'Rep. Clyburn Says Kamala Harris’s Unpopularity is Due to Racism and Misogyny (VIDEO)'; I say what is wrong with him? she polled zero in the democrat primary, not even democrats wanted her! she is
just plain dumb public sees it; can't hide it; embarassingly so; she is worse than dumb, she is stupid & Biden knew why he put her there (insurance), no one would 25th him as she would DOOM democrats
It is not racism, is he insane? She is a catastrophe, no one wants her. Except Willie Brown.
You would be more enthused and excited listening to grass grow than to VP Madame Giggles.
He’s despicable just like her, they’re character is on full display, their pigment is irrelevant.
Clyburn should be investigated. He takes lots of Big Pharma money and that is why he used his color to get other people of his color to vote for Biden not Bernie. At the time, Bernie sincerely wanted to cut Big Pharma prices and Big Pharma would never allow that. Clyburn sold his own people down the river to benefit himself personally while using his color to do so. Selling out your own is the worst. I hope the people can see through him this time.