SAGE H: "The Not a Movement and Team Ball Hopium This Stack is simply not for everybody and is not part of a movement. It is more an independent mystery of the Giant Historic Psy Op site. I lament
that Substack forms tribes but here we are." "They prepared you for this moment and they led you into a theater. And it’s the same every time. You just move the Hero from one fake side to the other"
Once again, excellent work by SH as they help sensitize us to the corruption and propaganda of all things COVID. I echo SAGE. I share this stack for I found actually numbing; it is critical you share this and full credit to SAGE HANA:
‘Your "resistance" includes people who pushed lockdowns and continues to wax poetic about beautiful “technology”(Bret Weinstein), pushed the beautiful technology shots (Dr. Jay Bhattacharya), pushed masks, presymptomatic transmission superspreader mythology which opens the door for contact tracing and surveillance of healthy people, war with a virus fear porn, and Hospital Murder Didn't Happen placation (Dr. Pierre Kory).
At some point (now) you may want to grapple with who comprises your Not a Movement. And maybe stop worrying about teams and clock exactly how we got where we are.
You have another wing of the Not a Movement that will not say DOD.
But this is all we've ever known, so enjoy another Color Revolution masterfully executed and wake up in four more years and wonder what happened again?
I thought brains were broken a year ago.
Now we have a whole new wave of broken brains.
Littered Broken Brain Freeway.
About 18-mos. ago the Kumbayas were saying we did it!
What did we do?
They got the shots in. They got the shots in.
They are still going with MORE PANDEMICS and the need for MORE COUNTERMEASURES.
Saw some Stack with 109,000 that is going after Anthony Fauci anew.
We ran through this with Real Anthony Fauci and Bobby Kennedy immediately kumbaya-ed it out after writing that book and getting in bed with Bob Malone.
Check out my top post. I’m not going to link it.
This is going to melt your brains if you do not sharpen up your ability to track actual metrics and agendas and do not stop looking for the Ghost in the Machine to ride in on a Lusitano…you too will suffer a broken brain.
Whether I am here or not!
Whether I am here or not!
There are others who will keep going.
I’m not in a Not a Movement.
Some in the Not a Movement do frequent this joint. Cool.
Some do find it useful to examine their premises about what hebbbened.
Spoiler! We don’t all agree.
If I asked you why you wish to give some a pass and not others and asked ten other people I’d get ten different answers.
It’s Hopium.
Nothing else.
The people who run this Rock understand how you roll.
They prepared you for this moment and they led you into a theater.
And it’s the same every time.
You just move the Hero from one fake side to the other and one proxy logic to the other.
“Who are the Goodies?”
Every time.
They are all Goodies.
Nobody did anything or participated in the Operation.
Nobody furthered its agendas.
Go back to sleep.
You simply do not have to be here.’
Tribal warfare? I trust nothing and don't want to be a part of any tribe, cult or movement. Those are all easily infiltrated whereas my own personal being cannot be.
People who have put themselves forth as authority figures and "thought leaders" (I hate that expression) of the so-called medical freedom movement should explain their reversals on the lockdowns and the masks and the jabs. Some of them may have already done so. Some may have done so many times. I don't know nor do I have the inclination to waste valuable time trying to find out.
Kory. has some 'splaining to do about his mask positions. Weinstein has some 'spraining to do about this lockdown positions. I think many on this side of the divide give too much credit to medical doctors and scientists. I have a lot of experience with both and their egos seldom align with their actual intelligence and abilities. Seldom are they humble and, perhaps, that is necessary given the responsibilities.
We should never outsource our medical care or our critical thinking to other people.
And that goes for people in this space.