Controlled Operation (Op); I wrote prior below that all of COIVD was a giant complete 100% con-job, HOAX on Trump & as a result on all of America & world as USA sets the tone! MOST ~ 90% is an Op;
COVID Freedom Fighters who you listen to & read & saw out-front are & were controlled Ops, worst than limited hangout-ers, most in Trump's orbit were/are/still controlled Op; we continue to be fucked
Lies from both sides till today…who can we trust? We the people are in trouble.
This is worst than a hyper-pathological Stockholm Syndrome.
I think no matter what, we lose after November 5th 2024 for it will be a difficult 4 years under Trump to clean this up properly and America dies under Harris and Obama (Obama’s 4th term). Obama will complete his islamic shariah state of USA.
Trump is the only option, but he is surrounded by evil animals. They want fame and money. Have no care for America. Controlled Op. Most, the names I can write will shock you, overwhelm you…I talk to them direct, and they tell me they hate him, are subverting him, destroying him and he does not even know. Trump has huge issues in terms of personality and attitude I grant that and made devastating mistakes with the COVID response and OWS and the MALONE et al. gene mRNA vaccine…but fundamentally we elect someone to do the job, and we do not need like or love them, he loves USA and his people and his flag and right vs wrong and the constitution…he does. IMO we have terrible options, but he is the best...I support him and will support him, and I trust that he will do good 2nd time at bat. If we get 5% of what he promises, then we win! 5%. I expect nothing more than 5% but it will be better than the other animals, and the point is he does not wish to harm you or the nation.
All of it, all, COVID to elections, all a controlled Op. Most players, those professing to want to do good, many you ‘like’ and give money to. Operation Northwoods that involved in 1962 the US government via DoD remote control flying planes into US and Cuban buildings to stage a false-flag Cuban military and government attack on USA to allow US to overthrow/kill Castro, all lies, and was rejected by John Kennedy whose head was blow off, is a baby, pales to what was done to USA the last 20 years and the last 4 in COVID and overthrow of Trump. Trump was toppled, removed using a fraud fake non-pandemic via the fraud over-cycled PCR and lie of asymptomatic transmission. He has to come clean against the hit on him, the coup, the overthrow in 2020, so that we can clear him and help him prosecute and hang all who did wrong for in the end, many Americans died needlessly. We are his soldiers, but he has to lead us properly and no half ass bullshit and pretense. Come clean. I support him.
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.Â
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Except....POTUS Trump's past and continued support and bragging about his fabulous clot shot that HE warp speeded to us. Except that.
Far too much credit is given to Obama. Obama is nowhere near being smart enough to conceive and execute the largest global crime in all human history. Never forget that Obama -- a NOBODY, a NOTHING -- was magically **inserted** onto the scene sometime around 2006-2007.
The Covid crime was/is the product of of decades of work by thousands of individuals, all orchestrated by a single entity, namely, the Global Banking Cabal. Obama is merely a sock puppet of that Cabal, as are thousands of others such as the Clintons, the Bush's, Biden, Harris, Powell, Bernanke, Dimon, most (if not all) of the US Congress, and high-level bank, government and business people around the world.
Those 'puppets' are chosen based primarily on one qualification: their willingness to follow Cabal orders, no matter how despicable or amoral those orders may be. IOW, they are chosen for their total lack of a moral compass and for their psychopathy. They are rewarded handsomely for their service. They *literally* sell their soul - as well as their country with all of its people - just so that they can have wealth, power and fame. If that doesn't merit the hangman's noose then please tell me what does.