Security I have when I go to give talks against mRNA shots in public due to death threats, this is Toronto, these men around me, 5 were immediate in circle, the guy in red hat came up to shake my hand
notice soldier behind me, these people, men and women were fired & laid off by Trudeau, many are/were snipers for Canadian military, police, best people & they for FREE, protected me; I owe them!
Types of crowd reaction wherever I went, and people just wanted to say hello and thank me, and I extend to all my warriors in the fight, for us standing up for them against the brutal government in US and Canada, I waged both sides as have legal residency citizenship both sides:
I am filming as we entered Ottawa when I marched just behind soldier veteran James Topp who stood against the vaccine mandates, one of the heroes of mine, best people…
Tens of thousands await to see James and I and team…all in green were soldiers who were fired by Trudeau and were protecting for FREE, they just wanted to do this for us who were waging the fight, amazing people…I am taking photos here:
I remain so very privileged, honored, blessed to be a Canadian citizen…to have the opportunity to serve Canadians and Americans…the stories break your heart for most were people telling me how my words and interviews helped them stand down the mRNA vaccine and gave none to their kids and just wanted to see me in real and say thank you…many weep and make me weep…and how I/we saved their lives…leaves one speechless…all we do, not just me (people like Shoemaker, Trozzi, McCullough, Risch, Thorp, Tenenbaum, Vliet, Ladapo, Bobby Jr etc.) is report the science and ask people to think critically first, against the madness of their governments and elected and unelected people:
Some of those vaxxers out there are coincidence theory whack jobs Paul. I remember a study showing that those who railed against "conspiracy theorists" were pretty messed up, authoritarian, full of hatred for any one who challenged the status quo, which today means anyone who is not in love with the shots. And even when they're well meaning, you have to be careful they don't shed on you. Thank you for the good work you do.
Thank you for sharing all these photos, the people there were blessed to have you on their side. Just as we are now.
The war continues.