I can’t fault him for the beginning. I think he was caught off guard just like the rest of us. I fault him for his (mostly) pathetic cabinet appointments and his hiring of people playing for the other team. He’s supposed to be smarter than that. I don’t fault him for being lied to at first, I fault him for not understanting the lies and making it right. I mostly fault him for his inability to say “I was wrong.” People died because of his decisions. My father and father in law were two of them. Saying I was wrong won’t bring them back, but it would go a long way to make me trust him more. I will vote for him again, as I have no other choice, but for me, he is not on a pedestal, he is not a god and I got more right during this pandemic than he did. Listen to the people.

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Smile, I agree with you...and people are working hard to get him there...between us, me too...behind the scenes...we will get him there...I can say he is the only option. remember, each eff in day they have him in court houses etc.

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Thank you! I really hope you can!

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Trump was lied to about the "vaccines". But remember Trump knew about early effective treatments, and pushed for Hydroxychloroquine, and even used it himself. He realized that Fauci and Birx were wrong, and brought in Dr. Atlas and Dr. Alexander to straighten it out. My guess on the vaccines is that Trump realizes he has to be re elected, and if he starts a big fight with big pharma now, with their trillions $$$, they would torpedo his chance.

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Duane, you are over target, lots going on...threading a fine needle....but people got to know, 2.0 is coming with vengeance...has to...

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That’s true about big pharma. I hadn’t thought of it that way.

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I agree with you completely. For starters Trump needs to hold Fouci, Brix and all of the other "alphabet" Government Agencies who lied to the American people as well as the heads of Big Pharma accountable for the deaths and destruction that they knowenly caused!

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yes, we must take them to court and if courts say so, punish them

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Smarter than that? Why bc he had been POTUS before?He was in the know?

People died because of him? You are slightly confused. Trump didn't make SARS II and he didn't hand it off to Wuhun when Obama decided that these viruses were too dangerous to be on US soil. 🙄

He shut down travel from China . Got called a racist .

I think you are skipping the fact that this virus had gain of function, hell, the entire chymera is a gain of function.

For you to blame deaths on Trump signals that you really have no idea about the depth of this rabbit hole.

Storm coming, think Noah and the flood.


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nice post Lilly, keep at it

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Yes, he tells us frequently how smart he is. I agree that he did a lot of good things. He hired some pretty terrible people that steered him wrong on purpose. I can get past that if he will do better next time. I suspect that he will trust fewer people next time. I know very well how deep the rabbit hole goes. I don’t think Trump knew when he was president but I think he does now. We are in for a hard shaking whether he wins or not. I’ve read the book and my side wins.

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thank you for this insightful sharing

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Nobody asked my opinion on Trump. He is like a petulant child sometimes. Of course I see that. And you're right, he hired crappy people. The way they turned on him. I think it was a set up to begin with.

I'm sorry that you lost family to the damn covid. I get so hyper thinking about the gd egos of these mofos. Please overlook my cussing. I'm not stopping anytime soon.

I'm of the opinion since last year that we aren't having an election. 🤷 I think somehow they try to put Johnson in the POTUS chair. Idk what going to happen to Kamela.

The say he became Speaker of the House, 2nd thing out of his mouth was a damn lie. Some ppl would argue with me that it was nothing. When he told Kevin what a good job he had done and he was sure Congress would agree and thanked him. NO. Should have kept that speech to the truth. It has stuck with me ever since. Glib liar. Then he took a knee w supposed other christians inside there. Lawds a mercy. So fast forward he is against Ukraine funding, no no no. Goes behind a closed door, comes out and Jehosophat , he said he got the message. Meanwhile Massey was there too, what message ?

Then he votes yes for Ukraine.

I think the DEVIL offered him power and fame, and money. Power , perhaps as the next POTUS.

WHAT do you think?

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I think you’re right. There are so few people in charge that we can trust. I’ve got my doubts about an election happening in November too. Another “pandemic”, a new war, whatever they need to do, no matter the cost. They will do it.

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Smarter than what? Part of Trumps problem is he pretends to be smarter than everybody, indeed the world's greatest CEO. I have personally attended five Trump rallies, three post 2020 and each of the latter he told us how wonderful project Warped Speed was "everybody said it couldn't be done". We would have been better off if only "everybody" had carried the day.

