Talk about people who need the death penalty - Mayorkas is one.

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After his treason is proven at a trial of course.

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God will take care of him in time.

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If we outlive their malfeasance.

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This Country has gone to hell in a handbasket.!!

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Satan is upon us and demons have entered the souls of many. These people in DC are demons and we must read and do ……

Read.- 2Chronicles 7: 14

DO WHAT IT SAYS. SAVE AMERICA for the Children……

If you have never read the truth or been taught, believe me; there is a Hell, and many are going there after they face Almighty God, who they do not believe in. “ It is written”. Each person will die and face God.

I look forward to Heaven, and I’m so grateful to my Lord that I’ll never meet up with or hear the names Bill Gates, Clinton’s , Fauci, Schwab, Soros, Obama, Biden, Myorkas, Shumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the evil narcissist that lie and spit in the face of the Almighty God of the universe. I hope they like eternal heat in the Lake of Fire…. It is not smart, and it is dangerous to think yourself to be Almighty God.

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I thought I heard RFK Jr say that after his father’s assassination a law was passed stating all presidential candidates get protection. So this act is illegal. This is as if setting one up for assassination. Mayorkas is a traitor and should be hung. Oops. I said that on Instagram and got banned.

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Your post didn't actually explain why protection was denied unless I missed it. I believe they just want him spending his limited funds on his own protection.

The ironic thing is RFK. Jr. will take far more votes away from Trump than Biden (not that Biden is actually going to be the candidate - he won't be). RFK Jr is to Trump what Ross Perot was to GHW Bush. Obviously, Bush's threats to Perot came too late to stop the damage and Clinton won.

So if the Harris.Newsome - Newsome-Harris campaign were smart, they would put a lot of money behind RFK Jr. but they won't. Smart is not something anyone has seen in the belt way in over 200 years.

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I said I dont know...you did not miss it..I said maybe there is some formula that warrants it...I dont know...its very interesting if they denied out of malice.

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something like this I said: If the rule (& I may stand corrected) is to give presidential candidates Secret Service protection (maybe leading candidates?) then why deny Bobby Jr.? They want Trump killed & now Bobby Jr.?

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I think that if they gave him secret service protection, it would legitimize his candidacy in the public's eyes. They don't want that. They know that IF he were on the primary ballots he would beat Biden. The Dems already rigged their convention against RFK, Jr. They want total control of who they eventually choose to replace Biden on the ticket.

I don't see RFK Jr. being on the ballot as a third party candidate in Nov. Even if he were, he would take far more votes from Biden ( or other Dem ) than he would from Trump. Trump's MAGA base has no intention of voting for JFK Jr.

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Malice is all they know. These folks are no longer humans. Their souls have been sold to Satan. They are demons . It is scary, but God states hundreds of times in the Bible,

“ Do not fear” because God always wins . Those who “love and worship Him” will never die. They leave Earth to go home to be with God. 🙏. I am overcome with gratefulness every day.

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Well, when no other logical explanation arises…. Of course they’ll take him out. DJT, too. They know there is no political opposition. They know they own the governors, mayors & cops & media. They helped burn down cities & murder cops in 2020. They’re destroying food processing plants now. They stole an election. They cratered the financial system in 2008. You think they’d not whack Bobby & Don? Are you high?

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Mayorkas dishonors the name of Alexander the Great. Trump made some interesting comments for choice of VP; that usually the choice of VP has had no impact on voter support, and that he is interested in doing that somewhat differently. So, some are hinting that RFK Jr may be invited to be his VP, and that would explain everything. A Trump+RFK combination is unbeatable. RFK alone is not a threat. Combined with the Donald, it's a different calculation.

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Yes, Trump did say that. But he also said that the VP should be a person who can take over the Presidency. In my opinion he would not give that to RFK, Jr. I lean toward Gen. Flynn.

Now if his friend, JFK, Jr. were still alive, Trump would absolutely choose him as VP.

