'The Profound Decline of America's Scientific Institutions; The fate of Empires is to inevitably collapse. Right now, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to reverse that cyclical decline
and create institutions which benefit all of us.' Once again outstanding scholarship and substack by A Midwestern Doctor, extolling us on the dysfunction and decline and fall of US's research arena
The Profound Decline of America's Scientific Institutions (midwesterndoctor.com)
I embed the stack in full and start here, full credit to A Midwestern Doctor (support); ‘The Forgotten Side of Medicine’
“For the most part, I predicted the course of the pandemic as I assumed a playbook similar to the one Anthony Fauci used during the AIDS crisis would be inflicted upon America, and I assumed that like many disastrous experimental “emergency” vaccines of the past, the mRNA injections would have a lot of problems. Nonetheless as I watched the pandemic unfold, I was left with a more and more nagging question—why are they going this far? It’s virtually guaranteed that what’s been done will provoke a massive backlash which will break a lot of the trust in our medical authorities that the medical industry relies upon (which was cemented upon the public through a massive investment over the last century).
Over the last few months, we’ve in turn began to see more and more signs this widespread loss of trust is emerging, which in turn has caused me to reflect upon the unique moment we are in and how COVID-19 both illustrates the decline of the American Empire and an unprecedented opportunity to at last resolve a centuries old debacle.
The Cyclical Nature of History
One’s interpretation (and feeling towards) the series of events that unfolds in front of them is largely dependent upon the perspective they see reality through. For example, in previous articles, I’ve tried to show how the subconscious biases people carry will cause them to develop cognitive filters which only allow them to see the aspects of reality which conform to those biases (which for example is why so many otherwise intelligent people genuinely believe all vaccines are “safe and effective”). Likewise, there are people who “only see what’s in front of them” whereas there are others who “see the forest through the trees,” and a radically different reality emerges depending on which view one holds.
Note: since my mind continually alternates between microscopic and macroscopic perspectives on each thing I observe, it caused me to adopt a writing style which many have described as “showing both the forest and its trees,” an approach I believe is often necessary for elucidating a complex subject.
Anytime one begins to study history in detail, they will inevitably notice the same debacles reenact themselves over and over. I believe this is due to two things:
1. For the most part (especially within the same culture) the underlying nature of the human mind remains relatively unchanged. Because of this, people (despite being decades if not centuries apart) will react in the same “irrational” manner if they find themselves within similar circumstances. In turn, I find it incredibly helpful to see how societies reacted in the past to comprehend how they are likely to behave now.
2. Once an idea or belief becomes embedded within a culture (especially if it appeals to a specific aspect of the human mind), it will cause the same situation to repeat again and again…even when there is no longer any rational basis for it to continue perpetuating. In turn, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve studied history and realized how an event which happened long before I was born perfectly explains why something I vehemently disagree with is happening in the present day.
To illustrate, here are a few examples:
•If you study the history of vaccination, because of the inherently dirty process required to manufacture them (especially before the process was systematized in larger pharmaceutical facilities), contaminated “hot lots” were frequent and inevitable. As such there are dozens upon dozens of recorded incidents where many people were sickened or killed, and again and again, the response by the medical authorities towards these events was a deep regret it happened along with a belief it was a necessary sacrifice to ensure life-saving vaccines (or horse serums) would remain available to the populace.
After I learned of the magnitude of this problem, I realized it answered a longstanding questions I’d had—why was the medical field so resistant towards removing the (neurotoxic) mercury preservative (thimerosal) from vaccination? Simply put, since there was such a deep memory of the issues contaminated vaccine lots had caused, it created an ethos which justified necessitating using something to prevent potential contamination, regardless of how dangerous it was or how much public protest the use of it faced.
Note: I am presently working on an article which summarizes the hot lot disasters.
•One of the biggest challenges governments throughout history have faced are public health issues (e.g., an infectious plague moving through the society). Vaccination on the surface offers a tantalizing promise—through doing nothing besides forcing an injection upon the citizenry, that can be addressed. This in turn appeals to both the inherent inflexibility of governments (which is unfortunate since addressing infectious diseases typically requires a creative and continually adapting approach) and the habitual tendency of those in power to find justifications to administer the force of governance upon the populace. Because of this, again and again, we witness tragedies where governments around the world mandated a clearly unsafe and ineffective vaccine upon the populace despite the citizenry widely protesting this being done to them.
