Robert (Bobby) Kennedy Jr. gained stripes today, credibility when he stated para "Biden is biggest threat to America's democracy"; Big stones to do that Bobby, hat tip for you! & Brownstone, will you
now apologize to Dr. Peter Breggin/Ginger Breggin? Brownstone refused to allow Breggin to publish (CENSORED him) because took side of Malone when he sued Breggin for 25$ million
and now that the judge has essentially ruled against Malone, then will Brownstone leadership now apologize to Dr. Breggin and allow him to publish there? He met the publishing standard and inclusion, I was there when he did. Brownstone touts itself as a free-censorship rag, well if it does not permit Breggin to publish, then it can take that ‘free-censorship’ label and shove it, that is a lie! It censors based on who it ‘likes’ or who it deems can benefit it more…that it would think Malone could benefit it more than Breggin? Does Brownstone know who Peter Breggin, his wife Ginger, are to Freedom Fighting in America? The world? You let a snake-oil salesman confuse you? A carnival barker?
that’s the sordid secret (open as it is) of COVID, COVID is and was a pimping money-whoring establishment, the Freedom Fighting aspect, for many decided to use it to enrich and they got drunk and fattened up on free donor money and cannot get off of it. Free money too sweet. Most involved, it is never about the poor hurt people, never was. It is about money for them. Your money.
So, I am demanding that Brownstone and I call on Jeff Tucker to do the right thing and permit Breggin to re-submit his paper and you damn well allow him to publish and you allow him part of Brownstone, I am not now or ever will be interested in Brownstone. Ship has sailed, it has lost me as an author. I do not think Breggin even wants to be part of your censoring rag, but this is for decency now.
But to clean up your mistake Brownstone, you reverse that bias and censorship against Dr. Breggin for you stuck your head up Malone’s ass for money (or so you thought) and you lost. You chose the wrong side, and it happens. We move on. OK.
The judge said you chose the wrong side. Now gain back some respect and do the right thing by Breggin. And while at it, openly apologize to the Breggins for your biased stance else I will continue to write and place your rag historically as it should be placed, in media and on the internet forever, as the biased censoring rag it is, playing favorites. You publish who you ‘like’ and that is a form of censorship. Brownstone was formed as a censor-free rag, and it is not. If it is, then show it now with Breggin.
You made a bad mistake Jeff so now fix it. It is not too late. If you refuse to reverse course, you all use media to raise money and get fame, then I will write about this issue as long as it remains unresolved, and I will mention it each time on stage that I could exactly as it occurred. What Brownstone did Dr. Breggin was flat wrong!
Bobby Kennedy Jr. hat tip for you, the man with the biggest stones of the day, basically writing off his party, persona non grata…I hope he now feels what Donaldus Magnus Trumpos feels standing up and out against the tide, cutting against the grain…it can be an exhilarating feeling:
hhhmmm, gives me an idea, I may put out an award each day of the one person with the biggest stones for the day and the person with the smallest stones for the day…hhhmmm
March 2020 Lockdown I had a friend’s wife who’s a nurse say I hope this is over by October because we’ve got a cruise booked! I just shook my head and said, are you kidding? They’re going to milk this for all it’s worth. This entire event is political. Every day is Christmas for those on the right side of covid. They’re going to milk this for years. Virtually none of my “smart” friends believed me at the time. Back then the same nurse told my wife that her husband (me) “thinks everything’s political.” Four years later now that all avenues legal and otherwise are mostly exhausted most of the dead wrong smart people feign amnesia and change the subject. If pressed they make excuses saying things like “covid was new and nobody knew how to deal with it.” Fucking lemmings miss EVERYTHING.
Jeff Tucker has been doing a soft push back against Trump now for a year+, if people follow Jeff's Twitter (X). He was stirring the pot for anybody but Trump in the primary. He comes across as one of those old NRO guys nowadays.