'Republicans Raise Terror Alarm After Illegal Immigrants Caught With Explosive Devices'; as I have said before, close the American borders (Southern for sure) for 10 years, stop all of this illegal
entry, no SANE nation allows millions of unvetted military-aged males into their nation & females with no understanding of who they are & where they go in America; Biden INVADED America! why? to harm?
Republican senators have sounded the alarm on the Biden administration's border policies after Border Patrol agents caught illegal border crossers who were carrying explosive devices that Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said were "tailor-made for terrorism."
Mr. Barrasso, who is the Senate Republican Conference Chairman, made the startling revelation at a press conference on Oct. 31, alongside Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.), following their recent visit to the U.S.–Mexico border.
The senators said that over 8 million illegal border crossings have taken place under President Joe Biden's watch, while asserting that explosive devices found on some border crossers in recent days represent an elevated risk of terror acts against the homeland.
"We have just returned from our southern border, and it is painfully clear that with Joe Biden's open border policy, our country is really at an increased threat for a terrorist attack," Mr. Barrasso said at Tuesday's press conference.
Several days ago, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents seized illegal immigrants carrying with them improvised explosive devices that Mr. Barrasso said were the "size of cannonballs" and were "tailor-made for terrorism."''
But the terror threat has been on the rise for some time. Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a terror alert, saying that the United States is in a "heightened threat environment," citing in part individuals with links to foreign terrorist organizations who may target schools, government facilities, or critical infrastructure.
Explosive devices found? Wonder if biden provided these terrorists with them to assist in his agenda to destroy the US from within. After all, being a paid client of the CCP, his minders use asymmetrical warfare as their MO for taking down the USA.
I only see war declared on working and middle class USA by all sitting govts, especially since 9/11.
Seeing that charity begins at home, I cannot see how the father of the house can declare war on his very own family.
This is madness.
The hungry and starving illegals from central and Latin America are only looking for a better life. I doubt they want to kill American citizens.
We have the same problem here in South Africa with foreign Africans and illegals coming in mainly from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Congo, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia and Angola, because SA is like the USA of Africa in relative terms.
The only thing is, in SA these individuals are usually better educated, work exceptionally hard and with zero complaints - mainly in the service industries - and do not cause any trouble.
However, poor and working class South Africans want them all dead, because they take lots of jobs, and now and again there are some brutal and horrific incidences of zenophobic violence by South Africans against these individuals.
It's really a sad world fighting over scraps lower down on the food chain.
But to take out the middle class as a calculated move by all western govts - simply becuase the middle classes collectively have the clout, the education, the resources and the acumen, is malevolent.
The uber class of the likes of captains of industry like ex-South African fake piece of shit conman, Elon Musk; Mr injection micro-cock Gates; Fuckerberg; Bezos; and all the big Kahunas in finance, media, pharma, entertainment, and their respective hangers-on western politicians, really want to go back to some feudal system that will just benefit themelves.
I cannot understand how the middle classes in the west take it in the arse and do nothing about it, except post comments and get side-tracked by far-away issues, such as disputes in the middle east.
I suppose by posting this comment, I am doing the very same.
However, I live in the 3rd world and my govt does not want to kill me.
It welcomes my contribution to society.
My currency might be worth shit in USD or EURO or Pound Sterling, but it still pays the bills here in SA.
Maybe you want to send those Mexicans on a boat to SA. If they are hard-working and entrepreneurial and no trouble, then they have a future here.