Note: my original reason for writing online was because I realized what I was witnessing with the increasingly draconian COVID-19 vaccine mandates (due to the ineffective vaccines continually failing to stop COVID-19) and the widespread public protest against them (which met stiff reprisals from the government) almost perfectly matched what I was watching had happened 2 centuries before with the smallpox vaccines.
•I have long harbored ill will towards multilevel marketing (a form of sales which pays you on the basis of not only what you sell but also what people you refer into the program sell) because the pyramid nature of business model both causes the greed within people to make them be very aggressive in promoting it to their social circle and guarantees the MLM program will eventually collapse. Because of this, MLM programs functions as a sort of parasitic entity which extract the wealth from a social circle and then destroys that circle once it collapses since members of the group will understandably blame whoever pulled them into the MLM and in effect scammed them. While discussing this topic with a colleague after witnessing it happen again in my community, he said “MLMs have a remarkable appeal to the American psyche since they offer salvation through shopping,” which in turn precisely describes how these groups often pitch the program to new converts.
Karma and Cycles
Within Eastern cultures, the cyclical nature of history is often seen through a spiritual lens which believes rather than it simply being due to identical psychological processes repeating themselves, a broader cosmic energy is guiding the process (similarly many Western religions attribute inexplicable and horrendous tragedies they witness to some type of evil outside force such as the Devil).
Many are familiar with the concept of Karma (i.e., if someone does something bad, eventually bad things will happen to them because of those actions). On a deeper level, Karma is meant to encapsulate the idea that each action an entity does (e.g., an individual, a government or a society) creates an elastic distortion in the fabric of reality which will eventually snap back to its original size (and hence create the karmic recoil people recognize).
One of the important things to understand about this process is that the wavelength of a karmic process can vary immensely (e.g., it could take days or decades for a recoil to occur) and that in the same way a wave repeats, there can be successive karmic recoils which are each larger than the ones that preceded them (e.g., people who make bad life decisions will often get into worse and worse situations until they learn their lesson).
Note: a common belief within Eastern traditions is that some people are born with good karma they earned from a previous life. Unfortunately, these people often squander their good karma on self-indulgences and greed, often greatly harming those around them in the process and in turn creating large amounts of negative karma they will have to live with for many lifetimes (which I believe is why many rich people are anything but happy). In turn, those spiritual traditions often come to the conclusion much of the evil humanity commits would never be committed if people actually understood what they would doing to themselves (e.g., to the depths of their mind or to their soul), a position essentially identical to what Jesus said as he was being crucified (Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing). In my own case, I feel that while I’ve had some fairly unfortunately struggles in life, on the whole I was blessed to be born with good Karma, and since I long ago got everything I actually needed in life, a lot of what I do now essentially boils down to me attempting to reinvest that good karma into things I feel will create even more good karma.
When I reflect upon the entire history of Western Medicine, I feel that while many aspects of it have provided an extraordinary blessing to mankind, many others were a blight upon humanity, and that ever since the widespread use of Mercury came into vogue (the tragic history of which is discussed in this book), a continually escalating wave of negative karma has been created. One of the most pernicious aspects of this was the vaccination program, and in each generation, awake and courageous individuals tried to warn against the mistake we were making, but in each case, their pleas were largely erased from history. In turn, one of my goals here has been to begin painting a picture of exactly what happened in each of those instances as I believe a recognition of the cycle we are trapped within is necessary for us to be able to break it.
Changing a Cycle
Because of the cyclical nature of this process, it can become immensely frustrating to dedicate your life to trying to wake humanity up only to see all of your critically important work go nowhere, and I know of many who spent their lives advocating for the health of humanity and by the end were broken inside because no one wanted to listen to them.
Yet when I study the accounts of the most spiritual gifted individuals who tried to make things better, again and again they said the same thing—“humanity is not yet ready for what I tried to bring forward, but a time will come in the future when they are ready for it, and once that time comes, the ideas I shared will spread like wildfire.”
