Israeli civilians. "For nine people," UNRWA spokesman Farhan Haq said, "the evidence was sufficient to conclude that they may have been involved in the seventh of October attacks."
They haven’t any comments edward primarily because, they are fueling the demise of the Western World!
Look at what’s happening in the UK. These rioters are in part funded by the UN, the Un-United Nations!
They’ve paid for the invasion of America, along with China and the US! NGO’s are being paid billions edward, yes billions to “replace Americans”!
Just as the “peaceful protesters” during the “Summer of Love” was all but peaceful!
This is where, this is how, America falls! Planned destruction with bad actors / the “Globalist Elites” at the helm of attack!
Don’t expect any comments edward. If they do comment, they will call out “right wing MAGA” rioters! Everything is opposite of the truth! Cowards are and will always be cowards!
Yes, there are riots in the UK. I have watched two videos this morning. One, where the person filming is incredulous that the police have guided one lot of protestors to a direct confrontation with another group of protestors. The second one was an undercover policeman/security services man, giving hand signals to the police. It begs the question, who is really orchestrating the conflict? If you don't want to be shocked, I suggest not going to deep down this rabbit hole.
I believe we are in end times and that as in the OT where God used "strange and foreign peoples" to judge Israel, He is using Islam to do the same to all western nations. The elites are fools because what they are doing to the USA and other western nations is in the will of God. Ironic because Islam will stone abortionists, adulterers, homosexuals and boot the alcohol industry. These are all things God sees as terrible sins but which western nations practice.
My God edward you’ve hit, laser like direct center, the reasons why all these horrible events are playing out around the world!
I absolutely love how you framed these events. There’s no doubt “God” has directed the various ignorant parties what to do!
I say ignorant because, as you pointed out, Islam detests all things
“Western Worlds Embellishment”
It’s sort of like “greasing” the baseball for your opponent’s pitcher! How stupid? Yet you are so spot on!
Thank you Stan and understand what you’ve touched on, transcends to all the “human” shortcomings! So important is this because America and the American people have broken our covenant with God!
There is no thwarting the will of God. He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent in representing all that is good and even in His wrath He is perfect. We need to realize we have opinions and while I can surmise we are in the start of the end times the reality of scripture says ONLY the "Father" knows and not even the Son. or the Holy One of God.
Things are insane. Deception is everywhere. And the actual waxing worse and worse of evil is present to a great degree.
I have already indicated to "Citizen" that I am seeking some opinions from four people. A woman whose husband was murdered in the Rwandan genocide, her new husband a friend over decades who is well schooled and knowledgeable scripturally, a minister of a non denominational church I have yet found to be not in the least erroneous and in fact quick to point out to me good points BUT more importantly bad ones. I will also speak to a man with his son in Israel for decades and as well a rabbi. I will seek answers to my pointed questions and compare/evaluate. I am openly troubled over the many claims that Jewish people perpetrated atrocities against others and specifically Palestine children. I will get to the Truth of the matter on this.
We can all consider things as to the state of the world and see the corruption in the last ten years that has infiltrated all western nations and the huge increase in moslems going to western nations where there are occurrences they are a part of that threaten the well being of others and specifically girls and women.
The work at hand for me is to seek the counsel of more knowledgeable people than myself and clear this Jew vs Moslem thing up for my own benefit as both have specific parts to play as well in the end times. I will drawing on the total experience of people equating to over 200 years and benefitting from the personal experiences of these four and probably another one We must always "TEST" and evaluate our observations and since I feel askew with this Jew?Moslem scenario I require some extra knowledge others are in possession of. I have noted the ground swell of many who I see as being supportive of terrorist groups and have always considered such things in the mix that go against my perspectives with the possibility I could be errant. Imperfection is the lot of man and it is woven into our DNA. I also have 8 women as friends and one I talked to last night well over an hour. All have perspectives and I know some of them have IQ's in the top one percent of the population...they are a huge resource to me. I was texting with one last night as well.
I NEED you both to answer these questions so I can ascertain my position in strength. -has or is Israel been guilty of atrocities against Christians and/or moslems?
12:58 PM (2 hours ago)
to me, Mimi
Hello Edward;
I'm sure you know more about what is going on in the middle east than me, though as you say I have heard that there are atrocities being perpetuated against the Palestinian peoples by Israel.
Regarding the Lords use of Islam to punish and correct western society for all the perversions going on, I personally don't see it that way. For me it is the coming of the Antichrist as spoken of in Daniel seven and eight, Jesus prophetic word in Matthew 24, and the coming of Antichrist, and mark of the Beast as recorded in Revelation chapter 13. This will bring great tribulation on the whole world, and how society as we know it will stop. Jesus said that no one would survive this time of unprecedented tribulation unless those days are shortened. Starting at verse 29 of Matthew 24, he describes his second coming and the rapture as how it will these times will end.
For me scripture is describing this antichrist system as that of the New World Order people, the Globalists. We can even now see what they have done, what they are doing now and we have a good idea of what they are planning, that of total control of humanity and population reduction by 90 percent. This fits so well with end times prophesy, and with what Jesus said would happen right before his second coming. Yes I believe that this time is starting, and it will soon be revealed who is the antiChrist.
So he right away addresses the issue of child imposed atrocities and then disagrees with my position also on where we are at and why. You can see how humble he is and ordered in his speech.
There are three more to come. His wife sees it his way too and I expect the things she has seen in person are horrendous and does not want to bring them to life again.
The last three will either validate me or the position of my friend Paul who is also aware of atrocities against Palestinian children.
