Remember this muslim islamist jihadist Mohamed lahouaiej-bouhlel in Nice, France who killed 80 people with a large truck? 2016, remember that beast, 80 people, large truck, they are here in US, these
6th century medieval barbarians, must be put down, use our 2nd once life threatened, 95% of terrorists like this beast held at Canada border, 100% have valid Canada papers, Bataclan is booked!
It used to be that we worried about truck bombs. Now we have to worry about trucks used as weapons.
The tactic has been adopted by jihadist terrorists in the West, including in the United States, but fortunately the lethality of these attacks had been relatively low – until July’s attack in Nice that killed at least 84.
In December, 12 people were killed when a tractor-trailor plowed into a crowd at a Berlin Christmas market, in an act that ISIS claimed it inspired.
Also in 2014, there were two such car attacks in France in the cities of Nantes and Dijon, though the motives of the attackers, one of whom shouted “Allah Akbar!” after one of the attacks, are murky. In both cases the assailants had long histories of mental illness,according to the BBC.
This is a way bigger threat than you realize, you must understand your 2nd amendment is key now…remember Bataclan France…
Here we have blurred the disemboweled bodies of patrons in Bataclan France. The 11 Syrian islamist jihadists stabbed women in their vaginas, sliced up their genitals, cut off men’s balls and stuffed into their mouths, disemboweled people alive and let intestines spill out onto the floor, gouged out eyes with knives and I warn, it is in USA, it is booked, Obama, Biden, Harris, Bush, Republicans did this…Democrats did this across the years.
Trump must seal Northern and Southern borders and mass deport all. Go after all.
Ouch! Paul, you gotta start upping your batting average buddy!
This false flag "Muslim Terror" meme is otherwise going to negatively impact your work on Kovid.
You got off to a bad start with Germany's incident last month...
which I pointed out to you at the time turned out to be AN ANTI-MUSLIM apostate Saudi Arabian who spent his 'spare time'(when not planning depradation?}'counselling'/encouraging muslims thinking of leaving the faith. oops.
We have a long string of dupe patsies with obvious 'mind control' elements in their story - going back to Sirhan and RFK Sr - the list of muzzie 'bommas' is sure to contain some actual freak wahabists nutjobs with too much mullah-foolah fellowship to blame, BUT caution would be advised with horrendous 'productions' like Bataclan... where the same Francois Molins you quote has entered into his testimony at the inquest the following:
"Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives. According to a witness, the testicles of a victim were cut off, but no findings have corroborated it." oopsy.
With all due respect, if you post another German(truck)incident and leave off the year(2016)when you write December... that just looks bad bud. That's breibart shit.
Ninety or so died, there was a whole lot of survivors, NONE of whom came forwards with claims about knives or 'barbarism' on Nov 13, a masonic black friday. What we DO KNOW is that the venue was sold by Israeli owners Pascal and Joel Laloux, on Sept 11, 2015, 2 months before the attack.
Too much on the line with your work here, to indulge in muzzie-baiting the less grounded of your audience. Stick to the Facts, keep your powder dry big guy!
Isn’t this interesting? As Trump approaches his Presidency, we’re getting all these Muslim terrorist acts in the United States. The government of Syria has recently been removed from power. According to the information General Wesley Clark got from the Pentagon days after 911, the United States intended on taking out 7 Middle East Arab countries in 5 years. All of them have been taken out since then with the exception of Iran. Trump appears to be a Zionist supporter by the simple fact that he accepted a 100 million-dollar Super PAC Presidential campaign donation from Miriam Adelson, one of the richest Zionists in Israel. There are various other indications from the past to indicate his loyalty to the Zionist cause as well. I’m wondering if all this Muslim “terrorism” that we’re seeing in the United States are a false flag inspired prelude for what’s to come, the invasion of Iran. They are so terrified that Iran will develop nukes and use them to destroy Israel, bullshit dreamt up by Zionist, neo-con, right-wing think tank lobby groups. It has no basis in reality. 911 was the catalyst for the invasion and destabilization of a multitude of countries in the Middle East. There is only one more to go. Who benefits from this?