Who made disastrous decision to hire this Manchurian Charlie Spies as Republican National Committee chief counsel? Trump got wind of prior undercutting statements by Spies & thank God fired him BUT
who hired him so close to the election to cause this error? this UNFORCED error? was this to undercut Trump? damage him...not enough to fire him, those who did this Trump must remove them
these are the types of mistakes democrats DO NOT make…not like that…their ship as much as its re-electing a senile person, is tight…this guy was a Jeb Bush guy, he disdained 45 IMO and openly undercut him via ‘election not stolen’ blah blah blah
Shit, even his name tells you his motives….he is a fucking subversive…had no place in 45’s world now.
who vetted him? was this to damage Trump? was Spies put there to bring 45 down and so close to the election? This type of decision is near fatal and heads must roll. Was this SABOTAGE?
The Republican Party leadership is no different than the dems. They both serve the same master and we are not the master. The R party want him gone every bit as much as the D party does, they just have to be sneaky about it.
Yep, not the kind of mistakes the Dem regime makes, but the infiltration of the GOP was deep, and the RINOs still have the mistaken belief they can maintain control of the Republican Party.
They are wrong.