Note: because of this, I long felt my role was to be an archivist of sorts and try to collect and preserve some of their lost knowledge so that its light would not be extinguished and then could shine brightly once the world was ready for it. For some reason I still don’t understand, I in turn was blessed with the circumstances which allowed me to meet many of the custodians of that knowledge, and my desire to create that “archive” plays a large part in why I spend so much time on this publication (e.g., I’ve written almost 2 million words since I started here two years ago).
This broad perspective has caused me to be much less distraught about the tragedies I see unfolding around me than others are, as I see many of them as re-enactments of the collective tragedy we are stuck within rather than individual horrors. In turn, my focus typically is directed not towards my negative feelings about the current situation but rather looking for can be done to “break the cycle” we are stuck within.
Because of this, my cognitive filters are primed to detect which aspects of the current tragedy differ from the previous iterations within its cycle, as those differences often provide a window into where an opportunity exists to break the cycle.
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Ending a Cycle
Many spiritual teachers believe we are in era where things (e.g., longstanding cycles) change at a far faster rate than humanity ever experienced in the past (e.g., in Hinduism this period is referred to as the Kali Yuga and believed to be the product of cosmic forces that every once in a while enter the Earth). For example, because of the rapid evolution of modern technology, over the last 300 years, again and again, our society has rapidly undergone an immense change (e.g., imagine how different life is now from what it was like in the 1990s), whereas previously, it took centuries (if not longer) for an equivalent change to transpire.
In the last decade, and especially in the last two years, I’ve noticed this happen with the vaccine issue, as something which seemed to be an unchangeable monolith has suddenly become possible to shift within the society. I believe this is due to the following:
•Because more and more unscrupulous vaccination programs are being enacted upon the society (e.g., the ever expanding childhood vaccination schedule or the experimental COVID-19 gene therapies) while simultaneously immense force has been applied to suppress the karmic recoils those vaccination drives create (e.g., silencing and abandoning those who injured by them), its karmic wave has been amplified to the point it’s gradually becoming impossible to apply enough force to prevent the karma from resolving itself.
•That karmic unraveling is being accelerated by the same cosmic forces which are creating the era of rapid change we live within.
•The current circumstances go beyond what propaganda can counteract.
The Limits of Propaganda
As a lifelong student of propaganda, I recognize how powerful it is and how it often it can cause people to be compelled to act directly against their own interests in a manner you would never imagine was possible (e.g., consider what we all witnessed throughout the COVID-19 vaccination campaign). Nonetheless, while propaganda is immensely powerful (and continually evolving as the technology behind it advances) there are still limits as to what it can do and a point can be reached where no amount of propaganda can prevent the public from revolting against a bad policy.
Typically, since propaganda props up a lie, for it to “win” it must have significantly more force behind it than the truth it is opposing. In turn, two things can shift the balance against the propaganda’s narrative—its narrative being at such odds with reality that a gargantuan amount of force is required to maintain it, or those on the other side gaining the power to promote a competing narrative.
During COVID-19, we essentially witnessed both of those conditions be met (which was why I was so curious as to why they nonetheless chose to push the vaccines as I did not believe the existing circumstances would make it possible to indefinitely gaslight the public about the vaccines). In my eyes, the circumstances which made it impossible to maintain the propagandist’s narratives were as follows:
•The Trump presidency destroyed much of the general public’s trust in the mass media (which has long stood as the foundation of the current propaganda system).
•The degree to which the anointed “experts” clearly lied to the public destroyed much of the general public’s trust in them (and like the mass media, credentialed “experts” have been a foundation of the modern propaganda system).
•The internet has made the rapid and independent distribution of information possible. Because of this, when the population is open to a competing narrative, independent ones created on the internet can rapidly outcompete the one being erected by the existing propaganda apparatus. Furthermore, the nature of the internet makes it almost impossible to stop this from occurring (as citizens can always create ways to bypass online censorship regimens) and simultaneously, social media naturally selects for the most persuasive messages to go viral (whereas propaganda firms have to make large investments to discern what their most persuasive messages are). This new reality has essentially upended the top down method of propaganda our society has revolved around since World War 2 and as best as I can tell, the ruling elite still have not come up with a solution to it (especially given that so much of our society is now dependent upon a well-functioning internet).