I am buoyed by the patriotism at his rallies but embarrassed by the ~~ he can do no wrong ~~ demeanor of people who should know better. There are better leader choices, less encumbered, every bit as successful and dedicated to MAGA.

As to Trump's performance and COVID, a good CEO has his radar up about his key project subordinates, whether he picked them or not. At a glance at their backgrounds and record he sees their connections, their proclivities and gives them only appropriate amount of rope or parameters and realizes the need to keep a bridle on their egos and has adequate circumspection about his own.

Not being a specialized expert a great CEO will seek to be grounded at least in relevant history about the type of disease and public health measures. And please not the kind of "deep read" that suggests to him that negotiation and compromise were never tried pre-Civil War suggesting to Trump that possibly had he been around he could have prevented war. But the latter is the type of CEO we are dealing with with Trump such that his own ego clouds depth, analysis, promises and decisions. Of course insentient but instinctively evil tools like Biden are lightyears worse.

A good CEO as regards monumental health ventures aggressively solicits alternative views, including those who counsel don't do this or that, also those that counsel

pretty much let the situation take its course. In the exigent case of COVID inform him that his mRNA "solution" is not a vaccine, it is a gene treatment, it is untested at scale or length on humans, fraught with unknowns, and that the history of medicine is replete with iatrogenic "cures". The same goes for Trumps push for ventilators. Did anyone advise him of the implications of their use (by the way where are all those torture devises now, waiting to be drug out?)?

This is not about whether you or I would have been absolutely overwhelmed and steamrolled on this matter even as President with three years under our belt. This is about the guy who is the greatest CEO ever or something, the greatest personnel judge ever who came to office with incredible insight into job applicants, whose instincts are perfect, unassailable, a quick study on all things important and never distracted.

An interesting question arises -- who should we appreciate more, the guy who says I was misinformed but as a mature CEO I should not have been so credulous, my subordinates were not well directed or appropriately limited but heck we were all in a panic politically and otherwise but forgive me and never again OR the guy who doubles down repeatedly saying project Warped Speed was a stupendous achievement on his part but darned if other people didn't kill the economy. The latter guy serving up a self-serving containment of the truth because in reality he initiated the two weeks shut down which was essentially used as the model for longer, extending throughout his term creating a malaise that enabled his electoral defeat whether or not the result of extensive cheating (there was a lot of cheating).

Undeniably Trump spread the propaganda to get the jab. Even if his approach was voluntarily he helped put people in a panic about the disease and his administrations promotion has all the innocence of a pusher who tells you it is all about feeling good now, its all safe, "science" is behind it and heck good people take it . . . you don't have to take it, I won't break your arm if you do not but if you don't you will get sick and die or something. And all those immersed in government knows best, along with the true believers in Trump jump on the Trump driven train to long term iatrogenic hell.

And never mind that Trump criticized a governor or two for opening their states too early even if he deigned to allow them to do so.

Now in spite of all of Trump's responsibility for setting the stage and though not the only actor, indeed later loosing the directorship and lead role, and while the play was still on a trajectory to a devastating run -- a Democrat in charge at the time seeing the opportunity would have immediately gone into hyper control mode and absolutely we would be even worse off. The iatrogenic deaths more numerous, the social sequelae compounded, the economy crushed and reset in total subservience to the state.

Only right seeing Republican governors, all with longer MAGA credentials than Trump by the way, saved the country with their resistance. The marginal strength of the Republicans in the Congress perhaps gave some pause to some Democrat dreams but certainly the Biden administration have done their damnedest.

Trump's shortcomings ought not be dismissed in the matter of COVID. His braggadocio about his role only compounds the glair from his errors however forgivable as to his humanness, in context and comparability to others.

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I’m in complete agree with you on this!!

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Trump will not admit he was wrong and made a mistake not only would hurt his narcissistic ego but also would open a can with worms. Who directed you. then our President, to issue this order? Who gives you orders, WHO? The Commity of 300 hundreds?- just two examples.

I will vote for RFK, jr, as of today.

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come on Grazyna, in this USA, you have choice and excellent...you make your decisions. I just remind you that Jan 2020 everyone was voting for 45...the pandemic hurt him with how it was handled by Fauci and Birx et al. and the steal...it was used to ensure the steal...just 45 on the arc of his actions...

