U.S. State Department reports that nine Americans killed in Israel, thus far but reporting patchy and incomplete, many others still missing; we pray and mourn that this does not result in more loss
we pray that innocent people, are spared; both sides; I have written that Obama & Biden set this in motion in US by flooding US with Tashfeen Malik's who killed American's; they are here, 2nd is key
get armed legally, learn to handle safely, follow laws, learn to shoot with accuracy and use deadly force to defend your life and that of others…today! especially women! your young children! Biden set US on same path…for Canada, a sitting duck, Trudeau ensured that, the **** are already in the midst…be warned…
In the meantime, I hope the Biden impeachment and ongoing revelations about the enormity of the covid hoax don't lose the public's attention, considering the Biden Admin and its Deep State agencies will use this tragedy to their advantage and may have been complicit.
I believe the Real Crime is the evil Tyrants who are really in charge of everything that happens in most countries worldwide sacrifice innocent people for their Massive Depopulation, Political Power, Money hungry NWO-OWO agendas.
I believe they are causing/allowing all of these FF that take innocent lives for their evil agendas & to take our attention away from what they are still doing behind the scenes, like open borders & FORCED globalization worldwide?!
Wars & mass invasion of mostly fighting aged males sets up any country for terrorist attacks, war & depopulation, which we KNOW the Tyrants want billions of us “useless eaters” depopulated.