•People will typically ignore uncomfortable topics they know they are being lied to about, but once they are directly affected by it, their suffering makes them willing to deal with the otherwise uncomfortable topic. In the past, when people were harmed by a toxic pharmaceutical, it was possible for the mass media to cover it up as those injured were a small minority of the population and hence easy to drown out. However, the COVID-19 vaccines were so harmful that’s not possible to do. Consider for example the results of a recent poll:
Note: because of their methodology, Rasmussen Reports is one of the most accurate polling organizations in the United States. The results in this poll (discussed by their head pollster here) had a variety of data points which suggested they were accurate. Additionally, in the same way Democrats were less willing to acknowledge the vaccines had killed someone, those who were vaccinated or boosted were also less willing to acknowledge this possibility (but nonetheless many still did—which again illustrates the magnitude of this problem).
Likewise, consider this previous poll Rasmussen conducted:
Note: these results are congruent with the other polls which have been conducted on the rate of vaccine injuries. Those polls are discussed here.
In short, I felt that we were in a historically unprecedented situation—the COVID-19 vaccine campaign was so egregious and so many people were directly harmed by it that it was virtually impossible for the propaganda apparatus to cover it up (especially since the “95% effective” vaccines clearly didn’t work) and furthermore, it happened at a time when the propaganda apparatus was the weakest it has ever been. Nonetheless…a decision was still made to go ahead with this.
The Seven Stages of Empires
In 1978, Sir John Glubb, a British General and awake historian published his study of many empires throughout history. Arguing that most historians follow a biased interpretation of history (which only focuses on the parts they want to glamorize) he instead attempted to present what was shown when a complete picture was taken which did not selectively filter out parts of the story.
From it, he discovered that all 11 of the Empires he studied (those within the Western World and the Middle East between 869 B.C. to 1950 A.D.), regardless of the culture, era or technology followed a remarkably similar pattern: the empire lasted for approximately 250 years (ranging from 207 to 267 years), and each went through 7 successive stages (which approximated 10 generations being born within the Empire).
Given the peculiarity of this pattern, it led him to believe this process was something intrinsic to the human psyche, and perhaps was God’s way of ensuring humanity would continually evolve, as each empire coming to prominence allowed its most beneficial ideas to be adopted throughout the world before it was then supplanted by the next empire which could likewise spread its ideas through the world.
The seven stages he identified were as follows:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
The Age of Collapse
In the first stage, a previously inconsequential group of people (e.g., tribesmen in a region) suddenly unify and begin rapidly taking over the surrounding nations. Those pioneers are characterized by extraordinary displays of energy and courage and are typically poor, hardy and enterprising and above all aggressive. Furthermore, they are extremely creative and will find out of the box methods (since they aren’t mired in tradition) to overcome every obstacle they face and always appear to be in control of each situation they face. In addition to this consistently gaining victory on the battlefield, it also allows these pioneers to tackle a variety of other seemingly impossible challenges (e.g., exploring regions no one has been able to get to).
In the second stage, the early gains of those conquests are utilized to create a more professional and organized apparatus for future conquests (e.g., by copying the military technology of those they initially defeated). Because of the pioneering spirit behind the empire, it rapidly gains a large amount of territory.
In the third stage, those territorial gains result in a massive amount of wealth being transferred into the empire from the conquered nations, while simultaneously, vast opportunities for trade are created through having immense regions all be under the same government (in contrast to trade being much more difficult when it has to pass through differing governments). This influx of wealth gradually shifts the society’s focus from honor and glory on the battlefield to simply making money. In turn, because so much wealth easily flows into the empire, the merchant class soon struggles to figure out what to spend it on and hence spend extravagantly on art, architecture and luxury. At this time, many of the original ideals of the empire remain (e.g., one’s duty to the nation in a common mantra and men are encouraged to be masculine and truthful) while the pioneering spirit transitions towards finding creative and daring ways to make as much money as possible across the world.
In the fourth stage, the collective duty people feel towards their nation is replaced with a duty they feel to make as much money as possible. For example, an Arab scholar more than a thousand years ago complained about how students no longer attended college to acquire learning and virtue, but rather to obtain the qualifications which would enable them to grow rich. The nation in turn shifts from being aggressive to defensive (as it wishes to protect the wealth it has) and switched from using armed conflict to financial incentives to pacify its enemies.
