SAGE HANA'S excellent substack below & basically writes what I have been saying & others like Couey & SAGE'S voice has been critical to crystalize the fraud; we are here still because of free money,
free donor money & people cannot get off the teets so thus why the summits and the projects and groups for they were insignificant NOBODYs before & cannot go back to it, no one cared who they were
SAGE wrote this in substack below, my words in bold italiced below each sentence:
"We did not have a pandemic.
Correct, it was a 100% fraud lie, none of COVID was true, it was never a pandemic, not even an emergency (we cannot point to a pandemic in 100 years), it was a lie, manufactured using a fraud over-cycled PCR process (95% false-positive) and lie of asymptomatic spread, to achieve many dark deeds, one being to topple Trump and it did…they chose him…if he was not POTUS, they were waiting for someone like him to come along who would have fallen for it…for the OWS bullshit lies…he was the one! They knew his personality, his ego, that he would jump at ‘curing’ COVID with a 15 year vaccine brought in 4 months and lockdowns…but know this, he was against lockdowns fully so something happened…something happened in 2 days. early 2020. something.
We did have some poisonings, probs with multiple vectors.
Correct, we have been saying and gratitude to Couey, that this was near likely a fraud manufactured fake non-pandemic based on multiple source release of something (infectious clone theory seems real) that caused respiratory symptoms, ILI, especially in our high-risk elderly…something was out there…I argue it was out there since 2015…and the world was immune…these fuckers used the fraud PCR process to pretend to you, to detect something they knew was always circulating because they put it there (intentionally or not); you tested positive when you were not…they shut down the world with a lie PCR positive finding.
We did have widespread hospital murder and widespread fraudulent data.
Yes, most died, I argue 95% not from any entity that caused severe respiratory symptoms in high-risk persons, but most died due to the denial of hospital treatment when all beds were designated as COVID beds, due to the effects of the lockdowns and school closures, due to denial of needed antibiotics, due to the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine, and 90% MOST died due to the the medical treatment, COVID protocol, most died due to the isolation, dehydration, DNR orders, denial of antibiotics, fear, malnourichment as no one would feed granny in the hospital as they kept her locked away, no family could visit or even bury her as she began to die, died due to the sedatives like propofol, midazolam, diamorphine etc. that further suppressed respiration, Remdesiver that was kidney and liver toxic, and the ventilator that blew holes in her lungs. Yes, all the research and data linked to COVID is bogus and fraudulent. All of the COVID studies, especially the vaccine studies.
We did have a selected crew to front a fake resistance.
Yes, and many I know and I am so dissapointed. Many of them cannot even understand they are working with the malfeasants in Tier I and many Tier II have become Tier I, it is the lure of money and you threatening it…yes, they are part of the problem and the reason this Op will not end now.
So what do we do now?
Whatever they say, I've NOT read it all, I believe after researching "Covid" since day one that there IS more to it than PCR amplified "virus". We are 100% looking at a bioweapon here. There is graphine tech involved, enough to get Dr Adreas Noak murdered for revealing the details.
There's tech in these jabs that is far beyond our comprehension and knowledge. Anyone who is guiding us away from these "theories" is NOT on our side. Like the 9/11 "truth" groups lead us AWAY from the actual truth, the Covid psyops are the same. Of course it was lab made, of course it was released intentionally and of course its killing millions and will continue to do so. If you don't believe this then you've fallen for the limited hangout, psyop, dissinformationist shills, of which there are many. Let's be clear here, and if I spund like a lunatic to "normies" I don't give one hoot. The Rulers of our world, whatever label and of whom you think they are, HAVE to stop the "awakening" as another psyop calls it. The CAN NOT have us waken up, because it would be game over for them and the shitty system which controls us now and which will control us in the future. China style. As we've seen, the closer we get the more "weapons" they deploy. If masses of us get really close, as we are, they'll simply wipe us out. Oh, they've started. Exactly.
Like 99% of the population don't know that 9/11 was carried out with Directed Energy Weapons, the same amount don't know the true nature of Covid. You're fixating on the tiny completely irrelevant details when the big picture is the true crime. Distraction, distraction.
Is this intentional or ignorance, the people need to decide. Its a minefield, and most people do not look at the whole field, merely the tiny are they are in...
As for Trump, if anyone tells you he's the savior they're again, either ignorant or complicit. Which is it? Hes another mere puppet of the giant machine trying to wipe out dissent and a few million useless eaters.
It's quite simple, we're doomed to a life of social credit and complete surveillance or we're wiped out.
Nice choice is eh!!!