If they worked alongside HAMAS then they should be charged. The evidence surely would have to at least meet the balance of probabilities criterion. The ICC could be tasked to see if there's a prima facie, and then have to explain their conclusions.
The robustness of their conclusions is probably a bit like the robustness of polling. Let me digress.
Polls are sometimes wrong and sometimes right.
They understated support for Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. However, it would be a foolish person who "assumes" that a poll is either necessarily right or necessarily wrong.
Polls don't just influence whether or not people turn out to vote.
There are "underdog effects" as well as "bandwagon effects."
Polls favoring a candidate can cause some potential voters to be complacent and not turn out and Polls showing a candidate behind can cause some of their supporters not to turn out.
What's disturbing about the polls that now show Harris ahead in both the swing states and national vote is that many of them previously showed Trump ahead. If they were being rigged to hurt Trump by trying to induce complacency by showing him ahead then they probably wouldn't suddenly be being rigged to try to hurt him by showing him behind.
Trump's support has not gone to Harris.
What the polls appear to be showing now is that Dems who weren't going to vote because they were turned off by Biden's senility are now being energized to vote for Harris and that has pushed her support ahead of Trump's.
Other usually reliable predictors apart from polls, such as the predictors in Alan Lichtman's system put Harris.
People ignore this and smoke "hopium" at their peril.
"the evidence was sufficient to conclude that they may have been involved in the seventh of October attacks."
This is an impossible statement. “Sufficient” and “may” exclude each other in this sentence. Either the evidence is sufficient or nothing can be concluded. No, if, buts or maybes.
The UN we should have left long ago. It seems as if it were sponsored approved killing of innocent people, not good. Can those who survive the attack sue for damages loss of wages, home, duress?
The article lies: Israel gave the UN a list of 100 people involved with Hamas.
In reality, UNWRA is Hamas. There is really no separation. Any organization in Gaza that can exist must be under the control of Hamas and staffed by Hamas members. There is no organization that can otherwise exist in Gaza. The majority of the people of Gaza are likewise pro-Hamas. In every house the Israeli Defense Force enters, is a copy of Mein Kampf and/or photos of Hitler on the walls. Almost all homes have tunnel entrances in them, located under baby cribs, for example. Just as all the mosques, schools, and hospitals all have tunnel entrances in them. Gaza=Hamas.
Equals ISIS. Fundamentalist money came via Malaysia along with Sunni extremist beliefs and pushing FGM. Oddly, Iran sends them weapons despite the Sunni Imam preaching that Shia are infidel.
U.N. workers have been doing bad things since as long as I can remember, especially in Africa. Is being 'fired' the only thing that will happen to these people? You can bet this is just the tip of the iceberg. And as Americans we can't even get a true accounting of the money sent to agencies/departments. How would we ever get true accountability from the U.N. or the WHO, or any number of other NGO's.
On the other side there have not been anywhere near an equitable level of punishments meted out on Israelis for displacing, stealing from and slaughtering Palestinian men, women and children for the past 75+ years. There is almost no comparison.
Why does there exist a so called religion that overflows with hatred against an identifiable group of another religion? Is the problem here moslems vs all other religions? What has the truth of history to say? Is there a religion whose tenets of violence, hate and mandated atrocities a proven reality over years?
I will use the reasoning of authorities on human psychology. I have been told that the most accurate indication of future conduct is based on the past conduct of the specific person. So what has been the historic conduct of the Barbary moslem slavers who for 1400 years enslaved both whites and black Christians what with all the outrages committed by the slavers against those they cruelly subjugated? Anyone care to ask me in my outrage against moslem ingrates and criminals if I have hatred against little moslem children? Am I capable of overseeing gang rape of little children of any creed or race? What demonic religion historically has been and is capable of atrocities against any other religions? Bingo!!!!!!!
I guess it's different to the Talmud which advocates the supremacy over all non-Jews.
You know, the "we will each have 1000 non-Jew slaves" and "one Jewish fingernail isn't worth 10,000 dead Palestinians" Talmud.
Also, as far as I am aware the Koran preaches to respect Jesus and Christians. Talmudic Jews on the other hand despise Jesus, call him a "sorcerer", believe he is currently boiling in excrement and are proud they were responsible for killing him. Yeah, I agree past conduct is a good indicator of future conduct. Just look at what the rogue state of "Israel" is currently TikToking to the world. Abominable.
I am sure a woman I have just emailed whose husband was murdered in the Rwandan genocide will tell me that experience occurred because the murderers were killing Christians as was her husband. She told me when she and her surviving were classified as refugees fleeing persecution, when they boarded a jumbo jet her and her family were the ONLY Christians on it and the rest in whole were moslems. The Koran teaches indiscriminate subjugation/killing of all non moslems
You have aroused enough curiosity in me for me to delve into this more thoroughly and my last lengthy post explains to what lengths I am going to either prove you wrong or right.
So how about historical accounts of mass murderers based on their hatred of other religions? Why is Genghis Khan famous? It is because his murder and atrocities of millions based on their religions ran into the millions, surpassing any other religious group!!! Did/does this justify any other child abuse? Of course not nor do I support atrocities against children of any religious group or race. But just why is it one religion is famous/infamous for murders of men, women and children throughout history???? Care to answer me "Citizen?" Moslem atrocities exist up to the present!!!
Well "edward", for a start Genghis Khan murdered his perceived enemies, he didn't attack certain religions.
If you want to talk about religions that are known for killing people you could argue Christianity or Atheism have been responsible for just as many religious-related deaths. The USA, a mainly Christian country, has been responsible for millions of deaths over its history.
