Bob M sad, Bob sad; this is a good stack by SAGE for it underscores fraud & duplicity of Malone & SAGE HANA deserves credit for keeping Malone's nuts, with Weissman, Kariko & her nuts, Bourla, Sahin
& Bancel & their mRNA vaccine nuts in the fire for these are the 6 we must focus on first, along with the other among the 43 COVID Apocalypse Horsemen, for courts, judges, tribunals, jails, hangings!
The 20 Questions stack was a beauty, I share shit I find is good, informative.
So you see Bob here slipping in a little pseudouridine…he he he, we see you Bobby M, we see the slight, the confusion you sow. But we are not assess like the crew hopping around with you with heads stuck up your donor money ass…we know few facts and its all we needed to know:
you invented mRNA technology that kills, its the basis of the mRNA vaccines, you, Weissman, Kariko, Bourla et al. can actually have sat atop mass murder…lets see what courts one day say…it is time the US congress look inside their pants to see if they can find some testicles to have real hearings with real questioners asking Malone the real questions…Bobby is sad as SAGE says, in this post, yet Bobby is pretending it is not his mRNA…ha ha ha…a little pseuo he might add…gets his nuts out of the fire? no no no Bobby, not so fast…
this beautiful young person died due to Bob Malone’s and Weissman, and Kariko et al. (others I am sure sought NOBELS and the money and grants and the leeching) technology and he must pay at some point…they all must…thank you SAGE for keeping the focus on the quasi-until courts say, criminal Malone and Weissman and Kariko and Bourla et al. You have really done the world a service.
Who consoled her parents, her family? Her friends? Who stood with her in her agony? Bobby, you were sad you said, you duplicituous crook, did you leave the horses a bit to go visit her in her dying hours due to your technlogy? Did you? Imagine you played a role in death, yet run around hiding in the Freedom movement as it has nothing to do with you…Houdini like, no?
I think SAGE really deserves praise for help in highlighting key isses:
1)Malone knew that there was reverse transcription of the mRNA, it was his baby, yet he and the others Kariko et al. stayed silent…Boula stayed silent, criminal he is….this they must pay for as many took it due to their silence…maybe Bobby had you told the world about reverse transcription, she would not have taken it and be alive today
Bobby…how could you?
2)Malone and Weissman et al. knew that the vaccine and content could not stay at the injection site for the fact you placed it in the exosome, lipid capsule meant it was done so to move/transport (hidden from the immune system) the mRNA payload across the body…yet he and they stayed silent…oh you so sad Bobby?
3)you Malone knew that the spike, mRNA etc. did not just dissolve quickly as CDC etc. lied to us about…you knew, but you Bobby chose to be silent.
All these things, Bobby, yet you so sad?
SAGE is basically telling you here up your ass Malone…I join SAGE, up your duplictuous ass Malone. Up yours.
Your technology underpins the mRNA vaccine and killed this lady and many.
I am convinced one day the right court will have you and you will have to answer the proper questions. With proper judges. In courts. We are good governance. I pray we get that for you profitted off of pain you yourself brought. We are not perfect, we make mistakes, we make ones here, there, everywhere, but we did not bring the lockdowns, we did not bring the vaccine, we did not kill people in the medical system…it was the likes of you with your technology…we are trying…we want accountability and we keep asking questions…we will get around to who we need to get around too…
It’s incredible. For that depth of deception, a hat tip is in order Bob, exceptional skill to have brought death yet run around pointing fingers and pretending, finding time to attack good people like Wolf who gave you the time of day…the snake stung her…she should have known better…I knew who the snake was day 1:
Reading research papers may seem like learning a foreign language but the average person can do it. Understanding the language doesn’t take a genius. If you expect your doctor to read them, then you are a fool. They wait for the pharmaceutical rep to tell them what to do. 🥴
Wow. In addition to the news of this girl's untimely death after a covid shot making Malone "so sad," he posts that it was also "very timely" for HIM since he was at that very moment writing a substack on the very same issue. Only a cold-hearted opportunist could use an expression of sympathy as a cover for blatant self-promotion.