Tampon-man Trudeau 'Act now and plead forgiveness later' this is what Trudeau did with the corrupt bogus fraud contracts to buddies ARRIVE CAN; suffered people at the border now Tampon-man says para
rules were not followed; bullshit, this idiot who thinks each man should have a tampon, he & his liberal government, knew it was a kick back tax payer thieving of money for cronnies & thieves, JAIL
ArriveCan was a kickback stealing of tax-payer money and Trudeau and his leftist government knew way long time, they set it up so, steal, take now, plead ignorance later, and many should be accountable, the RCMP as it gets its ducks in line investigating the apparant islamic Pakistani GROOMING rape abuse sexual abuse ring being run out of the Alberta Health Services College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta and as Premier Danielle Smith wakes up, we need some RCMP assigned to the ArriveCan file and lets see if we can jail some Trudeau parliament and high level bandits, thieves….
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it's "obvious" contracting rules weren't followed during the development of the controversial ArriveCan app.
Trudeau says the app was developed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic when everything was in question, but there is still a need to follow rules even in difficult times.
He says investigations are ongoing and there will be consequences for instances in which public servants did not abide by the rules.’
oh yeah, we know what that is, you homie, my friend, you go retire and get your golden parachute pension, and some kickbacks, you nasty stink filthy thieves in Canadian government. Don’t blame the low level staff Tampon-man, go after your homies. Your buddies who may have gotten contracts.
Yes. Jail. Let’s get on with it before they fully lock down our communications and take our property. You really believe the RCMP is ‘investigating’ ? Like they remember what their job is all of a sudden??? Them sitting and watching internal terrorism and treason for years should be enough of a clue that they are corrupted to the core. Like the military. Send all of them tampons too.
He should never be forgiven. If he wants forgiveness it comes in the judgment.
By the way, wouldn't a male tampon cause debilitating constipation?