On a kills per "Israeli" citizen though, "Israel" is up there as one of the most barbaric entities that ever existed.
The problem with "Israel" is that when people resist as a result of their murder, thieving, displacement, torture and destruction, they call "anti-Semite!" instead of admitting that it is a normal reaction to their despicable behaviour.
True Christianity does not violate the Ten Commandments BUT fake Christianity does. The Inquisitors were not Christians based on the reality God gives us each free moral choice right or wrong.
Genghis Khan was following the dictates of his Islamic belief which demands world domination at any cost. He did not/would not have killed any moslems in the ranks of his "enemies." He was the biggest mass murderer in history. Islam refers to all other religious people as infidels and counsels their murders.
Tell me is it not abominable for moslem hamASS to commit atrocities against little Jewish innocent children? Why were hamASS attacks not directed at adults instead of little girls? And young women? Why were moslem terrorist attacks directed against civilian non combatants? Why are many atrocities listed in the Koran mandating abominations against innocent Jewish children?
I am not aware of what you say is in the Talmud so cannot oppose you but I will see in the next few days. I do not tend to disbelieve you because those claims can be checked and you would lose your credibility which has been established to a certain degree.
You prove the reality that most religions are apostate and the only one that is not is Christianity. I refer to true Christianity as mainline churches such as the United church, Anglican church, etc are not Christian in their acceptance of homosexuality and abortion. Scriptures speak of "hell enlarging itself" and this is what they refer to. In my case I attend a Bible church that is non denominational and thus has no ruling "discipline" (man made laws to be a member of that denomination/ABOMINATION)
"Let the long contention cease, geese are swans and swans are geese. Creep into thy narrow bed, creep and let no more be said."
This whole topic has created in many emotionally and certainly subjective reactions. But not in me. Well, if you believe that have I a bridge to sell you!
So what is Truth? Why have I not in all my life not found/discovered/noted any viable proof of your claims? Huh?
Is history not Truth? Is WW1 and WW2 not Truth? Was the persecution of the Jews not an atrocity? Can you produce evidence to the contrary of my presuppositions? For example, if you claim censorship on behalf of and favorable to Jewish interests, why have I in all my travels, searches. studies, etc NOT come across stated and verifiable proof of your assertions? What is your authority? Your documentation? Your verification? Your historical accounts?
I can take my Book and find but one instance of Jewish culpability but specifically of the religious leaders of that day who were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ but the authority of the day that carried it out was the Romans. Their eventual punishment was the destruction of their civilization from the inside.
I also contend the current destruction of all western nations today is a reality because of their embrace of the stench/ horrible smell in the nostrils of God.
Carrying that to the present, I note that many nations in the European sphere historically cast out Jewish people. So is that not considered persecution? Nor the historic mistreatment of Jews down through time?
Going back to the scriptures, the condemnation by Jesus the Glorified Christ, in His judgment and condemnation of the seven churches of Asia, representing the current religions of the day, found only ONE religion that He gave a mere pass. The rest He judged as failures.
So what were the beginnings of Islam? Do you consider that Islam existed then as one of the "churches of Asia" He condemned? If He did not, and it existed, then why would He countenance in the doing a complete silent repudiation of His Christianity, works, example, teachings and reality? Islam claims their example to be Mohammed. I claim mine to be Jesus and that I believe will cost me my head down the line that I will gladly offer.
I pose that the only religion, the One He gave a pass to was Christianity, that exists fully teaching the reality of "love thine enemy" when in fact Islam countenances the murder, enslavement and torture of ALL OTHER RELIGIONS. You claim the Jewish religion also does. I find that hard to believe. But I have never delved deeply into things. You are not the first to question my thoughts and opinions. But your demeanor coaxes questions and your questions coax questions in me.
There has been and is a solid setting for the ONLY religion that preaches a tolerant attitude but not agreement of any and all other belief CYSTems I also condemn with the caveat that comes from Him, that He gives us a free moral right to choose or reject Him, curse Him, and even condemn Him. Does there exist any other religion with those quantified qualifications? You know the answer. So you inferred the Jewish religion is corrupt? I note you did not defend Islam but tried to justify its serious excesses on the basis of its right to torture Israeli children.
My case is solidly built on history and accurate fact. You have triggered the full circle route wherein the justification and authentification of the Only True God ordained religion as being Christianity. Did Jesus mandate torture? Slavery? Genocide? Or any sins? No!!!! Does Islam? Yes? Does Judaism? According to you and others it does. Can I believe that? Hard to accept. For me. But I will find the Truth on the matter.
But I can and do accept Jesus alone as the Only Way to salvation. The Only True God and in that process, I condemn ALL other religions as apostate. Your premise tacitly states whether you like it or not that atrocities committed by the Jewish are real but also committed by Islam. Hard for me to accept without valid proof that the Jewish people are guilty of same. But my appetite has been whetted and I fully realize the answer to my question is not only in the Holy Bible BUT also in the temporal realm.
So this is my end game and I know one person and temporal authority I trust who will give me an audience and answer one question that will resolve it all in my mind.
The lineage of Jesus is in fact Jewish and scripturally proven. Yet why have the atrocities you and others claim caused by Jewish people not backed by strong evidence? But I have reached the point in my existence that few reach. Most blindly embrace any one of the many false religions of the day. I do not but I have studied many. And my studies/investigations are NOT COMPLETE on all matters.
I MUST ADD THERE IS ANOTHER AUTHORITY I MENTIONED making three sources of PROBABLE Truth in all this.