Note: the transition between the second to forth stage is typically considered the zenith of the empire.
In the fifth stage, universities begin to crop up throughout the empire (whereas previously there had only been a few) due to the newly created upper class subsidizing their creation. In turn, the ambition of the young switches from the pursuit of adventure and military glory, then to the acquisition of wealth, and finally in this stage, to the acquisition of academic honors. On one hand, this period leads to the society developing a remarkable series of philosophical and scientific discoveries which benefit both the empire and the world. Unfortunately, this period is also marked by the society becoming captivated with mental ideas (e.g., the newest thing) rather than the more tangible aspects of life.
In the sixth stage, this intellectualism transitions to an age of decadence and decline. Some of the key characteristics of this period witnessed again and again include:
•A widespread interest in endless discussions, debates and arguments that go nowhere (“all talk, no action”) and eventually lead to increasing political schisms as people become more and more hostile towards those who intellectually disagree with them. Before long this infects the political system and political rivalries (e.g., needing to be “right” and have the other side be “wrong”) supersede the collective duty people once felt towards the nation. Because of this, as the empire begins to collapse and be overwhelmed by outside invaders, rather than rival political factions unifying to save the country, their hatred intensifies and civil wars begin to break out (after which outside invaders are easily able to take over the nation).
Note: when COVID-19 began, I had hoped it would be enough of a threat to America that the Democrats and Republicans would put aside their rivalry to protect the nation, but instead, as Glubb predicted, partisan divisions instead intensified.
•The society begins to unconsciously adopt the belief it can think its way out of any problem it faces, when in reality, hard work and sacrifice is often the only thing that actually can (but does not happen as these traits are no longer valued by the society).
•Members of the empire believe their success was a product of their inherent superiority, and they hence become happy to outsource the less desirable jobs (e.g., fighting wars or performing manual labor) which built the foundation to the nation to outsiders (which hence greatly weakens its foundation).
•People begin to believe the wealth (which has been there since they were born) will always continue to grow and that they hence do not need courage, hard work or endurance to create it. Simultaneously, a welfare state emerges, as the empire believing it will always be rich, is happy to extend its benevolence to its most lowly subjects in return for their compliance.
•Gender roles in the society are changed.
•A loss of morality, excessive materialism, indifference to religion and widespread sexual degeneracy emerges within the culture.
Note: Glubb cited work by historians from tenth century Baghdad who complained about each of these and commented upon the unhealthy influence ‘pop’ singers of the time (who would play obscene and sexually charged songs on their primitive guitars) had over the young people, and that despite several rulers banning them, these singers kept reemerging in the cities.
•The society, which became much more diverse during the ages of commerce and affluence (as immigrants wanted to assimilate into the richer nation), begins to fracture along the racial divisions in the society. Typically, this is due to longstanding resentments towards the empire’s past conquests resurfacing (which often leads to the immigrants demanding their independence once the declining empire is no longer as appealing to belong to), the immigrants prioritizing their own communities over being will to sacrifice themselves for the empire, and the immigrants having a different emotional temperament from the original citizens of the empire (which disrupts the social cohesion).
•As the empire declines, the citizen’s pride in the empire is replaced with pessimism, frivolity, and an interest in mindless entertainment (resulting in musicians and athletes being glorified by the society rather than effective leaders or seminal intellectuals).
•Politicians become increasingly corrupt and no longer prioritize the wellbeing of the empire over their own material gains.
Once the decline has sufficiently set it, something (e.g., an invading nation which is currently in the pioneering stage) is then able to topple the empire because its people have lost their will to defend it.
The Decline
The remarkable thing about Glubb’s 1978 writing was that it predicted much of what came to pass after it was written (e.g., in America, England and the U.S.S.R.). As its lessons are most applicable to the current state of America, it’s often cited to illustrate that America is a nation in decline. As its parallels to current state of America should be obvious, I would instead like to focus on three other thoughts I frequently have about it.
First, I have long believed four factors were responsible for America becoming the superpower it is today:
•“Luck,” as since World War 2 was an ocean away, unlike all the other nations, America’s factories did not get bombed. Because of this, when the war ended, we had an intact industrial base, which coupled with the emergence of modern technology (due to the War), allowed us to quickly become the world’s leading economy.
