a disaster, truth is, Trump was beyond his depth, misled, lied to, bullshitted, conned & he fell for it, yes his ego & want to get NOBEL, they told him for curing fake COVID with deadly Malone mRNA
that POTUS Trump would allow IMO misfits onto a podium to spew garbage of which they know nothing about e.g. mRNA vaccines and cancer etc. adding AI that they are telling you that they would bring a cancer vaccine based on the mRNA LNP platform to deal with the cancer that the vaccine itself is causing...does it get any more hysterical and insane than this?
You are absolutely correct that what I see as Trump‘s deep seated desire to be liked, and admired, sabotages him. Yet, I have every hope that Bobby Kennedy, will school him here. And fast. If not, then we must assume that Kennedy,, himself, is compromised. I have been an admirer of RFK, Jr. since 2012 and that would be heartbreaking for me. If he doesn’t step in, than we must. I live 10 minutes from the White House. I’m on my way now….. 😎
excellent remarks for 100%: "You are absolutely correct that what I see as Trump‘s deep seated desire to be liked, and admired, sabotages him. Yet, I have every hope that Bobby Kennedy, will school him here."
'And fast. If not, then we must assume that Kennedy,, himself, is compromised. ' ...I dont think RFK Jr. is...he is caught in a rock and hard place and audience and the roar is intoxicating...but I hold out hope he will do the right thing.
'I have been an admirer of RFK, Jr. since 2012 and that would be heartbreaking for me. If he doesn’t step in, than we must.' boom...yes we will step in and I need folk like you to stand in the breach with me
This is where you earned my trust and the trust and hope of many real human beings. I am an RN who work in he nursing home and have witnessed the harmful and deadly consequences of these injections. I have been an RN for 20 years and I have seen the catastrophic consequences that is happening not just for the elderly but to the health care workers and to many outside my working circles. I was force kicked out from my job for 2 years because I did not took the shit shot. I was only able to come to work again because they were that so desperate and so short of RNs.
The reason I decided to come back to health care industry is that of course I have to earn an income to survive and feed my young family and keep a roof above our head and to also know and be a witness of what’s going on in reality in the nursing homes and to hopefully wake some people up including Drs and my colleagues! But my God, the brainwashing was deeply embedded in their brain that 99% of them specially the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health that the “safe and effective” narrative they will take them to their grave! Trust me it is so devastating and depressing to know. Everyday, I ask myself is there still hope to have a safe future for my children ?!
And you and many others like Dr Mike Yeadon and etc..etc.. gives me hope and sanity!
My sincere prayers that God will bless you and equip you with whatever you need to continue your fight for truth and justice for all humanity!
May God and many others that keep on fighting for the truth be under Gods protection including your family!!
thank you for these best kind words, it makes us smile and be hopeful...I think your words are for all in this stack...many heroes...thank you for the beautiful human being you are, parent, advocate...and let us commit to stay in this battle until it is won
I think I cried all day when Trump and Bobby announced their alliance. I love Bobby, but I couldn’t vote for him as a Democrat. Please also tell him that I met him in the 80s and I have had a huge crush on him since. I raised my family in the neighborhood across from his mother‘s house in Mclean. I still live in McLean. I’m single so if things don’t work out for him. …. 😉
I visited a lot in Mclean, my good friend Ramin Oskoui, cardiologist, he died suddenly, huge anti mRNA vaccine anti OWS warrior, lived there, he was on FOX with me routinely as part of the medicine chest
I have a hard time accepting this idea there should be no virus.. Why not? What instead? I had it 4 times, confirmed by antibodies, antigene and pcr test. And know in 3 of the 4 cases who I got it from. Any thoughts?
I had to do pcr tests for almost a year 3 times a week. It only showed the one time I had it. The other confirmations were antibodies (high) after my first infection 2020, which was quite unpleasant, and antigene 3 times, when I knew from whom I had gotten the infection.
I just don't see why it should be a toxin (or a flue virus or nothing at all) and not a toxic protein of viral (corona) origin. Is not such mystification/denial perhaps more harmful to a reasonable science than to accept an established virus hypothesis?
not that there was NOTHING...I/we always said SOMETHING...could be toxin, poison, chemical...aerosolized etc. that caused what you experienced. of course some high-risk folk and others got very sick. so something did that but the vast majority who died passed due to the medical treatment of them or mistreatment
People have all been poisoned by the use of crate snake and other venoms according to Dr Bryan Ardis. Everything he says makes sense. And he shows the receipts to all the information. As well as the remedies needed. He’s well with the time to look at for anyone injured by the toxins in the shots.
I agree. Some aspects are confusing such as if it was PCR fake test that was responsible for (fake) confirmation of covid, therefore, not really a virus, are they still getting away with that after this many years? Dr. Alexander, please clarify this?. Thank you for your loyalty, courageousness & goodness in the face of immense corruption!!!
if PCR is still in use given it was over-cycled to drive elevated positives when the vast majority was false positive, then yes. at one point we were even getting the tests from China. it was such a clusterfuck clown car show in 2020
Possibly an infectious clone which is a lab generated DNA copy of a virus, not a virus itself. One possibility, for which there is some evidence by see JJ Couey's work for more details, is that the US created an infectious clone and then released in in Wuhan, to frame the Chinese, and elsewhere.
I like his work, he is smart, wicked smart...and a decent gentleman, professional. I think among the smartest. I add to his theory by suggesting maybe dispersed in multiple places globally to make it appear to be a mass spread event...but it cannot happen like that in REAL life...JJ's work focuses on transfection in humans is a disastrous idea and action...the mRNA transfection injection
That you communicate w RFKjr is reassuring. The big question is, does RFKjr still have Trump's ear? If people like you can't crack the circle around Trump, hopefully now there are representatives from independent media at his press conferences. They could ask Trump questions about AI safeguards, MRNA safety and even ask him about access to him by the early medical freedom doctors.
I saw a video the other day, (was it Greg Braden? IDK) they said why don't they get AI to scour the internet for natural, herbal treatments for cancer instead of MRNA vaccines. If they get the unfettered internet and not Google or Brave, I'm sure they would find lots of information.
Trump IMO seeks to do good...his issue is those around him...in govn it is about delegating and this is a problem...cant find trusting folk around you...most backstabbers. I stand with him still and will help him
I am sure RFK Jr. has Trump's ear. The issue is the others who come by after messing with 47's thinking and priorities. anyone talking any mRNA shots should be kicked in the nads with a frozen booth and sent out the WH. no doubt and I hope 47 and Bobby Jr. have really made some pact to do this and that...but the reality is the silence was wrong...Bobby will need explain that for IMO there is no sound justification...not even for confirmation. makes no sense
As I said also to KP Stoller below, a liile bit of narcissism, aka "benign narcissism" or "healthy narcissism," is a good thing. There's no problem with most who want to be liked, and admired. The problem is those who think they "need" to be liked, admired or respected. Nobody does, although it's very nice. The problem is over the top or "malignant narcissism." Many in high public office are "narcissistic psychopaths." That describes most senators and I can't think of a single US president in many decades who wasn't one except for Carter and he was an incompetent failure. Trump is far better than the others, on both sides, but particularly the RINO ones. Hopefully Bobby Kennedy, an admirable man, worthy of high regard, can school him
exceptional post: "Many in high public office are "narcissistic psychopaths." That describes most senators and I can't think of a single US president in many decades who wasn't one except for Carter and he was an incompetent failure. "
that is the hope, and on a serious note that Bobby Jr. can right Trump...I/we hope...no one is perfect and no doubt we all make mistakes and fallen. Bobby Jr. is no angel and he admits that. the issue for me is him doing good by America, that is all. I could handle his lust demons.
