URGENT! Eric Adams warns Americans (NY city mayor) of terror attack on NYC residents by 'lone wolves' radicalized by Hamas; Adams says they are in America & warned New York residents to stay low
you will be killed, this is not only a matter between Hamas & Israel & involves America; where are democrats, the congressional black caucus, where is Hollywood, LeBron, Jessee, Sharpton? why silence?
The sheer hypocracy, life is life, Israeli life is as precious…
New York Mayor Eric Adams warned of possible 'lone wolf' attacks in the city. (Image: GETTY)
New Yorkers should not "underestimate" the threat from lone-wolf style terrorists who have been radicalized by Hamas online, warned New York Mayor Eric Adams, as the horror of the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to send shockwaves around the world.
Speaking at a press conference, the Democrat may warned the city to be on guard, saying: "Don't underestimate lone wolves...people being radicalized online."
He added that messaging social media sites - where Hamas has shared horrific footage of Saturday's attack on Israel - can motivate people to carry out similar attacks.Â
Authorities in New York are paying "special attention" to communities of Hasidic Jews in the Big Apple while monitoring social media sites, he said.’Â
It’s all about ramping up fear and keeping it high. The aim is to take away our liberties to ‘protect’ us and ‘keep us safe’. Individual freedoms like movement will go. They’ll bring in digital ID for our ‘safety’. Don’t buy into the continual fear and hysteria because you won’t be able to think straight which is what they want.
Stay inside sounds a lot like 2 weeks to slow the spread of terrorism.