Michael Callahan's COVID itinerary is suspicious
The accepted theory in virology is that the "COVID" disease spread rapidly and person-to-person. Misinterpreted PCR tests likely played a major role, falsely inflating numbers, but it looks like in the early stages of the pandemic, the patients in Wuhan fared far worse than those who simply tested positive for it later…
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2 years ago · 6 likes · 13 comments · Charles Wright
This onion has so many layers it becomes nearly impossible to tease out the actual facts from all the misdirection & obfuscation, not to mention the CIA connection. The whole scenario suggests intentionality overlaid with the appearance of attempts to solve the mysterious emergence of something planned from the outset. A very tangled web, no mention of 5G or other EMF involvement it should also be noted...
Can't see the forest through the trees. Patents along with documented evidence years before is the smoking gun. COVID was planned. Everything they did to combat COVID was the opposite of good science and medicine. The EUA was and still is bogus because effective therapeutics were kept from the public. Doctors were and still are hunted. Censorship is the new norm. America is at war and people have no clue.