•A large land mass available to us which made many things possible that simply could not be done in the smaller or more densely populated regions.
•The nation having a liberty-minded Judeo-Christian value set which inspired its citizens to prioritize doing the right thing in many situations where cruelty would have otherwise triumphed and made America into a symbol many others wanted to emulate.
•A high degree of creativity (in part due to it being a great cultural melting pot and partly from its pioneer phase emerging during the era of science) which allowed a variety of innovative ideas (e.g., technologies) to emerge in America which in turn were adopted by the rest of the world.
Each of these for different reasons is now in decline. Of them, I believe the loss of creativity it particularly important, as during my lifetime, and particularly over the last sixteen years (starting with Obama), I’ve seen a very strong structural shift in America that actively discourages creativity and thinking outside of the box (in a manner not too different from the ossification seen in each other empire during their periods of decline).
In turn, I frequently travel (e.g., I like to spend time in foreign hospitals), and have always noticed how as the years go by (like many empires of the past) those countries adopt many of our technologies and consumer products. Yet, as the years go by, I notice more and more that these other nations that are supposed to be “behind” America actually do a better job of implementing them than we do, that their cities are much cleaner and more organized, and that I see a variety of simple innovations there (e.g., having traffic lights blink shortly before they change colors) that should be adopted everywhere, yet I know will never make it to America. I believe this is in part due to the fact that so much our national budget being spent on corrupt things that do not advance the national interest (e.g., dysfunctional wars that only serve to enrich the military industrial complex) and in part because we have moved past the age of an empire’s institutional buildup.
Note: I believe some of these countries (e.g., China) are very much following the seven stages of empires, but have not yet had enough wealth to make their society become decadent and are hence continuing to have the pioneering spirit which advances and develops their nation.
The Decline of Science
While Glubb’s theory is most commonly linked to the America, I most frequently associate it with our scientific and medical apparatus.
Initially, we had a pioneering era, where many bold and innovative inventors, under a pressure to perform, discovered a variety of revolutionary and widely admired technologies. Then, as money began entering the equation, this began shifting from prioritizing the development of the best technologies to prioritizing those which could best monopolize the market.
Note: many of the most remarkable forgotten medical technologies I have come across were developed in the late 1800s and early 1900s in America, but were then essentially erased from history by the AMA after they (along with oligarchs like John Rockefeller) monopolized the practice of medicine.
Due to the remarkable advances American science and particularly American medicine brought to the world (along with the financial incentives the medical industry had to enshrine a widespread devotion to modern medicine), a widespread faith in our scientific apparatus (along with perpetual funding for it) was created which took the pressure to innovate out of it and replaced it with a system where everyone was rewarded for maintaining the status quo (e.g., by not advancing controversial research) and the current “experts” who simply repeated the existing scientific orthodoxies were venerated throughout the society.
Note: while Glubb did not mention this, other scholars I’ve spoken to believe that the advent of political correctness (people becoming unable to point out what’s obvious if it challenges a dominant narrative) often coincides with the decline of democracies because it is no longer possible to call out the festering problems which need to be addressed (e.g., in ancient Greece, once their plays began becoming more politically correct, it was followed by the collapse of Greek Democracy).
Because of this, we’ve seen the creativity in America science dwindle (e.g., the grants career scientists depend upon are only given to those who work which confirms to the existing scientific narratives) and paradigm shifting ideas that disrupt science and move it forward are becoming rarer and rarer (as beyond not being funded, those who research it are widely attacked by the scientific community).
In parallel to this, there has been increasing corruption within the scientific profession and more and more brazen acts of scientific malfeasance done for the sake of profit (e.g., the CDC adds almost every vaccine they are presented with the the vaccine schedule, regardless of how unjustifiable it is to do so).
In this publication, I’ve focused on the anatomy of that corruption within the Federal government, such as by highlighting how much of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry, hence creating a large conflict of interest for the agency to approve the drugs it “regulates,” which has lead to the FDA approving more and more unjustifiable medications which they then refuse to pull from the market regardless of how many severe injuries are reported from the drugs or how much public (and often congressional) protest the federal agencies receive.