Trump's sad devotion to this doomsday bioweapon jab is problematic. Yes, ego but as a rule narcissists do not admit wrong doing - it is like death to them.
Not singling out Trump for being a narcissist... most in high public office are - some more than others.
agreed fully...fundamentally a good man IMO from all I know, saw, understood...failure to take ownership for the wrong of OWS etc. and the vaccine becomes problematic when you consider he is now embarking on STARGATE that is even more dangerous
Unfortunately, the expression "useful idiot" springs to mind but I still hold out hope that he can't possibly be that tone deaf to what you, RFK and many others have irrefutably demonstrated regarding the past and ongoing damage caused 🙏
A liile bit of narcissism, aka "benign narcissism" or "healthy narcissism," is a good thing. The problem is over the top or "malignant narcissism." Many in high public office are "narcissistic psychopaths." That describes most senators and I can't think of a single US president in many decades who wasn't one except for Carter and he was an incompetent failure. Trump is far better than the others, on both sides, but particularly the RINO ones.
Yes but what a great business model- create a vaccine with DNA contamination and add SV40 cancer promoter and voila find the cure to the cancers they caused.
Rfk said he s Not for mandate unless proven safe! Unless? So ifthey r proven safe, we r forced. Miss that? Trust their studies? We should never b forced
I also heard that. It's a serious concern but, I think, was spoken without forethought.
Bobby also spoke too soon and without full consideration when he responded to an interviewer saying he believed a pregnant woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy throughout the 9 months and up until the delivery date. He publicly retracted that policy statement the very next day.
I believe Bobby stands by the statements he made live on CNN December 15, 2023 when he clarified his vaccine policy:
I don't think RFK Jr said that Ava, although I could be wrong. I think he said that he's not for them being approved or authorized, as opposed to mandated, if proven safe.
I agree with a lot of what you were saying, but I think Trump knew the whole time, I feel like you make many excuses for him and so many people do. He's starting it all over again the MRA cancer shot the killshot this is horrible. He's going to show his true colors, but I don't think people want to see it
I understand and I did try to help him and ensure people understand he did mean well and he was really conned but it is years now he knew the OWS and vaccine killed so it is unacceptable by him...so I am calling him out on the heels of this catastrophic STARGATE bullshit
For gawd's sake...PLEASE go back and listen and then read the transcript of the Stargate conference. It is much larger than mRNAs, and all you are doing is encouraging the doom sayers---who also failed to comprehend the overarching impact of Stargate in national security--- into deeper conspiracy theorizing and wailing about *psy ops* and *sheeple* and *da Joooos got their hand in everything*and all the buzzwords that they believe will serve in lieu of actual grasping what he said and what is going to happen. You, too, do have a responsibility to not cultivate wild speculations and panic porn.
...sigh...please cite where anyone has stipulated that mRNA cancer shots---if even developed into viability---are going to be *forced*. For those WITH cancer, they may well approach it as a feasible last line treatment, but that would be CHOICE. Most cancer patients become very well educated on first line, second line, etc, treatments...let them have the choice.
Medical mismanagement of the elderly? My dad is dead. My mom is permanently disabled. I saved her but has gone through all her savings for help. Now has to move to apartment. They want the Olds off the rolls. Has been a nightmare
and this is why I am here in the breach and thank you...I am so sorry for this what you shared, it is catastrophic, painful. they must be punished and if Trump will not do it, we will do it and the challenge is he may get caught up...so he best step to do the right things
I am so sorry this happened to you Ava. Stay strong. Look after your mom. I feel for you for what has happened. It's hard but you are coping. Keep doing that.
yes, working on it...he has to be confirmed. but we are in discussion...he is a good man...I dont judge his personal life at this time...I judge the arc and he has huge promise...
Try this one on for size, Paul, and see if it is hypothesis that fits the facts: Trump is most certainly driven by ego and he most certainly values his own worth in his wealth. While these are not particularly admirable characteristics, they are not at all uncommon in those who seek and attain leadership positions.
What is uncommon is that a self-defined master judge of character like Trump, proud of his executive abilities, would allow himself to be as deeply duped as you consistently portray him, with no corrective wrath and ire when his brilliant "innovation", OWS and the jabs, are exposed by investigation and scientific documentation as murderous failures.
Consistent with his ego and narcissism, finger pointing, blaming and punishing rage would be much more consistent. Instead, we have an otherwise incomprehensible doubling down on the goodness of OWS and "my three beautiful vaccines."
Incomprehensible, that is, unless Trump is driven by, and controlled by something other than his obvious ego and need for adulation, both self-administered and garnered from others.
Trump's appointees are globalists. Bobby Kennedy softened like a post-ejaculation member once he tucked up under Trump's armpit and started singing the limpest of health-freedom songs, leaving out the verses about the mRNA weapons which he, himself, on camera, identified as bioweapons owned by the Department of Defense on which "Pfizer and Moderna just slap their labels" so he might be best called a globalist in reformer's clothing.
Trump knew, I submit, full well, that there was no way vaccines could be "created" in a few hours, a weekend or 4 months. He knew full well that lockdowns, masking, social distancing and school closings were political control maneuvers designed to destroy the economy, rights, freedoms, common sense, divide society and fragment it, and that "his" "beautiful" vaccines were - and are - bioweapons designed to help implement the globalist takeover of not only the US, but the rest of the world in carefully orchestrated lockstep. See UnitedNations2.0.com and Pact for the Future if you need further documentation of what Agenda 2030 actually means.
My hypothesis is that Trump is a player in the global theatrical performance. The role he has been given this time around is "Populist Hero who diverts the masses while the villain's evil plot is actually instituted through him". I cannot speculate what would motivate that behavior, whether it is ego, blackmail, the hope of political power or something else. Right now, I really do not care.
His supposed withdrawal from the WHO is an interesting data point: All of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response nonsense is a massive business plan designed to bring hundreds of billions of dollars into the coffers of the global destructocrats and controllogarchs. Trump's EO on the subject lays out clearly that the same utterly disastrous programs will be carried out, but will be doled out to his friends instead of being captured by their international equivalents. One cannot help but see the happily grinning Bill Gates emerging from his meeting with Trump before his inauguration and stating that Trump was very reasonable on vaccines.
You bet he was, and is.
He is picking up the UN/WHO position on them: use bioweapons to get us to agree to our own destruction and demise.
You might make the argument that he really was misled and was too incompetent or stupid or ego-driven to notice it while he was busy being a sitting President.
But 4 years later, he still has not noticed and does the same thing but higher, wider and deeper?
Sorry, Paul. No amount of excuse-making makes any sense. Dumb and dumber just won't work with his happy $500Billion mRNA Cancer vax via AI smiley face party.
