Russell Brand, Minute 8, you will hear in a few short words what this involvement in the Ukraine-Russia war is really all about, from the lips of corrupto-crat himself, Mitch McConnell, none other
IT'S STARTING; Russell is cueing you in to the fact this all of this, all of the US tax money into the pockets of Zelensky etc. is for what he gives back in return, delivering his people to slaughter
Cold, hard American interests. That's what this is about. And enriching Washington DC klepto-crats while at it. I would call them ‘high-crime bandits’, worse than the $5.00 common petty thief.
I love Russell Brand. I am not sure how he gets to stay on You Tube but he tells it 'right'.
“BBC is the Virus” – At Least 6 BBC Buildings Across UK Covered with Photos of People Who Died from COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)