Unlike many, I hence was not surprised by the FDA’s outrageous conduct with the COVID-19 vaccines as it simply represented the next escalation of a process I had seen happen again and again with other drugs (e.g., I previously detailed the horrendous scandal that transpired with the SSRI antidepressants and what happened with the HPV vaccine). Instead, I was hopeful the COVID-19 vaccine debacle would be such a shock to the public it would begin waking them up to the fact something needed to be done about our increasingly comprised public health agencies.
Fortunately, over the last two years, the federal bureaucracy has begun waking up to the fact 20% of the population believing they mandated a lethal (and useless) injection upon the country is not good for ensuring the public continues to trust them. For example, last year, this event was hosted in the same city where the CDC is headquartered:
A few weeks ago, the New York Times published an editorial which attempted to improve the public’s trust in our Federal health agencies by acknowledging that “some people believe they were hurt by the vaccines” and the Federal government “should have done better for those people.” As they are in a somewhat untenable position (they don’t want to admit fault but simultaneously can’t afford to not be forgiven by the public) that disingenuous apology didn’t go anywhere and the widespread distrust remains.
Shortly after that, Chris Cuomo (previously an ardent advocate for the standard COVID-19 pandemic protocols) acknowledged that he’d suffered a COVID-19 vaccine injury and that the government had acted in a deplorable manner with the vaccines. Most recently, he had Trump’s director of the CDC on his show where he stated:
There’s been so much credibility lost in the public science groups, NIH, FDA, CDC, because I think there was a a lack of really just transparency. One of the things I used to tell my colleagues, don't be afraid to say you don't know the answer.
And all too often people would make up the answer. And as you know, those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines…we kinda got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines because they were afraid that that would cause people not to wanna get vaccinated…but..we have to be honest, some people, got significant side effects from the vaccine. I have a number of people that are quite ill, and they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine, and we just have to acknowledge that.
Note: Paul Alexander, who also worked in the HHS at that time has stated that 6 months before the vaccine hit the market, in private officials from the FDA, CDC, NIH, Moderna, & Pfizer shared their serious concerns with the mRNA vaccines (especially for children) but despite strongly disagreeing with what was being done, did not speak out because they were fearful over the retaliation (e.g., career destruction) they would face if they did so. Remarkably, many of the issues we have since discovered about the vaccines, as Alexander shows, were known at the time, but due to this environment of being “cancelled” for spreading vaccine hesitancy, we were not warned about this possibility by the government—something which remarkably is also exactly what happened with other vaccine disasters in America’s past.
The fact that the government not only “missed” the clear dangers of the COVID vaccines, but aggressively promoted these incredibly dangerous products has thus destroyed much of the public’s trust in these institutions.
I view this as the one major upside to the situation as it is now creating the political will to begin looking into the corruption within these agencies and ask if they are lying to us about anything else.
For example, because I kept on being asked which were the least justifiable vaccines to give your children and I wanted to give an honest and objective answer that accurately contrasted the risks and benefits of each childhood vaccine (rather than just saying I avoid all vaccines), I put together a digestible summary of my research on this topic. This was done to highlight the fact that just like there is no possible justification to give the COVID vaccines to children (as they essentially have a 100% survival rate from the disease), there are also other completely unjustifiable vaccines on the CDC schedule. That article struck a cord, went viral, and was then featured by Emerald Robinson, who, in an interview with Pierre Kory (clipped below) about the article and the widespread loss of trust in our Public Health authorities, shared that she’d long suspected they were issues with the childhood vaccines she’d never been allowed to share before:
Shortly after, the above interview was clipped where it then received over a million views on Twitter.
I have remarkable colleagues who have worked in the vaccine safety movement for decades, and in many cases, they were almost completely alone, toiled for years to bring the truth out on this subject, and despite all that work, could only reach a small number of people (likely in the hundreds). In contrast, this publication (which is a part time job for me) already receives a million views each month and I regularly help draft Tweets which are seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.
In my eyes, this is a not a product of my own work (e.g., many other independent voices receive far more traffic than I do), but rather that the time is at last right for the suppressed truth on vaccinations to burst into the public’s eyes, and that as many of those who came before me predicted, the centuries long wave of karma from mass-vaccination is at last preparing to unravel itself. Much of this is a product of the fact the consciousness of humanity (aided by the internet) has evolved to the point the ruling class simply does not have the same power they used to over us, and that we are now on the cusp of transitioning to a style of government where policies must be chosen on the basis of them making sense to the public rather than because they were decided by the leadership and forced upon us with propaganda.
