SASHA LATYPOVA again on Malone & what she is really saying here is that Robert Malone is dumb inept incompetent DOLT who tries to make people think he is smart when he is an idiot! Sasha is correct!
All he has is 'connections', so he says, I worked for WHO, Canadian Gov etc., most are inept frauds, so as Sasha says para 'Malone confuses connections with expertise & he HAS NONE'! Malone doesn’t
have it…no expertise…not in epidemiology, immunology, virology, vaccinology, even basic public health…Rochelle Walensky and Mandy Cohen and Ashish Jha have more than he and they have NONE! even combined! Malone makes Cohen blush and she is as bright as a box of rocks.
Sasha Latypova on Malone:
‘I think he sincerely misunderstands what it means to be an expert. An expert is someone who has knowledge and experience of the subject matter. Robert Malone doesn’t have it. What he does have is connections. That’s valuable for many reasons, mostly for his economic benefit, but he mistakes this for having knowledge independent of the well placed connections.’
it’s important you understand what Sasha is saying and what I have pointed out many times, and others e.g. Colpo etc., that besides Malone being a fraud con artist who worked to get into your pants and not for your genitals I might add but for your money, is that he is basically incompetent, he lacks expertise and the trouble is he nor the idiots around him understand that…drunk on getting donor money so brains addled…I clearly did see his fraud…this is why he MUST read from a phone of prepared statements or computer screen and only take interviews from ‘friends of Bob’ …he is on par with quasi-senile Biden as to technical depth.
I think even when Sasha says he does not have any technical merit and skills and expertise, but he has connections, she is wrong…he has none…no connections…he calls people by first names to make you think they are tight…usual trick…he drops names…I worked in the Trump administration and in OWS, I saw and knew every single main person, all, and every single name out there was involved etc. I never knew of Malone until I left Trump administration.
He is a NOBODY in the vaccine world or mRNA world…he is ‘somebody in his mind’ and Kariko (who he threatened openly see The Atlantic story) told you this…he creates an image of himself that never existed, and he embellished his work on mRNA when many others did do the work. Not he.
But DEL Bigtree fell for the Malone con, EPOCH did, CHD did, Bobby Kennedy Jr. did, Jeff Tucker Brownstone did, so much so Tucker screwed Breggin over for this fraud and still today will not admit it or do the right thing. Yes, it’s your rag Jeff, but you were wrong, admit it, and be decent. No, do not give me any stipend, and no, I will never work with you again at Brownstone. Malone is a fraud. Breggin is a true patriot and even if you do not want him in your rag, at least tell him and wife Ginger sorry for the slight and the disdain over a con artist. You chose the wrong side. The judge ruling gave you an off-ramp Jeff…time to take it.
I am serious and Sasha hits it out of the park…yet this dufus Malone conned you to giving him money (and has lackies with heads up his ass) thinking he had something to offer…e.g. EPOCH as an example, head up his ass interview after interview and even Jan now is embarrassing himself, yet Malone plays with them for it is either they can’t understand they are stupid or can’t see he is playing them for he is stupid. This guy was a bench pipetting worker, that’s it…he conned you into ‘I am the father of COVID mRNA vaccine’ and when it did not fly ‘mRNA technology’ and when that did not fly, ‘oh, Moderna and Pfizer adulterated it’ and then hid out in the Freedom Movement…all to get fame and money…problem is, people DIED…he was silent on core issues…he has blood on his hands…him and his lackies who defend this fraud. Running around suing and threatening good people like Dr. Peter Breggin, Jane Ruby etc…McCullough et al. Hating so many because we asked simple questions.
Here is Sasha Latypova’s recent sharing on substack, this lady is brave, bold, brilliant and I will back her up anytime, support her please, if Malone moves to sue her, I will stand with her…I will help her:
See Sasha here:
‘I think he sincerely misunderstands what it means to be an expert. An expert is someone who has knowledge and experience of the subject matter. Robert Malone doesn’t have it. What he does have is connections. That’s valuable for many reasons, mostly for his economic benefit, but he mistakes this for having knowledge independent of the well placed connections.’
Malone on VSRF May 2 (May 3rd 2 am in Europe). (
The time to complain over the internet is over. We already have enough evidence that vaccines are a crime against humanity. We need to hold the people accountable for all the innocent lives that died. And that includes Trump.
Covid' has brought heroes to the top. Sasha, Katharine, Reid, yourself and others dave