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I just read your latest post and I fully agree with all your postulates.

But, but, can we be sure that there won't be new Fauci and Birx he will be fooled by? Is he naive or some higher powers rule over him?

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we have to trust...he cant be 1.0...he knows his name and legacy is on the line too. he knows what needs to be done

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I bet he knows his legacy but is he proud of it in its entirety?

So you presume Trump 2.0 will be as renaissance after the middle ages, right? All right,

Now, what is your take on the Antisemitism Awareness Act.?

I agree with Donald Jeffries https://donaldjeffries.substack.com/p/anti-semitism-vs-free-speech?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=344941&post_id=144305036&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1fi07j&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Last night I went to sleep with Trump to let my subconscious work on my issues...

I voted for him, admired many of his actions and orders up to Executive Order 13962.

Then his surrender submission to Israel; May 24, 2017 · President Donald Trump placed a note in the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Monday, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to visit one of Judaism's holiest sites.

Now you know...

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You might just as well write your own name in.

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RFK, or any 3rd party, is a wasted vote. Write anyone in, or don't vote - no difference.

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It's just my mental vote; nowadays elections are a loud charade.

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Yes, he was. That’s what I said. Even more people than we thought, now that we’ve seen the James O’Keefe expose on the CIA. I agree with you. I’d just like him to renounce the shots that have been proven deadly, instead of still taking credit for them. If you want to get technical, he really had nothing to do with operation Warp Speed. They already had the shots ready to go. I’d just like him to acknowledge it all. People who can’t admit when they were wrong are hard to trust going forward. But like I said, I will vote for him. There is no other option.

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I have zero faith that even if elected - which at this point is a huge doubt in my mind - Trump will do anything about the travesty we are living with on a daily basis. We are on our own.

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I still have faith in what he could and would do...I am not happy for I want him to be more declarative yet I trust...I think he is the best option, ONLY...

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It's very possible that Trump will not look into the pandemic if elected. If he honestly wants things better,the pandemic scandal is way down.on the list. We have two nuclear wars brewing and an internal war brewing as well.

Not to mention firing anyone and everyone that opposed Epstine's list from being published.

Will he do it?

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I think all you named but the pandemic wrongs must be fixed

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Yes.I agree with you on that.

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I just worry that he will never be able to hire enough good, loyal people to take care of all of the things that need fixing. Who would want to work for him, knowing they will come for you too! I realize that’s what the deep state wants and I hate to think that way but it’s true.

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Everyone one of them must be removed.

That's not going to happen. We live under tyranny, and have for awhile..The best thing for now, is to be laying a plan..better to be prepared and not need your plan, than need it and not be prepared. Whatever that resembles for you.

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Epstein? There are way bigger things , issues than Epstein.

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Epstein funded virologist Nathan Wolfe, a business partner of Hunter Biden, and the Russians have alleged that Wolfe created SARS-CoV-2. Who was Epstein working for. Even if you don't want or think it's important for the public to know which prominent Americans and others were f*cking kids, Epstein's role in SARS-CoV-2 needs to be understood.

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boom, I agree...there is real smoke and fire here. Hunter involved? come on...what would a crack whore nympho be doing working in COVID???

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SARS-CoV-2 might have been America's gift to the world but it looks like the Germans as well as Chinese were also involved.

Another Clue Pointing to an American Origin of the Virus


The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts


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Two very informative links. New (to me) information in the Will Jones piece. And, though I've been following Robert Kogon for a long time, also some additional info there, too. I'll have to pay attention to The Daily Sceptic.

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The people' Epstine had for clients were not all simply perverts. Children were murdered there,and we need to know all that were responsible. Blackmailing perverts has no power under this regime. Murder does. So when we see all these people in congress voting against the will of the people, they may have a child's death in the hiding.

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You're worried about these kids, how about the ones in Gd Hollywood? Mel Gibson isn't a damn hero. What about all those before he made his little movie?

It's my belief that it's truly evil vs good.

Many ppl have sold their souls for fame and fortune.

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Actually, Lilly, I'm worried about the survival of the human race. As AI gets stronger we may become unnecessary.

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Yes there are. As for me.its the planned internal war. What's on your list as # 1 ?

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It seems unwise to hope an election will make too much of a difference at this point. We all will have to wait until the problem gets localized. Then,if we've found allies we may be able to make an impact in each location. We will never see a big contra movement. The dynamics just aren't there.

