I so appreciate David Martin, and his info has been essential. I tend to agree with him - our legislators won't do anything - but I sure as hell hope you're right. Fingers crossed.

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Instead of crossing fingers I would like to see the 19th of each month (to remind people it’s COVID-19) be a day where you melt the phones of their state and local senators and representatives and pound on their doors. The loud and clear message is, “you become active in changing government health care to be people focused, not pharmaceutical company focused, or else your political career is over next elections.”

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The 19th is a great initiative. Trouble being world over so called democracies are all just Kleptocracies in one form of another. Time is now for a radical overhaul of politics to remove the rot. Below is a link to my proffered solution. Yes as a Brit it id brit centric. But I feel sure the same mechanism can be adapted to each country's own systems in place for dealing with useless politicotards.


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There will always be someone who can see through the bullshit. Dr Martin is one of those incredible people. No stone left unturned.

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Thanks for uploading this valuable information .Transparency is the key to knowledge

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Ya just can’t make this stuff up….Love Dr. David Martin!

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Dr. Martin is incredibly brilliant.

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Congress can only recommend criminal charges to the DOJ...Paul and Johnson have no power to prosecute, only investigate via subpoena power depending on committee assignments. The DOJ in this administration is passive aggressive and thoroughly politicized. Garland will do NOTHING that will embarrass the administration.

The Republicans made some noises about investigation the DOJ but a change of administration is the only way the situation will change and real prosecutions can proceed.

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The gist of what was meant by "arrest" appears to be "facilitate arrest" or "investigate and refer for prosecution."

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Ain't gonna! 🤨 too many narcissistic shit-weasels.

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Bravo! David Martin has been so strong in sharing a great deal of important information for all of us !👍👍👍🌟

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It's great to see you publishing this Dr. Alexander. It is to your great credit and speaks to your integrity. Also, I love that you sometimes make typos. Intolerance of occasional typos is one of the hallmarks of the malfeasants and others with tyrannical tendencies.

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Actually I think I bugged him enough that he promised to post something from David Martin and lo...and behold! This video has been out for awhile and, unfortunately, still mostly ignored as David tends to give too much credit to people who may be able to read but really lack any sense of critical analysis and independent thought; as I have previously mentioned, much of the general population is still in denial and don't want to know the ugly truth, knowing full well that they may have willingly and knowingly participated in the lies and falsehoods due to fear, cowardice or other reasons; Dr Martin holds nothing back and some will find that to be too much to absorb and process so they may dismiss him out of hand...

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Tony, what else do you want me to do for you? ha ha I am telling you I put this out many months ago...I actually know David...

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Thank You Dr Alexander. A true Warrior.

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Can you do an interview together? That would be awesome......

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So a spelling fascist is someone in training to become a proper fascist? I can't see the correlation, never mind causation, brother ANW. If I am to be a neat and tidy chef, it doesn't necessarily make me typhoid Mary.

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Not every neat or pendantic person is a fascist but most fascists are neat and pedantic. I don't know if you've seen my post on the topic Barry so I'll repost it.

By the way, shame about Trump's death. Very, very sad. It hasn't happened yet and so I wish it was a case of the rumours being greatly exaggerated but I've seen these politicians go out rapidly after being hit with the sort of charges Trump is facing.

His immune system will not handle it on top of the preceding Russia, Russia Russia hoax Muelleur Witch Hunt etc etc.

Here's the pedantry-fascism connection:

Most of those who defend vaccine mandates appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.

I noted about it previously as follows:

What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.

OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."

People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)

OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.

They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.

To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:

"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.

Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.

They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.

In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.

Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.

The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.

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Brother ANW,

I never meant to disrespect you or offend you - if you indeed feel that way - with what I wrote below and if psychology is indeed your chosen field/career.

Law's a piece of crap too, for what it's worth.

Keep up your comments - you are most prolific these days.

Your bro


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Not offended Barry.

My father was a lawyer, briefly. I suspect he was disbarred.

My interests are wide ranging and include law, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, evolutionary biology, politics etc.

Jack of all trades, master of none. I think they're all a load of crap.

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Brother ANW,

You haven't accounted for certain individuals simply being born evil.

I try not to characterise humanity. I've been surprised by individuals who originally turned me off and vice versa. The study of psychology is much like the study of economics - ex post facto BS - it cannot tell me today what will happen tomorrow, only tomorrow happened because yesterday x, y & z was the state of affairs.

I want to stem the tide of sleaze now, not mop up the destruction after it's happened.

So what you say is intellectually curious, but in the real world of now it has no value - well not to me at least.

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Hi Barry, I'm not trying to defend any professional fields or occupations this may originate from but pasted it merely to illustrate a point.

I originally wrote it because people were throwing around words like "psychopath" and "narcissist" on the stacks without knowing what they were talking about when referring to the likes of Fauci, Walensky etc.

To me, it provides an explanation for why the bureaucrats are impervious to reason and cannot be persuaded by data about the vaccines that does not conform to their prejudices.

I've suggested to Steve Kirsch that he consult on thisvpathology in his efforts to improve persuasion with the bureaucrats.

