Vaccine failure for omicron: Kaiser Permanente said 11 of its employees at Oakland Medical Center were infected, and they were all fully vaccinated and had received booster shots.
My view, there must be no more vaccine mandates and the vaccine roll out must be stopped, paused, so that we can properly examine the safety concerns for there are many, many deaths 1-2 days post shot
This piece titled: How a Wisconsin wedding with ‘super responsible’ vaccinated people led to outbreak
tells us that the vaccine has failed on omicron and will for future variants. The vaccine is not working as we have been saying and besides that, brings harms to a number of persons. It is beyond saying it seems to work for some people and not for others….the reality is that even for the ones it ‘seems’ to work for, we just do not know the long term implications for the harms was not properly studied and this is our concern.
In love with the title!! “With super responsible vaccinated people”.
Can anyone comment on New Zealand and delta/vaccine failure.. it doesn’t seem to be spreading like elsewhere. Could this have anything to do with high vaccination before delta arrived..? In which case, is the vaccine effective after all?