With his faux "correction" of the WHO's "errors" by embracing all of them, but keeping the profits for his friends and his super, over the top new OWS/cancer vax insanity, coupled with his globalist officials and advisors (which, as you correctly point out, actively excludes all of the people who could actually point to sound policy for him) makes, I am afraid, my hypothesis look very, very compelling: as much as you love him, adore him, adulate him, trust him, praise him, deify him, Trump is a brilliantly scripted globalist tool.
You assert that he, the paragon of virtues that you believe him to be, was hoodwinked. Perhaps you have been, too.
I like and admire your continued courage and determination. I see that your adoration is wearing thin as he fails to do what you have so passionately, and, I believe, naively, urged him to do: repudiate the mRNA technology, deployment and its putative origin, the absolute psyop known as OWS.
The only thing left for us to do, I believe, is to mourn the loss of our innocence, if we had it, and create the necessary political momentum to do what is necessary to save ourselves as a nation and a species: exit the UN, repudiate and cancel all of its policies and programs in our nation and rebuild.
By the way, Paul, when you have finished mourning your idol and coming to terms with his very, very clay feet, I would love to speak directly to see how we might collaborate. I know this is going to be very hard for you and other true believers and I genuinely feel empathy for the struggle you may be going through now and you surely will be going through shortly as you internalize the fact that you have been badly played.
What I
Stargate is OWS on steroids, flying on wings of money to install
Thank you for (better) saying exactly what I've been suspecting all along... that Trump et al is Not our Saviour, despite the Distractions. Too many clues that he's as genuine (to the Cause of Righteously saving us) as a three - dollar bill...
Medical school must have been a breeze for you, with your apparent skill in psychically divining the character and motivation of others while stealthily hoping no one notices the log in your eye. You categorically did not listen to the entire Stargate presentation, nor look over the transcript. Stargate is NOT about inflicting mRNA on anyone again, but why you would be averse to those privately funding a hoped for treatment or cure for cancer, astounds. No one even remotely suggested compulsion in the discussion of mRNA, and Ellisoon, in particular, was indulging in the speculative spitballing that he is famous for. That is all. He has no authority in regard to implementation. What do you know of Russia's hypersonic missiles that carry up to 24 indecently targeted warheads? Hint: controlled by AI. Military drones? Hint: controlled by AI. Our own promised Iron Dome? Hint: controlled and deployed via AI. If private investment secures a viable approach to cancer, so be it, but that is only a secondary or even tertiary potential benefit to Stargate. The rest is all about national security, and growing job growth though private investment. AI is also critical, given China's and Russia's dominance in the field. If we don't harness it quickly, they will.
I think everything you said is correct, Im thinking maybe Trump believes he can leave this STARGATE AI crap to the morons pushing it, I think he thinks they wont fuck him over because he's Trump after all, I say hes 100% wrong, they will chew him up and spit him out when they don't need his voice anymore, I believe Trump has been bought out and now he's put himself in a box, hes like the pied piper, leading you to your slaughter.
Trump has to do what Bibi tells him to do Hannahlehigh. He is never going to disobey direct orders. I don't think Bibi is a micromanager and so, although many such as Pence would have had to have been approved by Bibi, he probably isn't directly responsible for many of Trump's disastrous staffing choices.
Right now, he has Susy Wiles. She quite likely was approved by Bibi. Shis in the same position that Martin Bormann was in when he was Chief of Staff to Hitler's deputy Rudolph Hess and then as Private Secretary to Hitler.
It appears now that Bormann was a traitor and Soviet spy whose real allegiance was to Stalin. Wiles could be another Bormann and her hands would be all over Stargate.
Whenever he would say the word "beautiful" when talking about the shots I would hear bits of an old Dr. Hook song "When You're in Love With a Beautiful Woman" and sometimes some Beatles lyrics "deep in love, not a lot to say." He sounds completely enamoured of the shots but I am not surprised he now has a new love interest.
I appreciate you and hear you. I still fully believe he is with us and knows what he’s doing. I know I’ll get all of the trolls on here belittling me and yelling at me nevertheless, this is how I see it.
this is beautiful, your reply, see below, I did not hurt him here, I am sharing how he was fucked and still again and that he always sought to do good...you must speak up, this platform is for full free open debate, your views, no constraints ...I made it cheap and even FREE and no firewalls or pay walls...your view is critical. and is right. I too still trust. I hope he comes through. and who cares about the eff in trolls...they too have a voice...in life we must be able to differ and still be civil and accepting, even serious differences. as long as we do not harm or threaten life...you speak you piece here...I welcome you
Insistence that Donnie was "f+++++d by his cohorts is only partially true. Extreme vanity and arrogance allowed him to fall for the baloney regarding vaccines too. We know his background, and even though some people insist the 92 charges against him were ALL bogus, rest assured that some were legit. Washington is a sewer, honesty is not exactly the stock and trade of politicians. If Donnie falls for Stargate, what do we call him, "misled" by his cohorts? The absolute best we can hope for is his having true blue rock ribbed American patriots as his advisors. 'Cuz Donnie cannot do it by himself.
all this is true "Insistence that Donnie was "f+++++d by his cohorts is only partially true. Extreme vanity and arrogance allowed him to fall for the baloney regarding vaccines too."
hhhmmm "We know his background, and even though some people insist the 92 charges against him were ALL bogus, rest assured that some were legit. " interesting
You are comically absurd. You can not cite one legitimate charge, let alone 92. Because none were, in spite of your strange attempt at deceit to the otherwise. Okay, Mikey? Grow up, this isn't a kindergarten playground.
Trump converted to kabbalist Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017 and they have had every POTUS since 1991 sign agreements in front of witnessing Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis present as witnesses in the White House every year to impose those laws in the US.
Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has stated that the Torah on which the Noahide Laws are based states that there are to be, quote: "no survivors" from all the Gentiles in the world, and the Torah is also quoted by him as saying that all memory of all Gentiles ever having existed in this world is then to be totally erased from the collective minds of all Jews who will then remain as the sole occupants of the world after all Gentiles arfe dead.
Trump: "Four more years, and you won't have to vote anymore".
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi adds that just for contravening one of the several Noahide laws with death penalties (that under Jewish law can ONLY be imposed on GENTILES), the one against 'idolatry', 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles will be KILLED for just that alone around the whole world.
COVID jabs are one of the many ways they are sterilizing out of existence and killing all these Gentiles besides the arranged wars such as have been ordered by their late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, like in Ukraine (and in Gaza using the Israeli government controlled opposition asset Hamas as an integral part of the same land-clearing operation going on in two different locations, with the plan as stated by Schneerson being for millions of Israeli Jews to eventually move onto 'vacated' lands in Ukraine when sufficient Slavs there have had their lines 'ended').
Schneerson himself used this term of 'ending the line of the Slavs').
Bukharian Jew Stalin did just the same in the 1930's when he flooded Ukraine with many Jewish land grabbers after he stated he had liquidated 10 million white Slav Christians in Ukraine.
