Robert Kennedy Jr. struggles politically as Trump surges & Harris with ZERO (0) delegates, seeks to step into Biden's void; Is Kennedy Jr. backing Trump? Maybe! Trump must be
open to Kennedy Jr. having a position in his administration for Kennedy Jr. is more qualified than most typical political appointees; Kennedy Jr. brings lots to the table & loves USA & flag
Word is Kennedy Jr. is cancelling multiple campaign events; is this true? Can someone verify? Is he pivoting to back Trump?
Here is my opinion on this.
Kennedy Jr. can add to the debate, wants to serve, and I believe while I do not support politically, is a good man, a good American, will serve strong and do good by America. Trump must be open to this and in my own way, I will work behind the scenes to promote Robert. I think he is exceptional, just as a democrat and liberal, not my cup of tea. I think one area he lacks is his VP having airtime and yes, they, the putrid media, have shut Kennedy and Nicole Shanahan out but they should do more interviews to showcase themselves.
That said, Kennedy Jr. would make a great addition to any administration and today, based on what is needed, will be wonderful to the Trump administration. I have interviewed with Kennedy Jr., stood on stage with him in rallies, met with him and spoke with him. He is a good man. IMO more decent than most of the crooks in congress both sides. I hope 45 gives this serious consideration. If Ms. Shanahan seeks to serve in a Trump administration, I would if I were 45, seriously consider her strengths and where she is best suited to help USA…only consider people who can be value added and can help…no dead wood. I do not think she is. I think she brings value.
One and possibly only area I would agree with Kennedy and Shanahan is in the area of medical informed consent and abolishing all forced/ coerced vaccinations. Compensation for all people injured or killed by vaccine injury - paid for by taxes on big pharma. Maybe they can stop all the corruption at CDC, NIH, FDA which are literally killing millions of Americans. Kick out Fauci and the rest of corrupt bums. Stop ALL pharma funding of these agencies - what a massive conflict of interest. Talk about kicking a hornet’s nest. Never happen but fun to dream.
I think a window opened for him but he took too long to decide and Vance stepped into the void that RFK jr could have filled. Now I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to have to be at the helm of the USS USA with the chaos the oligarch’s have planned, and while it will work out in the end, the process might be inhumanly overwhelming?