Again, you will not think you listening to the right confirmation hearings...more important, both Democrats and Republicans will NOT ask any substantive question on the deaths of OWS, the lockdowns,
the deadly Malone Bourla et al. mRNA transfection vaccine nor STARGATE or AI & mRNA vaccines...why? because they are both part of it, are IN on it, both made HUGE money! both cannot hear the truthful
answers from RFK will only be on MAHA 'non-issue' 'MEANS BS...important issues but not what you need to hear now…going forward…if RFK Jr. is asked any related question, he CANNOT answer truthfully else he CANNOT be confirmed, so he WLL NOT be asked the right questions, nor will Bhattacharya or Makary etc. be asked any truthful substantive will be watching the GONG show…yes maybe and as I was saying there, MAYBE, if the decision is to use the hearing to take out RFK Jr. and sink him, then if he is INDEED asked the right questions and he gives the right answer, he CANNOT get if the plan is to take him out via non confirmation, that’s the only way...ask the right questions to get the truthful answers...or lies...either way, the public will know the truth...
I say again, no substantive relevant OWS, lockdown, Malone Sahin et al. mRNA transfection vaccine question will be asked of RFK Jr., Bhattacharya, or Makary for they CANNOT be asked it directly to give the right TRUTHFUL answers…even respond with answers and written words and verbal statements they made prior…the public is quite smart so even if they try to bullshit, they would lose the public support and in the end, it is in the court of public opinion all is settled….I want to be wrong…I do not think I am. Please Lord, let me be wrong!
My two cents!
I don’t think you’re wrong . Meet the new boss same as the old boss
I don't know how Trump could take all the money from his supporters and then stab them all in the back, RFK Jr will not be allowed to say one word about the covid debacle or anything related to it, he will talk about red dyes and fruit loops.