Was the very recent Manitoba Canada bus crash killing 16 seniors (June 2023) & the Australian bush crash killing 10 wedding guests linked to the mRNA technology based COVID gene injection vaccine?
Deadly bus crashes are happening & are we to remain silent? I say that these bus drivers must have been vaccinated, or the driver of the vehicle that hit the bus; when we be know the vaccine status?
Are these deadly crashes linked to the fraud COVID vaccine? Does anyone care? We are also seeing a rash of school bush crashes and thus our kids are now unsafe.
Who is to blame?
When will Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al., Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. and all these types of people step up and admit that they brought ‘death’ and how sorry they are and that they will work on an antidote now to reverse or mitigate the effect of the mRNA, LNP and the spike protein?
How true this could be, as the driver in the Manitoba accident, most likely had to have been vaxxed to retain employment. A sad situation as so many families are grieving.
Unfortunately the Australian driver of the wedding bus crash was a victim of his own stupidity. He bragged to the passengers about how fast he could drive. He was reported as saying
“So you think that’s fast? Watch this!”
He put his foot down and then came to a roundabout. That foolish man, old enough to know better, then tipped the bus over and killed 10 innocent people. It is possible the vaccine killed his reasoning brain cells, because a foolish risk taker like that should not be hired by a reputable bus company!
A few days before, the same bus company crashed a school bus and many children had hands arms or legs severed. Again one can only conclude these drivers may have had their brains addled by the vaccine, but these two drivers did not have jab induced heart attacks.
But obviously, careful, common-sense driving was not part of their protocol.