‘The Internet was Always Designed to be a Control Grid; Tracking back the Creative Intelligence of how we ended up here. The Day Tapes tried to warn us. "Everything is in place and nobody can stop us
now"; very interesting and informative by SAGE H. support, support their merchandize...help them.
‘The Internet was Always Designed to be a Control Grid
Tracking back the Creative Intelligence of how we ended up here. The Day Tapes tried to warn us. "Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now."
FEB 28, 2024
Source Video here, time codes 9:30-13:45:
The Day Tapes are batting about 1.000.
For stated intentions and slow, patient follow through.
The dominant goals of the relatively few who Own the World are Depopulation, (euphemized as Population Control) and Surveillance and Control.
Less people and a slave planet.
Dystopia presented with an Ostensible Utopian sheen.
Sell the Clear Coat. Deliver the Murder.
“This time we’re going to do it right.”
Said Richard Day.
Here are links to all four of them.
If you want to know why we find ourselves in Technocratic Totalitarianism Fake Pandemic Perma-Surveillance Digital Shock Collar False Flag Terrorist Drag Queen Storytime Hell, take four hours.
There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world.
Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system.
But at least in the foreseeable future it was not planned. And very benignly on their part. Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary. Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place ... or can be if we don't relinquish control to the proper authorities.
It’s the same shit, the same agendas over and over, rewarmed with new names like Build Back Better.
The 1969 Day Tapes predicted the 2016 World Economic Forum's "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy."
NOVEMBER 26, 2023
What I enjoy, err... “enjoy” doing is going back in time and finding out how the Scorpions deployed and continue to deploy their stated machinations.
The Op is still Live.
“Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now”, said Richard Day, in 1969 per Lawrence Dunegan.
"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Depopulation Global Agenda Would Unfold
APRIL 3, 2023
I asked myself what the “everything” was that was falling into place to justify the extreme hubris. Certainly the plans for depopulation and a surveillance slave state centralized One World Government must have been in the works since the end of WW2.
An endless and byzantine series of Incentive Structures; carrots and sticks and lies.
Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view.
One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart."
And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why."
Somewhere in this connection, then, was the statement admitting that some scientific research data could be - and indeed has been - falsified in order to bring about desired results. And here was said, "People don't ask the right questions. Some people are too trusting."
Now this was an interesting statement because the speaker and the audience all being doctors of medicine and supposedly very objectively, dispassionately scientific and science being the be all and end-all ... well to falsify scientific research data in that setting is like blasphemy in the church ... you just don't do that.
Anyhow, out of all of this was to come the New International Governing Body, probably to come through the U.N . and with a World Court, but not necessarily through those structures. It could be brought about in other ways. Acceptance of the U.N . at that time was seen as not being as wide as was hoped. Efforts would continue to give the United Nations increasing importance. People would be more and more used to the idea of relinquishing some national sovereignty.
It was technology, I surmised.
It was the internet.
The internet was imminent in 1969.
Scruffy young Steve Kirsch was on the ground floor helping to build dat dere ‘net with DARPA.
After riding his bike to the UCLA DARPA Lab and finding an unlocked door and getting a job in short order.
As 12-year old kids are wont to do.
These origin stories crack me up.
I digress.
Little Stevie and DARPA
MAY 15, 2023
"How to Save the World"
DECEMBER 13, 2023
The Day Tapes are the cheat codes of intention.
And it is fascinating to see Peter Duke discuss how gosh…that back door hack into the internet must have been planned.
And all the same characters are still here right on through.
Peter Thiel. Elon Musk.
Paypal Mafia. InQTel (CIA) funded private partnerships.
Palantir and Facebook replaced DARPA’s Total Information Awareness and Lifelog.
See? Your minders are Private Corporations now! Better!
Thiel and Musk are both Brain Chippers. Oh look!
So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. The single card could be lost or stolen, give rise to problems; could be exchanged with somebody else to confuse identify. The skin implant on the other hand would be not losable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error. And the skin implants would have to be put some place that would be convenient to the skin; for example your right hand or your forehead.
"If population growth didn't slow down, food shortages could be created in a hurry." In 1969, ex-Planned Parenthood Medical Director Richard Day Prophesied How the Globalist Agendas Would Unfold
APRIL 9, 2023
Upgrade to paid
February 4, 2004. That day the DARPA project called LifeLog was ended. The same day the company called Face Book began. It was always intended as a way to collect ALL of EVERYONE'S personal information and data, and use it for control, manipulation and marketing.
Remember, Zuckerberg spent tens of millions to influence the outcome of the 2020 election by bribing election officials in several states, including Wisconsin where the investigation concluded he committed a crime.
At some point "they" will remove our access to the internet altogether, to prevent us from defending ourselves against their evil intentions.
The internet is a valve through which every aspect of everyone’s lives passes. He who controls the valve controls the world.