As an aside, I attended a presentation by a Director of Forensic Mental Health called "Personality Disorders in High Functioning Professionals." The other attendees thought it would be about "narcissism."

I had a fair idea it would be about OCPD.

A judge had not long before committed suicide by hanging himself in a forest. The judge was a colleague of a barrister friend who had worked in the same chambers before being appointed to the bench. He struggled to make sense of his death.

The judge had been recalled to the capital and reprimanded due to his behavior in a family law matter where he had verbally abusedc a QC and the non-custodial father.

The death and the disciplining of the judge had been in the news.

I said to the presenter "I believe he most likely had OCPD."

Hev replied:"In 30 years of psychiatry I've met a lot of judges and I've yet to meet one who doesn't have it."

IThat's probably why you haven't been appointed to the bench Barry.

You're too normal.

That plus the fact that you live in South Africa and have integrity.

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Hahaha thanks for the laugh ;))

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I love Senator Johnson, I always felt he was strong and good and on our side. I used to feel the same about Rand Paul, but He never closed the noose around Fauci and for that I am beginning to doubt him!

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Well Sharon, in all fairness to Senator Johnson, he has had other priorities such as helping POTUS Biden to impose his "rules based international order" on conservative, Christian Russia and defending the borders in Europe.

Helping POTUS Biden takes precedence for him over any chickenshit concern you may have about holding those responsible for the clot shots to account.

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Yes, because when we destroyed Ukraine by starting the Maidan riots in 2014 we were really concerned about the borders of Europe or whatever.

You may not consider the largest crime against humanity in history to be anything other than chickenshit. I would say that speaks volumes. I don't know what it says, but it speaks volumes.

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Of course you "don't know what it says." That may say something about your mirror neurons. Your inability to detect sarcasm or "tongue-in-cheek" is what speaks volumes. I've posted a description of the pathology of the jab regulators and others in Dr. Alexander's new stack on IgG4. Take a look at it. See if you recognize yourself. There are plenty on these stacks who have exactly the same pathology as the jab promoters. Now run away and find something else to misunderstand.

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Yeah my sarcasm detection sucks.


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I forgive you and apologize for my harsh rebuke. I am sure you are probably a nice person. None of us are perfect. We are all fallible human beings.

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Johnson does nothing about any of it

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Legislators can't arrest criminals, but they can refer them for prosecution. But with our corrupt DOJ, even a referral won't go anywhere. Since Biden criminally instigated all the mandates, his belly button buddy Garland is in his right hand and won't lift a finger unless Biden says go Biden won't prosecute himself.

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Bidone makes no decisions! He's just a demented career bagman. 😑

Wonder who actuslly is dragging us down the primrose path into the toilet?

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Yes, referring them for prosecution appears to be the gist of what was meant.

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Another P.S. from TRUTH MATTERS…

Who would join a series of live conference calls if Lex Greene agreed to them?

Sooner or later information/evidence must be coordinated action information!

War is a TEAM sport, right?

Paul…WE NEED YOU, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Mike Yeadon, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova and any other persons for starters in on these live conference calls to discuss ideas and solutions! Will add David Martin to this list, too!



A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Paul and all,

How about this for a great Sunday message…one of Truth/Light?

Truth/Light will set you free!


Paul and all…Ready to finally unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction? See Lex below…

P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Whether one "likes" Dr. Martin or not, if the document he's sharing and discussing is legitimate, then it's very damning of Moderna, Fauci, and Baric.

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If he is insisting that a lethal virus was loose among us then I will ignore this as noise. No such thing happened UNTIL PEOPLE GOT INJECTED. All the excess mortality statistics bare this out too.

There was no excess mortality in 2020.

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The DOD are orchestrating this. The DOD is above the law. The DOD is the law.

Nobody will be held accountable.

All that's left is for them to release phase two - they will do that just before the economy starts to collapse.

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

We are here https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2023/03/13/251-the-everything-crisis/

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Kevin McKernan had credibility issues with Martin:


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I also have reservations about Dr Martin.

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Nice to know. Spell them out so we can evaluate whether or not they're rational and based on facts or just on your opinion or biases or on your "feelings."

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McKernan maintains that David Martin is wrong about his interpretation of the patents and provides what he claims is detailed evidence on Twitter; he asserts that he is a patent expert and shows detailed graphs and commentary to support his position; I would think David Martin would like to see this and respond and if it happens the exchange should be more than interesting!

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Yes, this exchange definitely needs to be facilitated!

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A search of McKernan reveals that he has been and is a very active researcher but only recently coming into prominence on Twitter and a number of other sites he promotes; his investigations tend to be highly technical and detailed and usually accompanied with highly scientific graphs; he seems to have a deep interest in "directed evolution" in addition to a background in patents; in any case I don't think it's accidental or coincidental that he has been focusing on "poking holes" in David's patent revelations at this particular time, especially with David's very important lawsuit upcoming; my initial judgment, admittedly premature, is that he may be a paid shill for Pharma or controlled opposition with the aim to cast doubt on David Martin's credibility; Dr. Martin is a fighter and this may be the time for him to come out and face his detractors.

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