So I do not look on you as adversarial. In fact you are one who actually triggered my curiosity for Truth and if you care at all about Truth you might well be interested in my further investigations by my meeting with a trusted man from Israel, a man who is a strong proponent of the Jewish faith, and another who I trust implicitly as a tried and proven source of Truth. I know this because he has never hesitated to encourage me but also never hesitates/hesitated in offering correction and direction to me.
I absolutely know these all will not lie. Two of these are religious leaders, the other is schooled by his experiences and constant presence in Israel.
I will be pleased to offer the results of my observations for your perusal but I am sure I will find Truth in my queries. I do however say I will also meet with another perhaps today also well schooled in reality who happens to be married as a survivor of the Rwandan genocide that resulted in the murder of her husband. Both her and her present husband will have much to say on this.
It is not my will to accept the Jewish people are culpable. I really did not want to go down this road. HamASS started the most recent conflict.
But the people I will query and who will not hesitate on this score to tell me truthfully, I will accept. If I have been in error I can and will delineate that, without excuse.
But the bottom line here is that there is only One God, One alone who can offer redemption. In saying that I will and have aroused anger and hatred from most of the worldly population. But that was also foretold.
Life is exciting and all one has to do is search for, defend and embrace the Truth.
I have given you fair treatment but you have inadvertently given to me more so than anger, a desire to really get to the bottom of this. And I have the ability and the ones who will steer me straight. And I will. My first contact with two will happen right after I post this even at four thirty in the morn.
In my mind is the old song by Johnny Cash titled, "What Is Truth." It can be likened in its substance and priceless value to a beautiful woman, ever elusive but aware of her sublimity. It takes time, and effort, patience and persistence to court and capture the heart of such a woman, I categorically define as "real" women.
I say this knowing of the four I have and do trust as counsel, as being totally honest. The fourth 98% trustworthy. I also add to that something that will seem out of place that I said to a fine and highly intelligent medical professional in my client list for over three decades. I told her in one or our serious discussions, "There are worse things in life than dying." She agreed in a moment. And there are. One of those is living a life where one goes along to get along. Because of that most western nations are in decline. Few care to proclaim the Truth on any matter and Truth has been replaced by greed, selfishness, idolatry, and all that comes from the "love of money" which is the "root of all evil." It is true. All evil exists because of that including porn, (billions in profit yearly) abortion, sex trafficking, illicit drug dealing, scamdemics, etc.
In the USA, the bastion of freedom, I believe the Minutemen are turning in their graves, and I hold accountable apostate ministers few of which preach Truth. They knew and know it, but have become false, and apostate. Nuff said.
The relationship UNRWA-Hamas has been clearly defined for a long time, now. It’s not about picking up bits and pieces of info and synthesising these pieces into a personal ideology/ opinion. It’s about following credible people like Caroline Glick and Jonathan Tobin and watching Jewish News and considering a variety of reports to formulate an understanding.
As for the Talmud…not God’s Holy Word. And yes, a portion of it is reflexion on the Torah. History: different groups of Jews….Pharisees, Sadducees, Samaritans etc. with some conflicting ideas…Roman occupation where the Romans were bewildered what to do with the fighting Jews: sometimes the Pharisees were prominent, other times the Sadducees were prominent…birth of Christ and the level headed Messianic Essenes, the Jews who knew the imprint of the Trinity from the Scriptures very beginning were assimilated into Christianity… rabbinic tradition births the Talmud…some vile thoughts exposed just like some similar ideas exposed in the Muslim’s holy book. Unfortunately, rabbinic reflection has remained and followed Jewish culture in a negative way. I can still remember, at the beginning of the COVID plandemic the reporting of two very different groups of rabbis. 1) a sorrowful, caring group who considered the struggles of all humanity in this world 2) a group of screaming rabbis who insisted that Israelis listen to them because “they” were of superior knowledge…take the vaccine! This group is the group who continued the Pharisees and the rabbinic teachings of the era after the destruction of the temple.
Why no comments? The U.N. has long been suspected of being a totalitarian agency predisposed against Freedom and Justice.
They haven’t any comments edward primarily because, they are fueling the demise of the Western World!
Look at what’s happening in the UK. These rioters are in part funded by the UN, the Un-United Nations!
They’ve paid for the invasion of America, along with China and the US! NGO’s are being paid billions edward, yes billions to “replace Americans”!
Just as the “peaceful protesters” during the “Summer of Love” was all but peaceful!
This is where, this is how, America falls! Planned destruction with bad actors / the “Globalist Elites” at the helm of attack!
Don’t expect any comments edward. If they do comment, they will call out “right wing MAGA” rioters! Everything is opposite of the truth! Cowards are and will always be cowards!
Yes, there are riots in the UK. I have watched two videos this morning. One, where the person filming is incredulous that the police have guided one lot of protestors to a direct confrontation with another group of protestors. The second one was an undercover policeman/security services man, giving hand signals to the police. It begs the question, who is really orchestrating the conflict? If you don't want to be shocked, I suggest not going to deep down this rabbit hole.
Thank you Stan, it’s extremely important to understand first hand of what you’ve experienced.
As I explained to Darkstar or attempted to explain is what happened during the “summer of love” in America of 2020.
IMO, as history shows us, there’s always some sort of test run. This is what I was explaining to Darkstar’s question, “why machetes and not guns”?
Which is IMO, part of this test run experience of testing the water.
Yea Stan I have watched and riots are real! Very real and IMO will escalate to guns.
Thank you Stan for sharing your insights.