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you think> I think its bubbling now...people want to fix

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Trump has already selected Neil Patel as his next AG. No. When Trump is elected, it is on!

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I cannot write more but I can say this, Trump 2.0 will punish many and jail many....

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He communicated with a group of ppl. I didn't need to read these mind bending questions although I do see that some may need to to arrive at the gov documents that proves all the things that I and ppl like me have said. Today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's next event..

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I hope so. Some energy washed over me about a month ago..like maybe he is a reversed Trojan?

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Well, then just go off and find a hole and crawl in it.

We have been on our own. What do you DO ? Do you stand up and speak out in your community? Held any events, trying to educate people? Or is it social media for you?

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I agree with Lily....we need more of us, you writing, speaking up...and you are many here...so come on, stand up...not just key board, you are beautiful bright passionate critical thinkers...

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I agree, I see so many people who write well, put forth their thoughts in a way that would reach many people..

I been at this a long time, I'm not subtle bc I don't want to be subtle. See, ppl have forgotten what built this country, people being themselves, and nobody took umbrage.

I want to march on Washington. Or are we just going to let these people run Palestinian flags up poles while burning the American flag, chanting death to America. Chances are, hell l, I would even bet a $1, they could not find Gaza on a world map.

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Other than the substacks I follow, I am virtually unknown on social media. Antagonistic comments such as yours are a big part of the reason why.

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Lilly means well...and why we do so good is we are disagreeing but respectful...me for one, I only hit back if struck...other than that, I want disagreement...I want to learn...we need all hands on deck...Rust, huge hugs...help us...

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I appreciate you standing up for me. I mean well, that sounds similar to you apologizing for me. I'm 55 yrs old and I know how to apologize. But one thing I will not be apologizing for is being myself. See there are places people like me have been banned from. I might have typos, I might cuss up a storm. But one can always engage in a co version with me, I'm always willing, unless I smell troll, crazy, and a few other words. In that situation, I will cut it off quick like..

And I don't pander to victim mentality. I said nothing wrong. He made a comment that needed some prodding.

Nothing I wrote was wrong, this is mofo America....People with that thinking don't run the rest of us, essentially silencing us.

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Dr Paul, as I see it we need in Trump now the passion and fervor of a populist. The masses are crying out for this and would roar with approval, becoming an unstoppable force. Instead what we are getting from Trump is constraint in his speech, a let's wait and see attitude, more of the same old-same old, tired promises that are too similar to the ones prior to his election in 2016 that somehow never came to fruition ....and then there's his milquetoast reaction to the millions affected by Covid and its "treatment".

I remember clearly hearing thousands of supporters cheering "Lock her up!", with Trump egging on that chant, knowing nothing would come of it. But people BELIEVED in Donald Trump and he let us down. He KNEW what was coming down the pike WRT to the WHO, WEF, CBDC, yet where was HIS roar of disapproval and efforts made to put a stop to what we are now seeing? Where is his roar WRT these things NOW?

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Antagonistic? Ow your roll. That's your perception. Get this, your type thinking doesn't hold the complete floor here like other places. You

don't know anything about me. Get a helmet.

And for the record, I wasn't referring to you garnering likes and followers, becoming a social media celebrity (whatever y'all calling yourselves these days) That's the problem now. Sitting on social medial posting helps what? This IS PARTLY WHY Puppet Masters's plans have been pretty much unimpeded.

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We have been on our own. Most ppl aren't aware, some think the senate hearings testifying are going to bring help. Then some ppl have no gf idea wth is up. Or they have some right, but then they will turn around and say something like, "Why doesn't the government do anything?'' Or something equally that let's me know something.

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I do not disagree with anonymous , however we all know who the WE is I have long posted and outed

them on this stack-so i am stunned that she does “ NOT KNOW” i fully understand the “ theatrics “ used by Trump in not mentioning the” NAMES as that is called politically pulling your punches, however credit should be given this writer for faulting Trump as he was “BUSHWACKED “ with intent

and purpose by some evil mother fuckers supposedly on his staff advising him- who knew of the dangers of the MRNA insanity prevailing - however those few like ( COHEN) were being handled by the

OBAMA SOROS CRIME CARTEL- there were several more as well; BIRX for one-- its all nther on t he

record, you just have to dig deeper to get THE BIG FUCKING NIGHT CRAWLER WORMS IF YOU WANT THE BIG FISH- use my “ boat” i know exactly who how , why, when and where, Any questions-


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BOOM again! across the bow

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I'm ready, Milton. LET'S GO. This is what I envision. US against them..Those who can are going off grid. By that I mean, joining P2P networks and there is where new societies will firm, already are forming.