Stalin provided this same figure of 10 million to Churchill and Roosevelt at Yalta, so the same type of program is just being employed again now to get rid of millions of unwanted white amalek Slavic Ukrainians and Russians by either killing them in the mutually arranged meat-grinder supplied with fresh meat by Chabad Lubavitcher Putin and Chabad Lubavitcher Zelensky).
Flip-flop RFK Jr is a self-stated Chabad Lubavitcher supporter too, so just like the similarly treacherous flip-flop orange Penguin character Trump, he too is really a treacherous supporter of the Chabad Lubavitcher exterminatory Noahide Law program that is very clearly intended on the mass genocide of all Gentiles, which all other rabbinical groups also support of course, as this is the culmination now of their several thousand year military plan, this being their communal big push now to seize the entire planet by means of total extermination of all Gentiles on the planet.
The entire Jewish religion in its entirety is just an act, an artificial political construct designed to fool Gentile nations that Jews are actually pious and godly people.
Read the interview of the senatorial political aide the US Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal, in that interview he states the actual reality that the Jews just fake having a religion specifically as that enables them to inflitrate, exploit, subvert and kill Gentiles.
You are not alone. The motivations behind the trolls are certainly not beneficent in origin. It's all about *get Trump*, but hiding behind *I supported him, but...*.
You are spot on! I support Trump too! BUT….I am very disturbed he won’t stand up against this c v d BS and come clean on his mistakes. Is it ego? Is it not wanting to be seen as irresponsible, at fault and gullible? Is it, he is too involved with big Pharma and it brings in so much money? Come on. He is not an idiot. He knows the truth. Something is off! So many Americans are now aware this was all a scam. I think if Trump spoke candidly and honestly on this, the majority of Americans would see him as more amazing. My ex never had seizures before those shots. He worked in big Pharma and had 4 pokes. His final seizure was while driving. He passed out, hit a row of townhomes and his car caught on fire. Found in the backseat - Died that night in the hospital. Remdesivir killed my best girlfriend in the hospital. Now I don’t want to take any meds. I am skeptical of so much now! Thank you for your dedication and fearlessness Mr. Alexander!
boom "Is it ego? Is it not wanting to be seen as irresponsible, at fault and gullible? Is it, he is too involved with big Pharma and it brings in so much money? Come on. He is not an idiot. He knows the truth. Something is off! So many Americans are now aware this was all a scam. I think if Trump spoke candidly and honestly on this, the majority of Americans would see him as more amazing. "
I am lost for words and do not know the right thing to say. I am sorry...we mourn with you. this is not right, and so do not give up, folk like me will wage this battle now more than ever...Trump either joins us or we will place him on the Horseman list too to be questioned
I don’t know if I am allowed to share a video….this is a ring doorbell that was on one of the townhomes when my ex hit the homes. This is terrible but shows a tragic result of this poke. Please remove this if I am breaking any rules.
So sorry for your loss. It is unconscionable. My SIL suffered seizures as well after her booster. Two years later after 6 hospital stays and 4 rehab stays, she’s bed bound and has round the clock care and her memory is shot. Only 65 yo. It’s horrible.
Time for everyone to stop coddling and covering for him. Once again a dangerous agenda is rearing its ugly head. Trump must be made to account for OWS and the harms it caused.he seems to care about his legacy and how he will be remembered? How can a sane and rational person believe that the monster he created was benign? We can not afford another fiasco like OWS. Surely if you are in touch with Bobby K you can build a bridge? Does he listen to no one? What about Ivanka?
'Time for everyone to stop coddling and covering for him. Once again a dangerous agenda is rearing its ugly head. Trump must be made to account for OWS and the harms it caused.he seems to care about his legacy and how he will be remembered? How can a sane and rational person believe that the monster he created was benign? We can not afford another fiasco like OWS. Surely if you are in touch with Bobby K you can build a bridge? Does he listen to no one? What about Ivanka?'
Bobby Jr. is a good man, and will do good...we protect him and support him, I will...trust me when I say anyway I can and will help, will happen. Bobby Jr. is in a bad situation...so let us get him in and then...but his silence demanded of him is not good...he will need explain that
He has repeatedly said he is not antivaxxer, and up til now his kids and himself received all shots. He has been vilified for mere criticism of vaccines and the schedule, never called for their elimination.
Someone commented to me recently that during the times when the Germans were loading up and shipping people on trains to the camps, they kept telling each other, we'll just have to wait and see. Didn't turn out well
And this road they're on will be so much worse of a fiasco than this first one.
It's my hope someone -- a Dem or a RINO, most likely -- asks RFK Jr a question about mRNA jabs or vaccines in general, trying to trap him, and he makes the most of the opportunity to educate his large audience.
I believe he is clever enough to parry any trick question sent his way.
If this opportunity does not arise, there will be no justification to deny approval of his nomination. It's what RFK Jr says and does AFTER his approval as HHS Secretary that will be his ultimate test. If he does not rise to the occasion, then he is not the man many believed him to be.
And someone new, someone more courageous, with more conviction, will take his place as leader of the opposition to medical authoritarianism and the surveillance state.
I want to believe things happen for a reason and that the truly righteous never despair -- or capitulate.
Trump's hubris explains OWS and this idiotic drive for the cancer vaxx...cancer that was caused by the first vaxx. Unless we cut off the snake's head, disaster after disaster will emerge. We cannot continue to defend ourselves from these threats; one will get through. Now it's high time for aggressive action against the people behind the deep state. Think Orsini.
As long as everyone stays in denial about the obvious fact that neither Trump nor any of his cronies are even close to being of good intent, they will continue to get away with genocide just like the Biden regime. Denial spirits are running most people's psyches in this dimension. So everyone stays trapped in one or more of the designed six layers of lies and believe it's "reality", despite all evidence to the contrary.
that POTUS Trump would allow IMO misfits onto a podium to spew garbage of which they know nothing about e.g. mRNA vaccines and cancer etc. adding AI that they are telling you that they would bring a cancer vaccine based on the mRNA LNP platform to deal with the cancer that the vaccine itself is causing...does it get any more hysterical and insane than this?
This is where much of this starts...
You are absolutely correct that what I see as Trump‘s deep seated desire to be liked, and admired, sabotages him. Yet, I have every hope that Bobby Kennedy, will school him here. And fast. If not, then we must assume that Kennedy,, himself, is compromised. I have been an admirer of RFK, Jr. since 2012 and that would be heartbreaking for me. If he doesn’t step in, than we must. I live 10 minutes from the White House. I’m on my way now….. 😎
excellent remarks for 100%: "You are absolutely correct that what I see as Trump‘s deep seated desire to be liked, and admired, sabotages him. Yet, I have every hope that Bobby Kennedy, will school him here."
full disclosure Boby Jr. and I communicate. I will tell you I told him I hope he runs in 2028.
enough MAGA if this is what MAGA will bring us...
I am MAGA but not insane MAGA...I do want accountability
'And fast. If not, then we must assume that Kennedy,, himself, is compromised. ' ...I dont think RFK Jr. is...he is caught in a rock and hard place and audience and the roar is intoxicating...but I hold out hope he will do the right thing.