I believe we are in end times and that as in the OT where God used "strange and foreign peoples" to judge Israel, He is using Islam to do the same to all western nations. The elites are fools because what they are doing to the USA and other western nations is in the will of God. Ironic because Islam will stone abortionists, adulterers, homosexuals and boot the alcohol industry. These are all things God sees as terrible sins but which western nations practice.
edward, please accept my apologies for calling you Stan inadvertently. In my haste to get ready for work, I messed up.
Thank you edward.
I have been called a lot worse than "Stan" hahahaha
Thank you “Joe”, LOL.
Thanks edward,
My God edward you’ve hit, laser like direct center, the reasons why all these horrible events are playing out around the world!
I absolutely love how you framed these events. There’s no doubt “God” has directed the various ignorant parties what to do!
I say ignorant because, as you pointed out, Islam detests all things
“Western Worlds Embellishment”
It’s sort of like “greasing” the baseball for your opponent’s pitcher! How stupid? Yet you are so spot on!
Thank you Stan and understand what you’ve touched on, transcends to all the “human” shortcomings! So important is this because America and the American people have broken our covenant with God!
More to come and thank you again Stan.
There is no thwarting the will of God. He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent in representing all that is good and even in His wrath He is perfect. We need to realize we have opinions and while I can surmise we are in the start of the end times the reality of scripture says ONLY the "Father" knows and not even the Son. or the Holy One of God.
Things are insane. Deception is everywhere. And the actual waxing worse and worse of evil is present to a great degree.
I have already indicated to "Citizen" that I am seeking some opinions from four people. A woman whose husband was murdered in the Rwandan genocide, her new husband a friend over decades who is well schooled and knowledgeable scripturally, a minister of a non denominational church I have yet found to be not in the least erroneous and in fact quick to point out to me good points BUT more importantly bad ones. I will also speak to a man with his son in Israel for decades and as well a rabbi. I will seek answers to my pointed questions and compare/evaluate. I am openly troubled over the many claims that Jewish people perpetrated atrocities against others and specifically Palestine children. I will get to the Truth of the matter on this.
We can all consider things as to the state of the world and see the corruption in the last ten years that has infiltrated all western nations and the huge increase in moslems going to western nations where there are occurrences they are a part of that threaten the well being of others and specifically girls and women.
The work at hand for me is to seek the counsel of more knowledgeable people than myself and clear this Jew vs Moslem thing up for my own benefit as both have specific parts to play as well in the end times. I will drawing on the total experience of people equating to over 200 years and benefitting from the personal experiences of these four and probably another one We must always "TEST" and evaluate our observations and since I feel askew with this Jew?Moslem scenario I require some extra knowledge others are in possession of. I have noted the ground swell of many who I see as being supportive of terrorist groups and have always considered such things in the mix that go against my perspectives with the possibility I could be errant. Imperfection is the lot of man and it is woven into our DNA. I also have 8 women as friends and one I talked to last night well over an hour. All have perspectives and I know some of them have IQ's in the top one percent of the population...they are a huge resource to me. I was texting with one last night as well.
The number now is five.
Okay. Here is the first response I have received and this fellow Paul is a long time friend and Bible scholar.
Here is his take on things.
5:17 AM (9 hours ago)
I NEED you both to answer these questions so I can ascertain my position in strength. -has or is Israel been guilty of atrocities against Christians and/or moslems?
12:58 PM (2 hours ago)
to me, Mimi
Hello Edward;
I'm sure you know more about what is going on in the middle east than me, though as you say I have heard that there are atrocities being perpetuated against the Palestinian peoples by Israel.
Regarding the Lords use of Islam to punish and correct western society for all the perversions going on, I personally don't see it that way. For me it is the coming of the Antichrist as spoken of in Daniel seven and eight, Jesus prophetic word in Matthew 24, and the coming of Antichrist, and mark of the Beast as recorded in Revelation chapter 13. This will bring great tribulation on the whole world, and how society as we know it will stop. Jesus said that no one would survive this time of unprecedented tribulation unless those days are shortened. Starting at verse 29 of Matthew 24, he describes his second coming and the rapture as how it will these times will end.
For me scripture is describing this antichrist system as that of the New World Order people, the Globalists. We can even now see what they have done, what they are doing now and we have a good idea of what they are planning, that of total control of humanity and population reduction by 90 percent. This fits so well with end times prophesy, and with what Jesus said would happen right before his second coming. Yes I believe that this time is starting, and it will soon be revealed who is the antiChrist.
So he right away addresses the issue of child imposed atrocities and then disagrees with my position also on where we are at and why. You can see how humble he is and ordered in his speech.
There are three more to come. His wife sees it his way too and I expect the things she has seen in person are horrendous and does not want to bring them to life again.
The last three will either validate me or the position of my friend Paul who is also aware of atrocities against Palestinian children.
"may have been involved". Sounds like rock solid evidence to me. LOL
If they worked alongside HAMAS then they should be charged. The evidence surely would have to at least meet the balance of probabilities criterion. The ICC could be tasked to see if there's a prima facie, and then have to explain their conclusions.
The robustness of their conclusions is probably a bit like the robustness of polling. Let me digress.
Polls are sometimes wrong and sometimes right.
They understated support for Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. However, it would be a foolish person who "assumes" that a poll is either necessarily right or necessarily wrong.
Polls don't just influence whether or not people turn out to vote.
There are "underdog effects" as well as "bandwagon effects."
Polls favoring a candidate can cause some potential voters to be complacent and not turn out and Polls showing a candidate behind can cause some of their supporters not to turn out.
What's disturbing about the polls that now show Harris ahead in both the swing states and national vote is that many of them previously showed Trump ahead. If they were being rigged to hurt Trump by trying to induce complacency by showing him ahead then they probably wouldn't suddenly be being rigged to try to hurt him by showing him behind.
