'Speaker Johnson might as well go by “Flip Flop,” given his recent track record. He’s been switching his positions on major issues, directly going against what his base stands for. First, it was the
funding for Ukraine; now, he’s in the thick of the FISA 702 battle & taking the wrong side yet again. Why? Has he been bribed, blackmailed, both?' one picture, 1000 words? Ryan with Johnson, why?
Speaker Johnson signals here he is seeking to destroy POTUS Trump, in this one meeting with Paul Ryan who sought to destroy Trump. It is clear and in secret.
Just my opinion, but I think his family has been threatened. What else would cause a man to sell out his values so abruptly?
He was put into that office because he could be blackmailed. No doubt he had a trip to the DC version of "Epstein Island".