'I have been an admirer of RFK, Jr. since 2012 and that would be heartbreaking for me. If he doesn’t step in, than we must.' boom...yes we will step in and I need folk like you to stand in the breach with me
This is where you earned my trust and the trust and hope of many real human beings. I am an RN who work in he nursing home and have witnessed the harmful and deadly consequences of these injections. I have been an RN for 20 years and I have seen the catastrophic consequences that is happening not just for the elderly but to the health care workers and to many outside my working circles. I was force kicked out from my job for 2 years because I did not took the shit shot. I was only able to come to work again because they were that so desperate and so short of RNs.
The reason I decided to come back to health care industry is that of course I have to earn an income to survive and feed my young family and keep a roof above our head and to also know and be a witness of what’s going on in reality in the nursing homes and to hopefully wake some people up including Drs and my colleagues! But my God, the brainwashing was deeply embedded in their brain that 99% of them specially the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health that the “safe and effective” narrative they will take them to their grave! Trust me it is so devastating and depressing to know. Everyday, I ask myself is there still hope to have a safe future for my children ?!
And you and many others like Dr Mike Yeadon and etc..etc.. gives me hope and sanity!
My sincere prayers that God will bless you and equip you with whatever you need to continue your fight for truth and justice for all humanity!
May God and many others that keep on fighting for the truth be under Gods protection including your family!!
Thank you so much ❤️🙏
From the Land Down Under 🦘
thank you for these best kind words, it makes us smile and be hopeful...I think your words are for all in this stack...many heroes...thank you for the beautiful human being you are, parent, advocate...and let us commit to stay in this battle until it is won
I think I cried all day when Trump and Bobby announced their alliance. I love Bobby, but I couldn’t vote for him as a Democrat. Please also tell him that I met him in the 80s and I have had a huge crush on him since. I raised my family in the neighborhood across from his mother‘s house in Mclean. I still live in McLean. I’m single so if things don’t work out for him. …. 😉
ha ha ha, ok, I will tell him and expect a call from Cheryl.
I visited a lot in Mclean, my good friend Ramin Oskoui, cardiologist, he died suddenly, huge anti mRNA vaccine anti OWS warrior, lived there, he was on FOX with me routinely as part of the medicine chest
His name is very familiar, and I’m so sorry for your loss.
Perfect answer. She is adorable!
I have a hard time accepting this idea there should be no virus.. Why not? What instead? I had it 4 times, confirmed by antibodies, antigene and pcr test. And know in 3 of the 4 cases who I got it from. Any thoughts?
PCR process was over-cycled so everyone was POSITIVE for COVID...but you could have been subjected to something else.
I had to do pcr tests for almost a year 3 times a week. It only showed the one time I had it. The other confirmations were antibodies (high) after my first infection 2020, which was quite unpleasant, and antigene 3 times, when I knew from whom I had gotten the infection.
I just don't see why it should be a toxin (or a flue virus or nothing at all) and not a toxic protein of viral (corona) origin. Is not such mystification/denial perhaps more harmful to a reasonable science than to accept an established virus hypothesis?
not that there was NOTHING...I/we always said SOMETHING...could be toxin, poison, chemical...aerosolized etc. that caused what you experienced. of course some high-risk folk and others got very sick. so something did that but the vast majority who died passed due to the medical treatment of them or mistreatment
People have all been poisoned by the use of crate snake and other venoms according to Dr Bryan Ardis. Everything he says makes sense. And he shows the receipts to all the information. As well as the remedies needed. He’s well with the time to look at for anyone injured by the toxins in the shots.
Do you give any credence to the theory that symptoms may have been caused by EMF radiation from SMART meters, 5g towers etc?
yes, always in the mix
I agree. Some aspects are confusing such as if it was PCR fake test that was responsible for (fake) confirmation of covid, therefore, not really a virus, are they still getting away with that after this many years? Dr. Alexander, please clarify this?. Thank you for your loyalty, courageousness & goodness in the face of immense corruption!!!
if PCR is still in use given it was over-cycled to drive elevated positives when the vast majority was false positive, then yes. at one point we were even getting the tests from China. it was such a clusterfuck clown car show in 2020
Possibly an infectious clone which is a lab generated DNA copy of a virus, not a virus itself. One possibility, for which there is some evidence by see JJ Couey's work for more details, is that the US created an infectious clone and then released in in Wuhan, to frame the Chinese, and elsewhere.
I like his work, he is smart, wicked smart...and a decent gentleman, professional. I think among the smartest. I add to his theory by suggesting maybe dispersed in multiple places globally to make it appear to be a mass spread event...but it cannot happen like that in REAL life...JJ's work focuses on transfection in humans is a disastrous idea and action...the mRNA transfection injection
That you communicate w RFKjr is reassuring. The big question is, does RFKjr still have Trump's ear? If people like you can't crack the circle around Trump, hopefully now there are representatives from independent media at his press conferences. They could ask Trump questions about AI safeguards, MRNA safety and even ask him about access to him by the early medical freedom doctors.
I saw a video the other day, (was it Greg Braden? IDK) they said why don't they get AI to scour the internet for natural, herbal treatments for cancer instead of MRNA vaccines. If they get the unfettered internet and not Google or Brave, I'm sure they would find lots of information.
Trump IMO seeks to do good...his issue is those around him...in govn it is about delegating and this is a problem...cant find trusting folk around you...most backstabbers. I stand with him still and will help him
I am sure RFK Jr. has Trump's ear. The issue is the others who come by after messing with 47's thinking and priorities. anyone talking any mRNA shots should be kicked in the nads with a frozen booth and sent out the WH. no doubt and I hope 47 and Bobby Jr. have really made some pact to do this and that...but the reality is the silence was wrong...Bobby will need explain that for IMO there is no sound justification...not even for confirmation. makes no sense
As I said also to KP Stoller below, a liile bit of narcissism, aka "benign narcissism" or "healthy narcissism," is a good thing. There's no problem with most who want to be liked, and admired. The problem is those who think they "need" to be liked, admired or respected. Nobody does, although it's very nice. The problem is over the top or "malignant narcissism." Many in high public office are "narcissistic psychopaths." That describes most senators and I can't think of a single US president in many decades who wasn't one except for Carter and he was an incompetent failure. Trump is far better than the others, on both sides, but particularly the RINO ones. Hopefully Bobby Kennedy, an admirable man, worthy of high regard, can school him
exceptional post: "Many in high public office are "narcissistic psychopaths." That describes most senators and I can't think of a single US president in many decades who wasn't one except for Carter and he was an incompetent failure. "
that is the hope, and on a serious note that Bobby Jr. can right Trump...I/we hope...no one is perfect and no doubt we all make mistakes and fallen. Bobby Jr. is no angel and he admits that. the issue for me is him doing good by America, that is all. I could handle his lust demons.
Trump's sad devotion to this doomsday bioweapon jab is problematic. Yes, ego but as a rule narcissists do not admit wrong doing - it is like death to them.