Trump's support has not gone to Harris.
What the polls appear to be showing now is that Dems who weren't going to vote because they were turned off by Biden's senility are now being energized to vote for Harris and that has pushed her support ahead of Trump's.
Other usually reliable predictors apart from polls, such as the predictors in Alan Lichtman's system put Harris.
People ignore this and smoke "hopium" at their peril.
Ok so the evidence might not be rock solid. But, I say they are guilty until proven innocent.
"the evidence was sufficient to conclude that they may have been involved in the seventh of October attacks."
This is an impossible statement. “Sufficient” and “may” exclude each other in this sentence. Either the evidence is sufficient or nothing can be concluded. No, if, buts or maybes.
The UN we should have left long ago. It seems as if it were sponsored approved killing of innocent people, not good. Can those who survive the attack sue for damages loss of wages, home, duress?
How much more evidence is required in order to stop funding the corrupt UN?
The US should withdraw from the UN and charge them rent for the building. And no more diplomatic immunity for the diplomats' teenaged brats.
Can it, can the UN get anymore deserving of complete “disintegration”? Well yes add to their commitment to help invade America!
This is one organization which must be “vaporized”! They do more harm, more damage and more destruction against
“good & decent” than they help!
One question I keep asking myself is this,
“Why is there over the top efforts to make everyone feel as if nothing is happening”? Why?
My simple answer, “to cover up what’s actually happening”!
I call this the
“calm before the storm” effect!
Thank you Dr Alexander, your spotlight enlightenment helps to expose the “breadth and depth” of such destructive forces at play!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Yes the entire world is under attack!
Paul Alexander. You are one sick **** to support Israeli genocide. Are you blind or mentally incompetent to not see what is very clearly genocide?
The article lies: Israel gave the UN a list of 100 people involved with Hamas.
In reality, UNWRA is Hamas. There is really no separation. Any organization in Gaza that can exist must be under the control of Hamas and staffed by Hamas members. There is no organization that can otherwise exist in Gaza. The majority of the people of Gaza are likewise pro-Hamas. In every house the Israeli Defense Force enters, is a copy of Mein Kampf and/or photos of Hitler on the walls. Almost all homes have tunnel entrances in them, located under baby cribs, for example. Just as all the mosques, schools, and hospitals all have tunnel entrances in them. Gaza=Hamas.
Equals ISIS. Fundamentalist money came via Malaysia along with Sunni extremist beliefs and pushing FGM. Oddly, Iran sends them weapons despite the Sunni Imam preaching that Shia are infidel.
U.N. workers have been doing bad things since as long as I can remember, especially in Africa. Is being 'fired' the only thing that will happen to these people? You can bet this is just the tip of the iceberg. And as Americans we can't even get a true accounting of the money sent to agencies/departments. How would we ever get true accountability from the U.N. or the WHO, or any number of other NGO's.
RIGHT THING- i would have shot the mongrels
thank you for posting this, Paul...these people have been retained, the evidence is clear, there are no maybe's here...
Fair enough, they took action.
On the other side there have not been anywhere near an equitable level of punishments meted out on Israelis for displacing, stealing from and slaughtering Palestinian men, women and children for the past 75+ years. There is almost no comparison.
Why does there exist a so called religion that overflows with hatred against an identifiable group of another religion? Is the problem here moslems vs all other religions? What has the truth of history to say? Is there a religion whose tenets of violence, hate and mandated atrocities a proven reality over years?
I will use the reasoning of authorities on human psychology. I have been told that the most accurate indication of future conduct is based on the past conduct of the specific person. So what has been the historic conduct of the Barbary moslem slavers who for 1400 years enslaved both whites and black Christians what with all the outrages committed by the slavers against those they cruelly subjugated? Anyone care to ask me in my outrage against moslem ingrates and criminals if I have hatred against little moslem children? Am I capable of overseeing gang rape of little children of any creed or race? What demonic religion historically has been and is capable of atrocities against any other religions? Bingo!!!!!!!
I guess it's different to the Talmud which advocates the supremacy over all non-Jews.
You know, the "we will each have 1000 non-Jew slaves" and "one Jewish fingernail isn't worth 10,000 dead Palestinians" Talmud.
Also, as far as I am aware the Koran preaches to respect Jesus and Christians. Talmudic Jews on the other hand despise Jesus, call him a "sorcerer", believe he is currently boiling in excrement and are proud they were responsible for killing him. Yeah, I agree past conduct is a good indicator of future conduct. Just look at what the rogue state of "Israel" is currently TikToking to the world. Abominable.
I am sure a woman I have just emailed whose husband was murdered in the Rwandan genocide will tell me that experience occurred because the murderers were killing Christians as was her husband. She told me when she and her surviving were classified as refugees fleeing persecution, when they boarded a jumbo jet her and her family were the ONLY Christians on it and the rest in whole were moslems. The Koran teaches indiscriminate subjugation/killing of all non moslems
You have aroused enough curiosity in me for me to delve into this more thoroughly and my last lengthy post explains to what lengths I am going to either prove you wrong or right.
So how about historical accounts of mass murderers based on their hatred of other religions? Why is Genghis Khan famous? It is because his murder and atrocities of millions based on their religions ran into the millions, surpassing any other religious group!!! Did/does this justify any other child abuse? Of course not nor do I support atrocities against children of any religious group or race. But just why is it one religion is famous/infamous for murders of men, women and children throughout history???? Care to answer me "Citizen?" Moslem atrocities exist up to the present!!!
There are none so blind that they will not see!!!