Note: the end of the viability of mass propaganda is discussed by The Consillience Project here.
While Glubb did not study the empires which existed within Asia when he made his report, those culture’s reached a similar conclusion to Glubb and argued that most societies essential followed this pattern:
However, unlike Glubb, those cultures believed the hardship of a period of decline could motivate the citizenry to do the hard work to come together and save their society.
This is important because America is now very much an empire in decline where each of the institutions we have long depended upon (e.g., the FDA, the Judicial system, the electoral system) are becoming consumed by corruption and no longer serving the functions they were intended created for (which in turn is breeding widespread cynicism towards them throughout the society and ever-increasing political polarization). All of this indicate we are very close to an institutional collapse and that we hence must come together to rebuild our institutions and stop that wave of decline.
Fortunately, there are many promising signs this is happening (e.g., a large part of a previously apathetic public is becoming actively involved in the political process because they can recognize what is happening to the country is unacceptable and as I’ve highlighted here, many are now willing to question the centuries of corruption behind the vaccination program). Unfortunately, as humans do not like to let go of power, many in the political leadership (like the leaders in each empire that came before us) still do not grasp the gravity of the situation they are in, or the fact that unless they surrender some of their power and work collaboratively (and fairly) with the other side, they stand to lose everything from an institutional collapse of the United States.
My hope is thus that dedicated citizens and voices within the independent media can hence motivate the American public to come together to address the debacle we are facing. Currently, I feel that is very possible to do, and I see many promising signs of it, but at the same time, I also feel the window to do something is closing.
At the very least however, it is my sincere hope that the widespread loss of public trust in both the Federal Health Authorities and the pharmaceutical industry will send a clear message to them that it is in their own self interest to never do something like the COVID-19 vaccination program again. This is important because if you review the documents, which detail the entire genesis of Operation Warp Speed (and the WHO’s relentless push to enshrine the usage of liability free “emergency” vaccines), the COVID-19 vaccines were simply meant to be the first of these highly dangerous (but incredibly lucrative products). Fortunately, it is now looking like we’re succeeding on this front (e.g., we successfully stopped the WHO treaty and we are now seeing gradual official admissions of fault with the COVID vaccines).
Throughout my life, I’ve always watched the course history could take, and for the first time, I very much feel we are at an inflection point where two very different roads exist—one which leads to a bright future (e.g., one where many of the sins of the medical industry are at last exposed and a much more open and collaborative form of discourse spreads throughout society) or a much darker one where we economically collapse and transition to a more feudal style of governance where many of the liberties we had all taken for granted permanently disappear.
As either of these outcomes is possible, I feel this is the time in my life where it is the most important to “do something,” and hence why I’ve taken on various projects like this publication. Ultimately, whichever path we go down will largely be a product of what the everyday citizenry do, and in that vein I thank each of you for all that you have done to make the moment in history we are in possible.
My sincere hope is that this post will inspire many of you to become directly involved in healing the institutions and community around you so that we can move towards a period of institutional buildup rather than the collapse which is right around the corner. In that same vein, I sincerely thank each of you for giving me the voice to do what I can on my end to help be a part of bringing about that brighter future.”
All new vaccines should first be given to all politicians and elites then wait 2 years before giving to general public
As President Trump has said correctly the US is a nation in decline. Communist China has overtaken the US as the wealthiest nation in the world by GDP. Communist China is also in the world's top ranked countries for mean IQ while the US is Number 30, behind Cambodia, a third world sh*thole that outperforms the US. Small wonder that America's scientific institutions are in profound decline. And amidst all this it has now been reported that Biden intends to campaign for re-electionby reminding people of "how bad things were under Trump." He's planning to blame the US covid deaths on Trump, even though more died under Biden after the jabs were rolled out. The coming election will see rival candidates clamoring to be recognized as "champion of the clot shots." And now - can you believe it? - it's being claimed that Ozempic is the best thing since sliced bread for chronic kidney disease. Yes, America, which ranks below a third world shithole like Cambodia for IQ, is a nation in decline.
Semaglutide Significantly Improves Chronic Kidney Disease