People sit on social media as I read and look, I will think maybe here is an ali, then check out their other comments and/or their page. Several areas that can catch my eye and tell me exactly who or how this person thinks..Then I realize that they are somewhat aware, but for whatever reason, they can't see the rest. I'm not a doomsayer at all, but I'm a realist and a survivor. I can swim. People think I'm a nut or something. I happen to think that those who keep digging for papers continuously proving what we already know is a waste of time. What are they going to do with it? Senate hearings, testifying before Congress, all the social media influencers (LibsofTikTok, James O'Keefe, can't recall some of the others) put out good stuff, but WHAT does that do. I hear and read things like, when is the government going to do something? These ppl are breaking the law! This is murder, they will be brought before justice.

THAT IS A BIG NO. All of that are distractions. So is Israel & Palestine, see what was created by this , in this country? Another distraction. The facts are this. Nobody is coming to SAVE US. There will be 2 schools of thought, history repeats itself. The reason for the dumbing down of society was so people could be manipulated, PERIOD. They are told what to think, not how to think. The internet has changed dramatically the last month. I can not be the only one who noticed. I don't have the knowledge to get around this latest move if there is a get around. There were 5 criteria for something to be considered a vaccine. You would often see it listed around the Nuremberg Code. I can not find it anywhere. I used all sorts of search wording. I went to the Internet Archives, I used Tor the other day, NADA.

Google is a problem. Nobody owned the mofo internet. I can tell when I'm reading some BS that's designed with generations after X. They tell them and have been to use ONLY GOV SITES.

ANY suggestions for a go around? I know that they were removing stuff through domain names. But they could flip the switch ANY TIME..

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HI Lilly, -- let me thank you for your attention- we have a great bunch of people on this stack

the level of intelligence and articulate analyzed thought production is simply stunning- I will

make an attempt at getting you an answer to the 5 criteria- However i have a real interesting

suggestion, let’s have you e-mail the CDC and ask them for the criteria, as well as the NIH, and the FDA--As well let me state openly to all, if i have educated myself as to the basics of the medical information here on this site, i am affirmed that These criminals conspired to produce a BIO-WEAPON and in fact that is exactly what the record shows they did- to take this one step further, the pharmaceutical companies recognized a huge “ money machine”

ONE THAT WOULD BE ENDLESS ( since the Mrna produced a spike protein that kept mutating -the public would have t o endlessly buy and take vaccines ad infinitum - they produced a perpetual money making machine - It appears that all of these “ bastards “ had a different motive, the DOD and DARPA saw a huge BIO WEAPON ( as their geo-engineering is being challenged they needed a replacement as 7 states are onboard to stop this murdering

mayhem Tennessee has already passed the “ NO PROLIFERATION OVER TENNESSEE SKIES)

So this was a perfect storm for the DOD DARPA they contributed 32,000,000 into Fauci’s

Death Fund- The Big Pharma got a perpetual motion money machine ( if they never came up with another “pill” or shot they built themselves a lifetime annuity -The Government got a device to placate the Globalist and their agenda 30 -- as well Biden and his war mongering

NEO CONS got a great weapon to reduce the senior citicen population- GATES & SOROS & ZUCKERBURG think we have too many useless eaters ( The halt The lame The blind The elderly =-( a Page out of Hitler’s Mein Kampf)- The Politicians now had a controlling factor

to tamp down political opponents and keep the populace in check -I.M.O. Lilly, there are no innocents here both parties have plotted against the people and the proof is NONE OF THE


THE GUILTY PARTIES I Constantly hear and see Rand Paul Raising Cain about Fauci, The CDC the NIH the FDA The NiAH , DARPA , DOD etc--Plus looking at the record most of these

treasonous bastards voted for the “Patriot act” and the NDAA” and constantly voted to supply

Biden and his crime family all. the money Biden asked for -I will however try to nail down the 5 prerequisites for a legal vaccination -“let’s get it on"