Not singling out Trump for being a narcissist... most in high public office are - some more than others.
agreed fully...fundamentally a good man IMO from all I know, saw, understood...failure to take ownership for the wrong of OWS etc. and the vaccine becomes problematic when you consider he is now embarking on STARGATE that is even more dangerous
Unfortunately, the expression "useful idiot" springs to mind but I still hold out hope that he can't possibly be that tone deaf to what you, RFK and many others have irrefutably demonstrated regarding the past and ongoing damage caused 🙏
A liile bit of narcissism, aka "benign narcissism" or "healthy narcissism," is a good thing. The problem is over the top or "malignant narcissism." Many in high public office are "narcissistic psychopaths." That describes most senators and I can't think of a single US president in many decades who wasn't one except for Carter and he was an incompetent failure. Trump is far better than the others, on both sides, but particularly the RINO ones.
Yes but what a great business model- create a vaccine with DNA contamination and add SV40 cancer promoter and voila find the cure to the cancers they caused.
It's diabolically clever.
Of course, very well planned! We are heading to CANCER PLANDEMIC!
Rfk said he s Not for mandate unless proven safe! Unless? So ifthey r proven safe, we r forced. Miss that? Trust their studies? We should never b forced
boom, you caught it...I wrote about that...that word is dangerous...he will need to address that...he will have to...great eye and ear
we dont care if proven safe, if we dont need it we dont want it...
Trump-Malone mRNA shot Version 1 can never be proven safe. It's already been proven unsafe, multiple times, over years.
💯 correct!
It s y he s there. He is for mandate
He is for medical tyranny
This is a psyop
He s said he s Not Anti Vax
He s not. Be careful what people wish for
So desperate for a savior. They ll believe anything
O my bad
Get rid of fruit loops. Kids, middle aged, elderly, r maimed or dead because of fruit loops
At least Trump said he did not approve of mandates, and will take back the military who refused and were discharged
I also heard that. It's a serious concern but, I think, was spoken without forethought.
Bobby also spoke too soon and without full consideration when he responded to an interviewer saying he believed a pregnant woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy throughout the 9 months and up until the delivery date. He publicly retracted that policy statement the very next day.
I believe Bobby stands by the statements he made live on CNN December 15, 2023 when he clarified his vaccine policy:
I don't think RFK Jr said that Ava, although I could be wrong. I think he said that he's not for them being approved or authorized, as opposed to mandated, if proven safe.
I agree with a lot of what you were saying, but I think Trump knew the whole time, I feel like you make many excuses for him and so many people do. He's starting it all over again the MRA cancer shot the killshot this is horrible. He's going to show his true colors, but I don't think people want to see it
I understand and I did try to help him and ensure people understand he did mean well and he was really conned but it is years now he knew the OWS and vaccine killed so it is unacceptable by him...so I am calling him out on the heels of this catastrophic STARGATE bullshit
For gawd's sake...PLEASE go back and listen and then read the transcript of the Stargate conference. It is much larger than mRNAs, and all you are doing is encouraging the doom sayers---who also failed to comprehend the overarching impact of Stargate in national security--- into deeper conspiracy theorizing and wailing about *psy ops* and *sheeple* and *da Joooos got their hand in everything*and all the buzzwords that they believe will serve in lieu of actual grasping what he said and what is going to happen. You, too, do have a responsibility to not cultivate wild speculations and panic porn.
...sigh...please cite where anyone has stipulated that mRNA cancer shots---if even developed into viability---are going to be *forced*. For those WITH cancer, they may well approach it as a feasible last line treatment, but that would be CHOICE. Most cancer patients become very well educated on first line, second line, etc, treatments...let them have the choice.
Medical mismanagement of the elderly? My dad is dead. My mom is permanently disabled. I saved her but has gone through all her savings for help. Now has to move to apartment. They want the Olds off the rolls. Has been a nightmare
and this is why I am here in the breach and thank you...I am so sorry for this what you shared, it is catastrophic, painful. they must be punished and if Trump will not do it, we will do it and the challenge is he may get caught up...so he best step to do the right things
Ty so much 💓
I am so sorry this happened to you Ava. Stay strong. Look after your mom. I feel for you for what has happened. It's hard but you are coping. Keep doing that.
Ty and God bless you
It’s been hell and now people just want to move on:(. Still angers me.
Dr. Alexander will you get to work with RFK Jr and help clean up our health system?? I would also like to have ALL drug commercials stopped in the US.
yes, working on it...he has to be confirmed. but we are in discussion...he is a good man...I dont judge his personal life at this time...I judge the arc and he has huge promise...
I think you are the better man than RFK Jr. The more knowledgeable in this area. You can be his conscience and put the right words in his mouth.
Try this one on for size, Paul, and see if it is hypothesis that fits the facts: Trump is most certainly driven by ego and he most certainly values his own worth in his wealth. While these are not particularly admirable characteristics, they are not at all uncommon in those who seek and attain leadership positions.
What is uncommon is that a self-defined master judge of character like Trump, proud of his executive abilities, would allow himself to be as deeply duped as you consistently portray him, with no corrective wrath and ire when his brilliant "innovation", OWS and the jabs, are exposed by investigation and scientific documentation as murderous failures.
Consistent with his ego and narcissism, finger pointing, blaming and punishing rage would be much more consistent. Instead, we have an otherwise incomprehensible doubling down on the goodness of OWS and "my three beautiful vaccines."
Incomprehensible, that is, unless Trump is driven by, and controlled by something other than his obvious ego and need for adulation, both self-administered and garnered from others.
Trump's appointees are globalists. Bobby Kennedy softened like a post-ejaculation member once he tucked up under Trump's armpit and started singing the limpest of health-freedom songs, leaving out the verses about the mRNA weapons which he, himself, on camera, identified as bioweapons owned by the Department of Defense on which "Pfizer and Moderna just slap their labels" so he might be best called a globalist in reformer's clothing.
Trump knew, I submit, full well, that there was no way vaccines could be "created" in a few hours, a weekend or 4 months. He knew full well that lockdowns, masking, social distancing and school closings were political control maneuvers designed to destroy the economy, rights, freedoms, common sense, divide society and fragment it, and that "his" "beautiful" vaccines were - and are - bioweapons designed to help implement the globalist takeover of not only the US, but the rest of the world in carefully orchestrated lockstep. See UnitedNations2.0.com and Pact for the Future if you need further documentation of what Agenda 2030 actually means.
My hypothesis is that Trump is a player in the global theatrical performance. The role he has been given this time around is "Populist Hero who diverts the masses while the villain's evil plot is actually instituted through him". I cannot speculate what would motivate that behavior, whether it is ego, blackmail, the hope of political power or something else. Right now, I really do not care.
His supposed withdrawal from the WHO is an interesting data point: All of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response nonsense is a massive business plan designed to bring hundreds of billions of dollars into the coffers of the global destructocrats and controllogarchs. Trump's EO on the subject lays out clearly that the same utterly disastrous programs will be carried out, but will be doled out to his friends instead of being captured by their international equivalents. One cannot help but see the happily grinning Bill Gates emerging from his meeting with Trump before his inauguration and stating that Trump was very reasonable on vaccines.
You bet he was, and is.
He is picking up the UN/WHO position on them: use bioweapons to get us to agree to our own destruction and demise.
You might make the argument that he really was misled and was too incompetent or stupid or ego-driven to notice it while he was busy being a sitting President.
But 4 years later, he still has not noticed and does the same thing but higher, wider and deeper?
