Was Bin Laden real? What we were told, shown? How 911 was shown to us? IMO, NO! Operation Northwoods helps you understand what we faced on 911...yes, 3,000 died innocently, our soldiers died, yes, but
wrongfully! IMO, none of it was real...as to the pretext for invading and destroying Iraq and Afghanistan...in that situation. I do not believe Bin Laden was real as we were shown, NOR killed as we
were shown…most of that was a lie…
COVID proved to us believe nothing, zero, trust nothing of what the government tells you…
this photo was a lie…this iconic photo of Obama and Hilary watching Bin Laden’s take down…I have written about this…this was staged…they have admitted it…the screen was blank…
Bushes, CIA (Brennan) and the globohomopedopsycho satanist cabalists.
The Bushes had a hand in every aspect of the towers. They also made 7 billion when the insurance case settled in 2007.
You know it’s a lie when you see Killery covering her mouth like she’s concerned. She gets off on suffering and death. She’s hardly concerned about someone being taken down. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so disgusting.