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Lilly , there are 14 FDA requirments for vaccination approval- 1-Research and discovery 2 Clinical Research 3Clinical Trials 3 phases at 3rd phase live testing 4 Manufacturing & Production 5-FDA Approval Staff 6 FDA Inspection 7Biologics Liscsene

App (BLA)8 VRBPAC Committee Review-9 FDA Approval !0Prescribed labelling 11VaccinationSafety Surveillance 12Phase 4 Clinical Trials 13Lot Releases ( Batch Control

14 Regulatory Approval-- Please be advised that these steps were totally omitted as

when the VAERS started to find “Anomolies “ in the production, it fired the Reporting source ( JUST AS BOEING FIRED IT”S OWN QUALITY CONTROL PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAID PLANES WERE PUT TOGETHER WITH “DUC TAPE”_- So LILLY All of these procedures were aborted because of “THE EMERGENCY POWERS ACT” How ever there is a “ CAVIAT “ IF FRAUD IS DISCOVERED THE ACT IS NULL AND VOID- There you go

My friend!


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Trump’s response to a PCR driven “pandemic” was truly terrible and inept. His operation “warp speed” was created due to fear and panic. But what is really frightening is for Biden to be reelected.

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I lost track of the numerous times President Trump advised to "Stop testing!" asymptomatic individuals. He also advised trying hydroxychloroquine and to do everything possible to avoid being put on a ventilator.

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And ironically, in late March he invoked the Defense Production Act to order certain companies to produce ventilators as fast as possible.

Regarding HCQ and IVM - he should have IMMEDIATELY ordered pharmacies to FILL prescriptions. CVS and Walgreens just refused to fill them, and this was allowed to continue.

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Matt Pottinger and Jared Kushner were behind the ventilator fiasco, iirc.

I agree that pharmacists should never have been alllowed to second guess and veto doctors' IVM & HCQ prescriptions.

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He's the "builder" - so they threw him a bone and gave him that task - something to do that he could speak on, and appear believable in front of the public.

Ventilators are just a machine. It's the protocol they devised that killed people. So I can't fault him (or Kushner et al) for that. Warp speed is the problem, and not making SURE that doctors were free to prescribe, and that people had access to HCQ/IVM both in hospital and outpatient.

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They didn't refuse Plaquenil but someone may have had to write something down for dx. Different than what actual dx was..

Dr. Meryl Nass license was suspended for that. She was treating tele, and that is what initially (supposedly) rankled their chain. Maine.

Seems to me that people were instructed to use that 'technilogy' . But who am , some antagonistic Lilly.


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If my memory serves me correctly did’t the fucking lying scumbags at the CDC, NIH NIAID Wretch against hydroxychloroquinine - matter of fact the rotten lying scumbags of big Pharma took quinine off the market because all these fucking scumbags wanted was huge profits WHEN SOMETHING CURES SOMEBODY THEY DON’T NEED TO PURCHASEXPENSIVE CHEMICAL CONCOCTIONS THAT KEEP P[EOPLE ALIVE BUT DONT CURE ANYTHING -N THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE ABOUT CANCER- -- AS THERE IS A KNOWN CURE FOR CANCER BUT PFIZER AND MODERNA WOULD MAKE NO MONEY ON CURING CANCER SO DOCTORS KEEP PLAYING THIS SICK FUCKING GAME


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exactly, we are working on 45...2.0 will be what the doctor ordered

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I clearly remember that Trump wanted the country opened back up right away, it was the various STATES that kept the country closed.

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How successful were the US mitigation measures? The US appears to have had the most cases and the most deaths Countries with far bigger populations than the US like India and China appear to have had far lower case numbers and death totals. Most of these deaths occurred during the Biden administration after the jabs were rolled out.

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In the U.S., I don't believe we'll ever be able to tease out the true number of "deaths from *covid" vs. those who died from other causes but were falsely determined to have died "from covid" by phony, false positive PCR tests and unethical doctors. Most of the subsequent deaths attributed to covid after the jab roll out were almost certainly from the jabs and from hospital and nursing home covid "treatment" protocols.

*"Covid" meaning whatever the intense and painful symptoms many suffered in late 2019 and early 2020 actually was...

