pentagon days after 911, the United States intended on taking out 7 Middle East Arab countries in 5 years. "
Paul....I am not an islamaphobic by any means...but...I believe they have been planted in every country to destroy and kill people at random !!!
"Kill the infidel wherevery you find them." That's Jihad, and the reward for Jihad is rape, including 72 virgins in Heaven. What a religion!
It is time that the western world face the fact that jihadist/Islamists are enemies of civilization, and have to be captured and isolated from society. They are vicious enemies of pluralistic culture and it is nonsensical to pretend that they can be invited to be part of a community of faith groups.
it is important what you said 'jihadist/Islamists'...I have many hard working decent muslim colleagues, associates, etc. good people, law abiding. it is important we distinguish radicalization from mainstream good people. It is different. akin to how in any peoples, ethnicities, religions, there are sick twisted extremists. the issue is not to learn more but to ensure people who seek to kill you do not live among you, whomever they are
It's peculiar however that the Qur'an mandates Jihad, murder, torture, rape as acts of "mainstream good Muslims" , the Qur'an doesn't consider this violence as radical, or twisted extremist. Yet we all know peaceful and productive Muslims. They, however are far removed from what their holy book demands that they do.
The Torah mandates these things too. I realize you spend a lot of time in your mosque studying the Qur'an but I'm sure you are aware that Sufi moslems don't take these verses literally.
Then the Sufi must disregard 90% of their Qur'an
We can talk all night about Muslim fundamentalists, lone wolf jihadis, on and on. Bottom line? The Russians, the Kremlin, the KGB, now FSB, have promoted and aided, and trained these folks for decades! Especially in acts of terrorism. Plane hijackings back when I was a kid were just the start….
What the Russians learned under Lenin, Communists realized they could “weaponize” Islam as an ally.
“The communist century was one of lies, violence, and killing. Terrorism,
in particular, has been an important tool for communists to spread their ideology around the world.”
And speaking to the Muslim Brotherhood, Sayyid Qutb has been given credit as the Marx of Islamic extremism.
Yasser Arafat (PLO) was an agent of the Soviet intelligence service. Mahmoud Abbas speaks fluent Russian as a result of his KGB training at Patrice Lumumba University (renamed People’s Friendship University after 1991). A lot of these Mideast leaders were schooled in Moscow, including terrorism…something the Soviets have practiced for decades. Even the Ayatollah’s were schooled by the Commies via Moscow.
This is a good discussion regarding Muslims by Bridgett Gabriel
Author Craig Winn wanted to know the motivation behind the 9/11 attacks. He read and dissected the Qur'an and the Sira the Hadith. He interviewed Muslims. He then wrote, Muhammad, Prophet of Doom. Here is a little tidbit. "The Qur'an condemns all non' Muslims-Christians and Jews, as well as those who worship many Gods and no Gods. It is an equal opportunity hater. It's attitude toward unbelieving infidels is overwhelmingly hostile. The Qur'an was written to justify some of the most ungodly behavior the world has ever known. The simple truth is : good Muslims are bad people. Islam makes them that way. Allah calls bad Muslims hypocrites, and "the most vile creatures" because they are unwilling to fight. Allah says hell's hottest fires await them who refuse to wage Jihad. There have been Muslims who tried to reform Islam, to really change Islam into a religion of "peace". They completely fail every time. Islam is a prehistoric death cult, it should have no place what so ever in our world. Maybe in time to come it will vanish, but since they brainwash every child from birth to be Muslim, it will be difficult to get rid of this perversion and cult of murderers, rapists, torturers.
Chances the Nice France terrorist Attacker was CIA/Mossad/Nato is extremely high
"It used to be that we worried about truck bombs. Now we have to worry about trucks used as weapons."
can trucks drive themselves? i believe the answer to that is generally no....
most trucks on the road today can't....
but what about the tucks that can?
There was a truck attack in Toronto a couple years ago. On Young St. White pickup...ran up on sidewalk, killed several and injured people as well. But, that's Canada, I think the driver made some excuse and got off charges. In the end I think trudope bought him a new truck!!!!!
he was an islamist...everything about him...his defense tried to say he had sexual issues.
How could we forget? It's interesting when reading the history of US Presidents going way back to note that so many were Muslim lovers.
very important observation
regarding your previous question about the Navy Seal.
Increasingly, NONE of us KNOW what's "true" or untrue. Given the concentrated ownership of ALL channels of communication now... it is possible to seal off information hermetically from 'leaking' - and indeed they are now working on deleting the past record of facts as well(the wayback machine takedown 2 months ago.)
What we CAN say is that it's eminently possible that he was indeed 'on duty' and performing at the behest of elements of the "intelligence community" with a long history of successfully programming soldiers to 'accomplish' missions which they then entirely 'forget' after the fact - be it assassinations or what have you.
"Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional
Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo
NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance...Dr.
Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many nations,
revealed how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins.
He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for
commando-type operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies
worldwide. He described the men who went through his program as "hit men and
assassins" who could kill on command."
You can be sure that the guy in NV was programmed to do whatever he did. The technology utilized goes right back to use in Nam. (Can't find the damn book right now)
oh... and "After his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut]was?] disappeared." What a surprise.
I take it you were referring to my earlier post about Master Sgt. Matthew Livelsberger. The information you have presented is very interesting. I did not know any of this. All I knew was from the reports in the MSM that this terrorist was a highly decorated Active Duty Army Special Forces soldier, and the claims that he was MAGA.
"Mind- blowing" documentation of the extent and sophistication of US military mind control techniques operational in the 60/70/s.
Casey burned all the files. Only this testament survives.
They say Bowart regretted he ever wrote the book.
That's what happens when you tell the truth.
I'll see if I can source it from an online library.
Not surprised about Browart.
Telling the truth .eads you to zoom 101.
Speaking of mind control in the 60/70/s, Iread some intriguing things some time ago about how Manson and Tex Watson were programmed.
Autistic patsies program well too.
You'll not be surprised about this:
I thought only Carter