The COVID vaccines IMO are a bioweapon, 2 stage, and are deadly, and must not be used especially on healthy children. I believe should have never been brought and must be stopped NOW! Entirely. I do not support anyone who espouses for these vaccines. Any of them. mRNA technology by Malone, Weissman, Kariko etc. have been harmful and in the lipid based p…
I have heard Dr. Drew advocate for the Vaccines for the elderly, as recently as a month ago. Dr Denis Rancourt has shown that is the elderly who are at most risk of dying from the COVID 19 vaccines, that excess death rate rises exponentially with age in the vaccinated.
I would not put Dr Drew on a trusted list. anyone who still thinks the mRNA platform is a good one is also not to be trusted. If you transfect a cell to make a foreign protein, the body's immune system will kill that cell. The LNP's will not stay in the deltoid, especially if there is an inadvertent intravascular injection. They go to the heart, and cause myocarditis. They go to the endothelium and cause clots and sudden death. They go to ovaries and impair fertility.
NO mRNA for ANYONE, until and unless a PARTICULAR iteration of it can be shown by long term study with placebo, to be both safe, and effective. Any trial must be open to public scrutiny.