What must POTUS Trump do on the debate stage tonight with POTUS Biden (1st Presidential debate 2024)? Well, POTUS Trump must 1)act STATESMAN-LIKE, PRESIDENTIAL, best 'CEO', it's when he is at his BEST
2)focus on sealing the border & mass deportation repeatedly 3) hammer home the high cost of living, inflation, gas prices, homes etc. 4)hammer on the crime on the street, Chicago, New York, Los Angles
5)remind will end Ukraine war day 1, no more $ to the cross dressing tranny
6)do not insult or belittle Biden in his dementia senile state, do not mention amped up on drugs, NO NO NO…be statesmanlike today, that is the BEST Trump…use the 90 minutes to seal the deal today…
7)do not make any silly faces or smirks, be statesmanlike today, that is the BEST Trump
8)do not fight with the moderators, the public knows it, sees it, just be statesmanlike today, that is the BEST Trump
9)If Biden goes low and calls you a ‘felon’ say “it will be unfair for me to respond to that given your medical state”…each time and say “in some sense you best hope that SCOTUS rules I have immunity for your and Obama and Clinton sake", should I regain power.
10)Tell the public you will strongly consider and study reversal of the LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP Act so that those harmed by the COVID response and vaccine can sue, retroactive, tell them you will strongly consider a victim compensation fund for those harmed by the lockdowns and vaccine; tell them you will implement a proper special whistle blower avenue for doctors and scientists to come forth protected to tell what happened in COVID
11)Tell the nation you want a few more seats in the congress and the Senate, you need both, a clean slate to finish the job you started in 2016…
12)AGAIN & AGAIN, 45 must act very PRESIDENTIAL…very!!! POTUS Trump is at his very best when he is sharp, businesslike, CEO like, Statesman like…now is the time…get up in there and tear up the issues, short, crisp…this is not a show…and make the listener feel that you will DELIVER as Trump 2.0…NO empty promises. State only what you WILL do.
no games, no jokes…he must seal the deal today…I fear the democrats wanted this early debate for Biden is declining by the day and they may after this is Trump derails & EFFs it up, say no more debates and seek to ride home from there. so 45 must approach tonight as this is the ONE and ONLY debate….the ONLY chance he will get…if I understand the scheming democrats….
POTUS Trump as Statesman, as ‘leader’, calm, succinct, resolute, cogent, as the top dog CEO as he is and was, will stand out…the best….he will stand tall, but he must go in there like a ‘killer’ using his business terms, eyes bright, focused on target which is the hearts and minds of the left voters and independents…he can, but he must be his BETTER self…this is NOT the APPRENTICE or Wrestling or MMA…this is the future of USA and the world by extension…CEO Statesman Trump, upright, strong, crisp, to the point, will lend the voters the ability to separate Biden from Trump…
over to you 45!
God bless the greatest nation on earth! And God keep 45 safe (and Biden too, I may not like his party and politics and think they have killed and are killing people with the border and all their leftist radical liberal policies and madness led by Obama (and Biden), but Biden is an aged human being, and we must have gracious mercy and compassion and love for even those we disagree with)…
Just be Statesman like...short crisp matter of fact answers...no eye rolling, no smirks nothing...most Americans ever will tune in tonight, maybe 3/4 of the population...45 will have chance for people to watch him for the first time and they will love him...
He needs to be as charming as he is when Melania is on his arm. Women need to see that part of him.