Why would Speaker Mike Johnson be seen here in this stairwell with past speaker Paul 'Benedict Arnold beelzebub' Ryan, arguably with Obama, to be 2 of the most dangerous men ever to hold high office;
is Speaker FUCKING us? What kind of game is he playing with doing all he could to give the pump wearing 'all the single ladies' penis piano playing Ukraine leader our tax dollars & FISA flip-flop?
What advice could Johnson be getting from Ryan who did all he could during Trump’s first 2 years as POTUS to fuck him? What? I sure hope this is a case of my rods and cones being a bit off and I just seeing things…
This is Speaker Johnson’s words before what we would term ‘CONGRESSIONAL CAPTURE’…what happened in those briefings to flip Johnson? Does someone have something on him?
Mike Johnson is not giving us anything to be confident that he is on the side of America...pee wee Herman look...gentle look but he is now coming across as sell out...I will defend him if I felt confident...that Paul Ryan photo worries me.
Our politicians have been bought and paid for for the global elites.
We no longer live in a government that represents the people.
The media runs cover for the evil that has it's hands around our throats.
No one man can fix this, it will take a united 'WE THE PEOPLE' behind a strong leader to destroy the cabal that threatens the country and the world.
This battle could takes years to win, but it's a battle we are in right now.
We must arm ourselves with truth to fight the lies we are being fed by a very corrupt media.