Sorry, Paul. No amount of excuse-making makes any sense. Dumb and dumber just won't work with his happy $500Billion mRNA Cancer vax via AI smiley face party.
With his faux "correction" of the WHO's "errors" by embracing all of them, but keeping the profits for his friends and his super, over the top new OWS/cancer vax insanity, coupled with his globalist officials and advisors (which, as you correctly point out, actively excludes all of the people who could actually point to sound policy for him) makes, I am afraid, my hypothesis look very, very compelling: as much as you love him, adore him, adulate him, trust him, praise him, deify him, Trump is a brilliantly scripted globalist tool.
You assert that he, the paragon of virtues that you believe him to be, was hoodwinked. Perhaps you have been, too.
I like and admire your continued courage and determination. I see that your adoration is wearing thin as he fails to do what you have so passionately, and, I believe, naively, urged him to do: repudiate the mRNA technology, deployment and its putative origin, the absolute psyop known as OWS.
The only thing left for us to do, I believe, is to mourn the loss of our innocence, if we had it, and create the necessary political momentum to do what is necessary to save ourselves as a nation and a species: exit the UN, repudiate and cancel all of its policies and programs in our nation and rebuild.
Hard? Yes, but essential.
Please visit PreventGenocide2030.org to help do that.
By the way, Paul, when you have finished mourning your idol and coming to terms with his very, very clay feet, I would love to speak directly to see how we might collaborate. I know this is going to be very hard for you and other true believers and I genuinely feel empathy for the struggle you may be going through now and you surely will be going through shortly as you internalize the fact that you have been badly played.
What I
Stargate is OWS on steroids, flying on wings of money to install
Thank you for (better) saying exactly what I've been suspecting all along... that Trump et al is Not our Saviour, despite the Distractions. Too many clues that he's as genuine (to the Cause of Righteously saving us) as a three - dollar bill...
Medical school must have been a breeze for you, with your apparent skill in psychically divining the character and motivation of others while stealthily hoping no one notices the log in your eye. You categorically did not listen to the entire Stargate presentation, nor look over the transcript. Stargate is NOT about inflicting mRNA on anyone again, but why you would be averse to those privately funding a hoped for treatment or cure for cancer, astounds. No one even remotely suggested compulsion in the discussion of mRNA, and Ellisoon, in particular, was indulging in the speculative spitballing that he is famous for. That is all. He has no authority in regard to implementation. What do you know of Russia's hypersonic missiles that carry up to 24 indecently targeted warheads? Hint: controlled by AI. Military drones? Hint: controlled by AI. Our own promised Iron Dome? Hint: controlled and deployed via AI. If private investment secures a viable approach to cancer, so be it, but that is only a secondary or even tertiary potential benefit to Stargate. The rest is all about national security, and growing job growth though private investment. AI is also critical, given China's and Russia's dominance in the field. If we don't harness it quickly, they will.
Sure hope your hypothesis is wrong.
Are you suggesting that the mRNA technology is used worldwide to combat Covid but in reality it is a bioweapon, meant for worldwide depopulation?
Hopefully a rhetorical question at this stage?!
The auteur of the comment probably thinks that the mRNA technology has been used worldwide, but that is not the case, as far as I know.
I think everything you said is correct, Im thinking maybe Trump believes he can leave this STARGATE AI crap to the morons pushing it, I think he thinks they wont fuck him over because he's Trump after all, I say hes 100% wrong, they will chew him up and spit him out when they don't need his voice anymore, I believe Trump has been bought out and now he's put himself in a box, hes like the pied piper, leading you to your slaughter.
Trump has to do what Bibi tells him to do Hannahlehigh. He is never going to disobey direct orders. I don't think Bibi is a micromanager and so, although many such as Pence would have had to have been approved by Bibi, he probably isn't directly responsible for many of Trump's disastrous staffing choices.
Right now, he has Susy Wiles. She quite likely was approved by Bibi. Shis in the same position that Martin Bormann was in when he was Chief of Staff to Hitler's deputy Rudolph Hess and then as Private Secretary to Hitler.
It appears now that Bormann was a traitor and Soviet spy whose real allegiance was to Stalin. Wiles could be another Bormann and her hands would be all over Stargate.
I was mind blown when I saw Trump with those guys saying what they were saying, more mRNA with AI this time, oh joy.
Whenever he would say the word "beautiful" when talking about the shots I would hear bits of an old Dr. Hook song "When You're in Love With a Beautiful Woman" and sometimes some Beatles lyrics "deep in love, not a lot to say." He sounds completely enamoured of the shots but I am not surprised he now has a new love interest.
I appreciate you and hear you. I still fully believe he is with us and knows what he’s doing. I know I’ll get all of the trolls on here belittling me and yelling at me nevertheless, this is how I see it.
this is beautiful, your reply, see below, I did not hurt him here, I am sharing how he was fucked and still again and that he always sought to do good...you must speak up, this platform is for full free open debate, your views, no constraints ...I made it cheap and even FREE and no firewalls or pay walls...your view is critical. and is right. I too still trust. I hope he comes through. and who cares about the eff in trolls...they too have a voice...in life we must be able to differ and still be civil and accepting, even serious differences. as long as we do not harm or threaten life...you speak you piece here...I welcome you
Insistence that Donnie was "f+++++d by his cohorts is only partially true. Extreme vanity and arrogance allowed him to fall for the baloney regarding vaccines too. We know his background, and even though some people insist the 92 charges against him were ALL bogus, rest assured that some were legit. Washington is a sewer, honesty is not exactly the stock and trade of politicians. If Donnie falls for Stargate, what do we call him, "misled" by his cohorts? The absolute best we can hope for is his having true blue rock ribbed American patriots as his advisors. 'Cuz Donnie cannot do it by himself.
agreed, he cant do it by himself.
all this is true "Insistence that Donnie was "f+++++d by his cohorts is only partially true. Extreme vanity and arrogance allowed him to fall for the baloney regarding vaccines too."
he has blame in this then and now going forward if he falls for this STARGATE grift
hhhmmm "We know his background, and even though some people insist the 92 charges against him were ALL bogus, rest assured that some were legit. " interesting
worse than a sewer "Washington is a sewer, honesty is not exactly the stock and trade of politicians."
You are comically absurd. You can not cite one legitimate charge, let alone 92. Because none were, in spite of your strange attempt at deceit to the otherwise. Okay, Mikey? Grow up, this isn't a kindergarten playground.
Trump converted to kabbalist Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017 and they have had every POTUS since 1991 sign agreements in front of witnessing Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis present as witnesses in the White House every year to impose those laws in the US.
Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has stated that the Torah on which the Noahide Laws are based states that there are to be, quote: "no survivors" from all the Gentiles in the world, and the Torah is also quoted by him as saying that all memory of all Gentiles ever having existed in this world is then to be totally erased from the collective minds of all Jews who will then remain as the sole occupants of the world after all Gentiles arfe dead.
Trump: "Four more years, and you won't have to vote anymore".
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi adds that just for contravening one of the several Noahide laws with death penalties (that under Jewish law can ONLY be imposed on GENTILES), the one against 'idolatry', 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles will be KILLED for just that alone around the whole world.
