Chief of Staff (CoS) Susie Wiles, I have argued we give Trump (47) benefit as this is his choice as confidant CoS & I wish her well yet we need to know NOW 1)would Wiles be linked to any vaccine
makers in ANY manner as CoS 2)what are her views on the Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccine 3)her views on mRNA technology 4)relationship with vaccine makers TODAY Pfizer, Moderna etc. 5)views on harms
of mRNA gene vaccines 6)would she agree to a hard stop of these mRNA products 7)would she be hiring people linked to mRNA technology and vaccine given the harms and deaths that they caused 8)would she be divested from any vaccine maker interests 9) are there any matters that could be a conflict of interest, perceived or material or even a whiff? 10)would she be willing to go scorched earth with us as we go after Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman et al. to get proper legal inquiry and judges and juries to help examine their roles in the deadly mRNA technology gene vaccine and the deadly OWS? Would she stand with us (well those left given several of the prior Freedom fighters have gone silent and now support OWS and the deadly mRNA vaccine as their prostrate for jobs) as we go after those linked to the deadly lockdowns? 11)would she work to ensure POTUS Trump comes forward to stand against the deadly OWS and deadly Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccine?
After all, this is not who we areā¦
These are the key questions for me at this time.
What are the questions you may have?
I stand back and give Trump benefit and give her at this time for she has not acted in a negative manner in the postā¦we have to closely monitor who has access to Ms. Wiles at the White House.
The problem is McConnell, he is trying to block Trump's agenda already. He has called for a SECRET ballot election for a new Senate Majority Leader. Why now? He should wait until the NEW Senators are seated. He wants Cornyn, who is not only a RINO, but a deep state Dems as well. McConnell needs to get the hell out of the Senate, and out of the way of the American people.
Trump says it should be Tim Scott, not the best choice, but he'll do, for now. Vote is Wednesday McConnell is a traitor.
Yep. Good points. We don't want a Big Pharma insider in the Trump Administration.