Well "edward", for a start Genghis Khan murdered his perceived enemies, he didn't attack certain religions.
If you want to talk about religions that are known for killing people you could argue Christianity or Atheism have been responsible for just as many religious-related deaths. The USA, a mainly Christian country, has been responsible for millions of deaths over its history.
On a kills per "Israeli" citizen though, "Israel" is up there as one of the most barbaric entities that ever existed.
The problem with "Israel" is that when people resist as a result of their murder, thieving, displacement, torture and destruction, they call "anti-Semite!" instead of admitting that it is a normal reaction to their despicable behaviour.
"There are none so blind that they will not see".
"There are none so blind than those that will not see," is the accurate quote but both express the same sentiments.
True Christianity does not violate the Ten Commandments BUT fake Christianity does. The Inquisitors were not Christians based on the reality God gives us each free moral choice right or wrong.
Genghis Khan was following the dictates of his Islamic belief which demands world domination at any cost. He did not/would not have killed any moslems in the ranks of his "enemies." He was the biggest mass murderer in history. Islam refers to all other religious people as infidels and counsels their murders.
Tell me is it not abominable for moslem hamASS to commit atrocities against little Jewish innocent children? Why were hamASS attacks not directed at adults instead of little girls? And young women? Why were moslem terrorist attacks directed against civilian non combatants? Why are many atrocities listed in the Koran mandating abominations against innocent Jewish children?
Why do Israelis commit atrocities against little Muslim and Christian innocent children, for 75 YEARS?
Why does the IDF kill hundreds of its own people on Oct 7th due to the Hannibal directive, and then turn around and try to blame Hamas?
Why are Israeli terrorist attacks - ONGOING DAILY FOR TEN MONTHS - directed against civilian non combatants?
Why are many atrocities listed in the Talmud mandating abominations against innocent non-Jewish children, women and men?
Why do Israeli Jewish Rabbis say that rape of prisoners is "permissible" ?
With the Israeli state every accusation is a confession.
I am not aware of what you say is in the Talmud so cannot oppose you but I will see in the next few days. I do not tend to disbelieve you because those claims can be checked and you would lose your credibility which has been established to a certain degree.
You prove the reality that most religions are apostate and the only one that is not is Christianity. I refer to true Christianity as mainline churches such as the United church, Anglican church, etc are not Christian in their acceptance of homosexuality and abortion. Scriptures speak of "hell enlarging itself" and this is what they refer to. In my case I attend a Bible church that is non denominational and thus has no ruling "discipline" (man made laws to be a member of that denomination/ABOMINATION)
My church only uses scriptures as an Authority.
"Let the long contention cease, geese are swans and swans are geese. Creep into thy narrow bed, creep and let no more be said."
This whole topic has created in many emotionally and certainly subjective reactions. But not in me. Well, if you believe that have I a bridge to sell you!
So what is Truth? Why have I not in all my life not found/discovered/noted any viable proof of your claims? Huh?
Is history not Truth? Is WW1 and WW2 not Truth? Was the persecution of the Jews not an atrocity? Can you produce evidence to the contrary of my presuppositions? For example, if you claim censorship on behalf of and favorable to Jewish interests, why have I in all my travels, searches. studies, etc NOT come across stated and verifiable proof of your assertions? What is your authority? Your documentation? Your verification? Your historical accounts?
I can take my Book and find but one instance of Jewish culpability but specifically of the religious leaders of that day who were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ but the authority of the day that carried it out was the Romans. Their eventual punishment was the destruction of their civilization from the inside.
I also contend the current destruction of all western nations today is a reality because of their embrace of the stench/ horrible smell in the nostrils of God.
Carrying that to the present, I note that many nations in the European sphere historically cast out Jewish people. So is that not considered persecution? Nor the historic mistreatment of Jews down through time?
Going back to the scriptures, the condemnation by Jesus the Glorified Christ, in His judgment and condemnation of the seven churches of Asia, representing the current religions of the day, found only ONE religion that He gave a mere pass. The rest He judged as failures.
So what were the beginnings of Islam? Do you consider that Islam existed then as one of the "churches of Asia" He condemned? If He did not, and it existed, then why would He countenance in the doing a complete silent repudiation of His Christianity, works, example, teachings and reality? Islam claims their example to be Mohammed. I claim mine to be Jesus and that I believe will cost me my head down the line that I will gladly offer.
I pose that the only religion, the One He gave a pass to was Christianity, that exists fully teaching the reality of "love thine enemy" when in fact Islam countenances the murder, enslavement and torture of ALL OTHER RELIGIONS. You claim the Jewish religion also does. I find that hard to believe. But I have never delved deeply into things. You are not the first to question my thoughts and opinions. But your demeanor coaxes questions and your questions coax questions in me.
There has been and is a solid setting for the ONLY religion that preaches a tolerant attitude but not agreement of any and all other belief CYSTems I also condemn with the caveat that comes from Him, that He gives us a free moral right to choose or reject Him, curse Him, and even condemn Him. Does there exist any other religion with those quantified qualifications? You know the answer. So you inferred the Jewish religion is corrupt? I note you did not defend Islam but tried to justify its serious excesses on the basis of its right to torture Israeli children.
My case is solidly built on history and accurate fact. You have triggered the full circle route wherein the justification and authentification of the Only True God ordained religion as being Christianity. Did Jesus mandate torture? Slavery? Genocide? Or any sins? No!!!! Does Islam? Yes? Does Judaism? According to you and others it does. Can I believe that? Hard to accept. For me. But I will find the Truth on the matter.