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I love RFK personally and he has done so much good in medical area, but he is still liberal, bless his heart! Too caught up in Environmental stuff. I love the environment stuff, but we have to have common sense and be practical. Liberals seem to sadly lack Common Sense. I love some family liberals, but they are blind to reality.

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Thousands have died due to the open border, Mayorkas doesn't care. He's that bloodthirsty

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Mayorkas and every other government official including Biden are just taking orders. That is what political life is all about now. They take orders or they are finished. This is about global central banking cartel that has been working for decades to create the New World Order. Every aspect of our society has been damaged by them. The family as the core unit of society has been damaged. Everything they have done has been with the goal of depopulating the globe: encouraging abortion, encouraging homosexuality, encouraging the transvestites, pushing illegal drugs on people, the US vaccine program which has caused more harm to health than if no vaccines existed. (You can track US health spending and the US vaccine program and they have the exact same curve). These are people who want to destroy Trump and RFK Jr. because both these men speak the truth and care about the American people. These are men who want to protect the people. The global cartel wants to remove people from the earth any way they can, but they dress it up to look like they care with words like "sustainability."

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Those Commie Bastards..!!!

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Thanks, that lady, Sharyl Attkisson, is a giant amongst journalists.

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As far as I know there is no law that candidates are provided protection but it is a common practice once the candidate achieves a certain level of support in the polls.The Centrist Dems (not liberals by any sense of the word) destroyed Sanders campaign 2x and now are going after Kennedy. Who is threatening him, I don't know but those people could be from Pharma or the Trumpist Right as well as the Centrist Dems. I would suggest people stop pointing fingers without any proof, especially when that fingerpointing is about creating divisiveness.

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Normal Trump people would never harm anyone intentionally. Now there are weirdos in every group but Trumpers don’t support groups like Antifa and Marxist BLM. They destroy!!!!

Trump people want to build and make America great. Never burn it down or destroy the history of America or any place in the world. Most Trump people “know” who God is even -if some don’t worship, as they should. Most of Antifa and BLM have no clue who God is, of His love or what will become of them, when they die. It is too sad. There was no stupid insurrection either. Who goes to an insurrection without guns and swords, and takes their children in strollers? I tell you, we have A LOT of “stupid”people in this country , if they believe that

“ tall tale.” Pray for them all because many in DC and across this country are going to the Eternal Lake of Fire after death, and they don’t even know it. It is real. It is written….

God gave humans choice which path to choose, good or evil. Looks like Heaven won’t be crowded. It tickles me, Bill Gates and his buddies want to depopulate, but where they are going, it will be very crowded indeed, and “hot”.

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Tell me, when was America ever great for the people? What do you really believe? This is not a theocracy and intentionally was meant to never be one. However, the goals were democratic and pluralistic. Sounds like you have no understanding of the different ideologies and may not even understand your own. You clearly have no understanding of what J6 was about including the presence of many weapons. I will agree it was a stupid and ignorant 'uprising' spurred on by Trump and his cohort and many people got swept up in the propaganda and its false promises by an element that is promoting dictatorship. if that is your leaning, you really need some good history lessons including that of this country. I must also note that good and evil are not fixed definitions so have no idea what you really support. Those words say nothing.

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Oh and it would help if you read America’s history. Many of my ancestors as were put in gages as slaves by the English. That was a long time ago and I don’t hate the English. History opens one’s eyes and makes us appreciate how far we have come

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Open the Bible and you will understand

If you hate America so much, then move to another country. I’ll buy you a ticket. I love my country and my ancestors who died to keep it free. America was founded on Christianity. That was good and is good. Many Americans have fallen away from Christian values, but not all. No country is perfect, but I’m praying to save my country from evil every day. . Research and find yourself a better country to relocate to today.