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Those deaths were due to the damn shots, whether primary or secondary. I don't know why ppl still refer to believe it. Look around, how many ppl you know that just died in their 50' s or younger. The incidence of con cancer for people under 40 is skyrocketed. You know who keeps excellent numbers, actuaries.

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Can't fault the man for being lied to by host of corrupt, deep state, globalist traitors, pedophiles and mass murderers who are deeply entrenched in DC. What was Trump supposed to do: "Don't listen to Dr. Fauci! Don't listen to Dr. Birx! Although I don't have a medical degree, I know better than those experts. Listen to me!" Yeah, we would've seen an impeachment in record time. Change dynamics, folks. People have to see the need for change before they can accept change.

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The most difficult thing for all humanity to admit is our government’s are completely controlled. You have the selected winner and the controlled opposition. Humanity needs to have a world where we are no longer enslaved by the system. Even bibles of every religion have been altered. All the world’s a stage.

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The highest paid US Government employee, Anthony Fauci, prescribed this nationwide method of arresting the PLANDEMIC, while assuring Trump 45 that it was urgently needed, and the ‘right thing to do.’

(There is nothing the DIMS won’t say or do, if there is even a remote chance of regaining absolute power.)

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Then there was Fauci’s killer recipe for killing patients on the ventilator! He drowned them with Remdesivir.

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He did his part, a critical part, in driving the country towards the Great Reset. Notice, no candidate is talking about the Great Reset, which is where the orchestrators of the fake pandemic wanted us to go. Notice how also he to this day brags about his "vaccine". Again, notice that no candidate is talking about bringing those who mandated this poison to justice. The crime will go unpunished and we will be brought to full collapse into the Great Reset / Build Back Better.

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I think we are getting closer to accountability...Trump on inside is telling that he is going to go for broke on that

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They have not admitted anything negative about jab, nor will they.

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Remember President Trump did not want our country to shut down but our crooked WHO and all those fake doctors said we had to shut down everything.

President Trump wanted to get rid of the WHO… in fact I think he defunded them and Biden brought them back, he knew how bad they were, President Trump left the decision about remaining closed up to our state governors. I also read somewhere, where the vaccine was changed and then Biden mandated it. President Trump never mandated it and he also informed the public about the meds his doctor gave him Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Trump 🇺🇸2024

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Who is not ours. Tedros couldn't find his way out of a paper sack. 14 days I believe till the meeting between US and WHO, (treaty signing) everyone better call your rep and tell them what's up. You need to go read the latest DRAFT, that's right, they don't even have a finished draft yet. The 1st page should scare your shorts off.

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If Trump is elected this November, the looney left is going to make the BLM riots look like a bday party. It’s going to be mass chaos. The military will have to intervene. I’m stocking up on ammo and non perishable food etc.

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we are discussing, our issue is not him being elected Nov 5th, its getting him to Jan 20, 2025...the left will try to burn USA down..Trump must go after them first minute after hands on bible...real punishment this time

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Well, right on time for the election. NYT is 3 years late, yet their article is the catalyst that’ll take the Vax issue mainstream. And why do that now? To blame Trump obviously. Nevermind that Trump promoted the therapeutic hydroxychloriquine. Why is that important? Because the Vax would’ve never received emergency authorization if a therapeutic(s) was available. So Trump was shut down by Fauci, the Deep State, and the media. They were the people condemning therapeutics. They were the people promoting the Vax. Remember that. Trump ain’t a doc. He had to rely on the corrupt advisors that he had. It would be nice if he finally recognized the problem and stopped talking about how great operation warp speed was…

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you are bang on the money JFRL

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NYT and Chris Cuomo.

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Oh God, Cuomo is on PBD now. I saw him sit and excuse the clinical workers (doctors and nurses) for not speaking up about IVM. First he said THEY KNEW, they all knew it could help. Then he contradicted.

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This is a collective CYA move by all of them.

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We 15days to stop the spread people?


We _ every western country on earths health bureacrats?

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Why would you post this?

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You create massive division with these stacks.

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Whil are you referring to? What creates division?

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Repeating the same talking point while ignoring any counter point. Dr Paul wants Trump to admit to something that may not have been under his control while ignoring the origins of the virus. Who funded it all. What is Trump confessing to?

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DOD probably funded shots. Fauci (NIH) gave grants Dr. Ralph Baric, for SARS I & II

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