But I can and do accept Jesus alone as the Only Way to salvation. The Only True God and in that process, I condemn ALL other religions as apostate. Your premise tacitly states whether you like it or not that atrocities committed by the Jewish are real but also committed by Islam. Hard for me to accept without valid proof that the Jewish people are guilty of same. But my appetite has been whetted and I fully realize the answer to my question is not only in the Holy Bible BUT also in the temporal realm.
So this is my end game and I know one person and temporal authority I trust who will give me an audience and answer one question that will resolve it all in my mind.
The lineage of Jesus is in fact Jewish and scripturally proven. Yet why have the atrocities you and others claim caused by Jewish people not backed by strong evidence? But I have reached the point in my existence that few reach. Most blindly embrace any one of the many false religions of the day. I do not but I have studied many. And my studies/investigations are NOT COMPLETE on all matters.
I MUST ADD THERE IS ANOTHER AUTHORITY I MENTIONED making three sources of PROBABLE Truth in all this.
So I do not look on you as adversarial. In fact you are one who actually triggered my curiosity for Truth and if you care at all about Truth you might well be interested in my further investigations by my meeting with a trusted man from Israel, a man who is a strong proponent of the Jewish faith, and another who I trust implicitly as a tried and proven source of Truth. I know this because he has never hesitated to encourage me but also never hesitates/hesitated in offering correction and direction to me.
I absolutely know these all will not lie. Two of these are religious leaders, the other is schooled by his experiences and constant presence in Israel.
I will be pleased to offer the results of my observations for your perusal but I am sure I will find Truth in my queries. I do however say I will also meet with another perhaps today also well schooled in reality who happens to be married as a survivor of the Rwandan genocide that resulted in the murder of her husband. Both her and her present husband will have much to say on this.
It is not my will to accept the Jewish people are culpable. I really did not want to go down this road. HamASS started the most recent conflict.
But the people I will query and who will not hesitate on this score to tell me truthfully, I will accept. If I have been in error I can and will delineate that, without excuse.
But the bottom line here is that there is only One God, One alone who can offer redemption. In saying that I will and have aroused anger and hatred from most of the worldly population. But that was also foretold.
Life is exciting and all one has to do is search for, defend and embrace the Truth.
I have given you fair treatment but you have inadvertently given to me more so than anger, a desire to really get to the bottom of this. And I have the ability and the ones who will steer me straight. And I will. My first contact with two will happen right after I post this even at four thirty in the morn.
In my mind is the old song by Johnny Cash titled, "What Is Truth." It can be likened in its substance and priceless value to a beautiful woman, ever elusive but aware of her sublimity. It takes time, and effort, patience and persistence to court and capture the heart of such a woman, I categorically define as "real" women.
I say this knowing of the four I have and do trust as counsel, as being totally honest. The fourth 98% trustworthy. I also add to that something that will seem out of place that I said to a fine and highly intelligent medical professional in my client list for over three decades. I told her in one or our serious discussions, "There are worse things in life than dying." She agreed in a moment. And there are. One of those is living a life where one goes along to get along. Because of that most western nations are in decline. Few care to proclaim the Truth on any matter and Truth has been replaced by greed, selfishness, idolatry, and all that comes from the "love of money" which is the "root of all evil." It is true. All evil exists because of that including porn, (billions in profit yearly) abortion, sex trafficking, illicit drug dealing, scamdemics, etc.
In the USA, the bastion of freedom, I believe the Minutemen are turning in their graves, and I hold accountable apostate ministers few of which preach Truth. They knew and know it, but have become false, and apostate. Nuff said.
Always Edward
Yeah, the UN Sucks and Needs to Be Defunded ASAP:
👉 Secrets of the United Nations:
👉 "The United Nations and Their Occult Agenda ⋆˙⟡ Presented by Professor Walter Veith
👉 Sustainable Development Means Depopulation - Foundations of the Climate Hoax Agenda
👉 Decoding the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
👉 The UN Deception:
👉 The United Nations: Population Control
👉 The Corrupt UN Budgets Millions for U.S. Bound Migrants in 2024:
👉 UN is the De-Facto One World Government & Their Plan to Depopulate & Claim Land Masses:
👉 30 By 30 and UNDRIP Plans - How They Will Steal Your Land and Force You Into Smart Cities:
tks for post
The relationship UNRWA-Hamas has been clearly defined for a long time, now. It’s not about picking up bits and pieces of info and synthesising these pieces into a personal ideology/ opinion. It’s about following credible people like Caroline Glick and Jonathan Tobin and watching Jewish News and considering a variety of reports to formulate an understanding.
As for the Talmud…not God’s Holy Word. And yes, a portion of it is reflexion on the Torah. History: different groups of Jews….Pharisees, Sadducees, Samaritans etc. with some conflicting ideas…Roman occupation where the Romans were bewildered what to do with the fighting Jews: sometimes the Pharisees were prominent, other times the Sadducees were prominent…birth of Christ and the level headed Messianic Essenes, the Jews who knew the imprint of the Trinity from the Scriptures very beginning were assimilated into Christianity… rabbinic tradition births the Talmud…some vile thoughts exposed just like some similar ideas exposed in the Muslim’s holy book. Unfortunately, rabbinic reflection has remained and followed Jewish culture in a negative way. I can still remember, at the beginning of the COVID plandemic the reporting of two very different groups of rabbis. 1) a sorrowful, caring group who considered the struggles of all humanity in this world 2) a group of screaming rabbis who insisted that Israelis listen to them because “they” were of superior knowledge…take the vaccine! This group is the group who continued the Pharisees and the rabbinic teachings of the era after the destruction of the temple.