COVID jabs are one of the many ways they are sterilizing out of existence and killing all these Gentiles besides the arranged wars such as have been ordered by their late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, like in Ukraine (and in Gaza using the Israeli government controlled opposition asset Hamas as an integral part of the same land-clearing operation going on in two different locations, with the plan as stated by Schneerson being for millions of Israeli Jews to eventually move onto 'vacated' lands in Ukraine when sufficient Slavs there have had their lines 'ended').
Schneerson himself used this term of 'ending the line of the Slavs').
Bukharian Jew Stalin did just the same in the 1930's when he flooded Ukraine with many Jewish land grabbers after he stated he had liquidated 10 million white Slav Christians in Ukraine.
Stalin provided this same figure of 10 million to Churchill and Roosevelt at Yalta, so the same type of program is just being employed again now to get rid of millions of unwanted white amalek Slavic Ukrainians and Russians by either killing them in the mutually arranged meat-grinder supplied with fresh meat by Chabad Lubavitcher Putin and Chabad Lubavitcher Zelensky).
Flip-flop RFK Jr is a self-stated Chabad Lubavitcher supporter too, so just like the similarly treacherous flip-flop orange Penguin character Trump, he too is really a treacherous supporter of the Chabad Lubavitcher exterminatory Noahide Law program that is very clearly intended on the mass genocide of all Gentiles, which all other rabbinical groups also support of course, as this is the culmination now of their several thousand year military plan, this being their communal big push now to seize the entire planet by means of total extermination of all Gentiles on the planet.
That is the REAL story.
Wow 😮
So, please explain WHY 'Shem' hates 'Japheth' with such passion ?
The entire Jewish religion in its entirety is just an act, an artificial political construct designed to fool Gentile nations that Jews are actually pious and godly people.
Read the interview of the senatorial political aide the US Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal, in that interview he states the actual reality that the Jews just fake having a religion specifically as that enables them to inflitrate, exploit, subvert and kill Gentiles.
What a cowardly eunuch you are. I'm Jewish. Spit your hate and wicked lies in my face, coward.
And you are... Dylan Mulvaney presumably.
You are not alone. The motivations behind the trolls are certainly not beneficent in origin. It's all about *get Trump*, but hiding behind *I supported him, but...*.
Key: change the vaccine definition back to what it was supposed to be. That will fuck everything for them.
You are spot on! I support Trump too! BUT….I am very disturbed he won’t stand up against this c v d BS and come clean on his mistakes. Is it ego? Is it not wanting to be seen as irresponsible, at fault and gullible? Is it, he is too involved with big Pharma and it brings in so much money? Come on. He is not an idiot. He knows the truth. Something is off! So many Americans are now aware this was all a scam. I think if Trump spoke candidly and honestly on this, the majority of Americans would see him as more amazing. My ex never had seizures before those shots. He worked in big Pharma and had 4 pokes. His final seizure was while driving. He passed out, hit a row of townhomes and his car caught on fire. Found in the backseat - Died that night in the hospital. Remdesivir killed my best girlfriend in the hospital. Now I don’t want to take any meds. I am skeptical of so much now! Thank you for your dedication and fearlessness Mr. Alexander!
boom "Is it ego? Is it not wanting to be seen as irresponsible, at fault and gullible? Is it, he is too involved with big Pharma and it brings in so much money? Come on. He is not an idiot. He knows the truth. Something is off! So many Americans are now aware this was all a scam. I think if Trump spoke candidly and honestly on this, the majority of Americans would see him as more amazing. "
Terri, this is so catastrophic
I am lost for words and do not know the right thing to say. I am sorry...we mourn with you. this is not right, and so do not give up, folk like me will wage this battle now more than ever...Trump either joins us or we will place him on the Horseman list too to be questioned
I don’t know if I am allowed to share a video….this is a ring doorbell that was on one of the townhomes when my ex hit the homes. This is terrible but shows a tragic result of this poke. Please remove this if I am breaking any rules.
So sorry for your loss. It is unconscionable. My SIL suffered seizures as well after her booster. Two years later after 6 hospital stays and 4 rehab stays, she’s bed bound and has round the clock care and her memory is shot. Only 65 yo. It’s horrible.
I’m so so sorry. So many losses all around the world. Pisses me off!
Time for everyone to stop coddling and covering for him. Once again a dangerous agenda is rearing its ugly head. Trump must be made to account for OWS and the harms it caused.he seems to care about his legacy and how he will be remembered? How can a sane and rational person believe that the monster he created was benign? We can not afford another fiasco like OWS. Surely if you are in touch with Bobby K you can build a bridge? Does he listen to no one? What about Ivanka?
'Time for everyone to stop coddling and covering for him. Once again a dangerous agenda is rearing its ugly head. Trump must be made to account for OWS and the harms it caused.he seems to care about his legacy and how he will be remembered? How can a sane and rational person believe that the monster he created was benign? We can not afford another fiasco like OWS. Surely if you are in touch with Bobby K you can build a bridge? Does he listen to no one? What about Ivanka?'
Bobby Jr. is a good man, and will do good...we protect him and support him, I will...trust me when I say anyway I can and will help, will happen. Bobby Jr. is in a bad situation...so let us get him in and then...but his silence demanded of him is not good...he will need explain that
but he is the only one I support really in the health nominees...
He has repeatedly said he is not antivaxxer, and up til now his kids and himself received all shots. He has been vilified for mere criticism of vaccines and the schedule, never called for their elimination.
Yes, it's time to stop.
Someone commented to me recently that during the times when the Germans were loading up and shipping people on trains to the camps, they kept telling each other, we'll just have to wait and see. Didn't turn out well
And this road they're on will be so much worse of a fiasco than this first one.
It's my hope someone -- a Dem or a RINO, most likely -- asks RFK Jr a question about mRNA jabs or vaccines in general, trying to trap him, and he makes the most of the opportunity to educate his large audience.
I believe he is clever enough to parry any trick question sent his way.
If this opportunity does not arise, there will be no justification to deny approval of his nomination. It's what RFK Jr says and does AFTER his approval as HHS Secretary that will be his ultimate test. If he does not rise to the occasion, then he is not the man many believed him to be.
And someone new, someone more courageous, with more conviction, will take his place as leader of the opposition to medical authoritarianism and the surveillance state.
I want to believe things happen for a reason and that the truly righteous never despair -- or capitulate.
Trump's hubris explains OWS and this idiotic drive for the cancer vaxx...cancer that was caused by the first vaxx. Unless we cut off the snake's head, disaster after disaster will emerge. We cannot continue to defend ourselves from these threats; one will get through. Now it's high time for aggressive action against the people behind the deep state. Think Orsini.
If cancers were caused by the first vaxx then why are so many oncologists in favor of it, huh?
Another question that contains the answer from what I've witnessed first hand around me 🤑
As long as everyone stays in denial about the obvious fact that neither Trump nor any of his cronies are even close to being of good intent, they will continue to get away with genocide just like the Biden regime. Denial spirits are running most people's psyches in this dimension. So everyone stays trapped in one or more of the designed six layers of lies and believe it's "reality", despite all evidence to the contrary.