TRUMP's ('45') VP (vice President) pick has to be someone who is as large as he, just a step below; why? this person must bring gravitas, be able to take the wheel for a strong likelihood they (dems,
RINOs, deepstate etc.) will move to kill 45, and I am not kidding; they will not stop and it is not even about electing him Nov 3rd, it is getting him to Jan 20th swear in! That VP pick is the most
consequential in American history and this is why Kennedy just bombed big-time, he is not trying to be POTUS…s Trump needs to know that who he picks, man or woman, must have the capacity to be POTUS if he is hurt or killed, and that person too must have the capacity to contest the 2028 election to win…and even be there for 2032…so this VP choice is brining is huge…I have an idea but cannot speak.
45’s VP pick must be able to lead America in case of Trump being killed, calming America, of keeping the nation from internal civil war, of fracturing, of steadying the ship, of rising the moment, of being able to contest 2028, and have the balls, man or woman, to become a rabid animal, a mandingo, a RAMBO, to bring malice and venom and retribution to find who would hurt 45 and kill them, kill their families, kill everyone they know, blow up the corner they walked past, destroy anyone connected to them who had a whiff of what was up…decimate them.…just have no mercy…we know they are exposing 45 each time they make him come to the court houses, they are trying to Scalise him…we need to protect him, pray for him, defend him, and have no mercy on anyone, any group that harms him…let their ancestors cry out from graves for us to stop and have mercy…for the punishment we will visit upon them for such evil…
take this as a warning to anyone who would hurt Trump…
we will have none, no mercy, if they harm our King.
This is exactly why they made Trump take traitor Pence. Someone they can control, who will do their bidding. Let's hope Trump cleans out the RNC and every RINO on the inside there. Ditto with the cabinet.
JD Vance
This man has morals and loves America