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This is your error: the US was not founded on Christianity and history clearly reports that many people came to escape religious persecution. They held various beliefs and practices and wanted to be able to practice safely. Your belief is not based on fact but prejudice. Of course if you prefer a theocracy there are several you can chose to live in. But the Bible is your story, not mine. Further, if you actually read the Bible it is filled with contradictions and has been weaponized to promote all sorts of human rights abuses.

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Tanya, your leftist/liberal bias/indoctrination is showing. John Adams was an orthodox Christian; he and others had a large role in the writing of the constitution. Implicit in the Constitution are the doctrines of original sin , the fallen nature of Man and the remedy being limited government with division of powers and a federal form that restricts the power of the central government (Lord Acton: Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, or words to that effect.

Europe at that time (& even now) was the descendant of Christendom, with the various countries being the result of the Treaty of Westphalia settling the , I believe it was the Hundred Years’ War. This resulted in countries with dominant Christian denominations, which persecuted dissident Christians. The founders were all men of European descent and therefore culturally Christian, if not actually so. To the extent that any of them held heretical beliefs, their beliefs were Christian heresies (not Buddhist Islamist or Hindu). They were also very aware of this history—hence no official state church, the First Amendment etc. & the freedom of religion (not freedom from religion).

Religious freedom and tolerance, though not complete is far more true in countries with roots in Christendom than in any other religion or in atheism, as the 20th century did show.

Regarding your last assertions, the theocracy of secular humanism is the least tolerant of all as the current administration in the US is demonstrating. Your opinion is based on anti Christian prejudice and a shallow & inaccurate understanding of the Bible.

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Well, beginning your comment with a critical attack on my political leanings says about it all for your commentary. Your religious ethnocentrism limits your ability to understand that freedom of religion also included freedom from religion as one chooses. And that is a bias at the very least but more like a prejudice which is always a distortion of reality. Further the 'founding fathers' of the Constitution included non-practicing christian types as well as those who did not believe in god at all. And even with those who identified with some sort of religion, they also discussed and knew about the dangers of a religiously controlled polity and so wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights to ensure no religion would ever have the legal right to control this country. It is the essence of the creation of a pluralist society which is the basis for accepting the changes people have gone through with the right to demand full acceptance within our social and legal constructs.

As for your ending comments about tolerance, I suggest you find a way to step back and look at the nature of the bigotry of the Christian communities that promote theocracy. The fact that we didn't have Hindus or Buddhists here 400 yrs ago is due to the obvious fact that it was White, male supremacists who were often the extremist outcasts of Europe that came to promote a settler colonialist project here that was racist and murderous to Native Americans and the Africans stolen from their homelands and enslaved for profit of these white supremacists. These people, southern slave holders, had a strong influence on the Constitution which we still suffer from today as with the Electoral College designed specifically to empower these people despite their minority status in numbers. As for the fundamentalist push for theocracy, you must not be listening to these people who are rising up in the GOP and speaking out without any reserve about this being their goal. I cannot think of anything more intolerant.

As for my personal beliefs, the bias that I hold, which is not prejudice, is based on the violence of western christian religion over the centuries with its totalitarian, hierarchical power structure that it always seeks to impose on others. Given your promotion of christianity as core to this country, my conversation will focus on that and its domination in this country. Actually, Buddhism or Hinduism would have been a boon to this country as they are peaceful religious practices. Please don't tell me how they have been distorted into other expressions. However, if you want to go there, then look at the nature of the politics and economics of the country which is really what it is always about. Religion, a belief system never based on facts but emotional identities, has been weaponized for power and control of the population and the natural resources. Even the Israeli genocidal massacre in Palestine is not about religion but theft of land and resources for profit and power which is the basis for US support of that human disaster.

Your concept of theocracy of secular humanism sounds like a gross distortion of ideas as well as behavior. But I do understand you need to justify and protect your belief system altho i disagree with it and find it based on fiction. It is part of a rabidly bigoted and prejudicial movement that, to be blunt, is pure fascism.

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To make him look like and outsider and people believe it.

People will sympathize with him. It’s an emotional ploy from his handlers.

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