Dr. Paul Alexander's truths: I worked for POTUS Trump term 1 as his senior pandemic advisor at HHS reporting to Secretary & A Secretary (position RFK Jr. is seeking); I know all, I saw all & most was
a disaster, truth is, Trump was beyond his depth, misled, lied to, bullshitted, conned & he fell for it, yes his ego & want to get NOBEL, they told him for curing fake COVID with deadly Malone mRNA
They used words para ‘you do this you will be given NOBEL for curing this, saving lives and he believed them, he really believed this was serious and deadly and that they were telling him the truth; it was remarkable; and people like me, my bosses, we were locked out, we could not even get to him when the wheels were coming off, it was as if they were isolating him so that he could wear the failed deadly OWS lockdowns that Fauci and Francis Collins and Birx and Azar and Redfield et al. implemented and pushed…it got so insane at one point he was coming out on the podium absent of anyone, not even Atlas, not the Task Force and he, a builder from NY was talking data and epidemiology??? it was scary and embarrassing…the COVID response under Trump as under Biden, was never a public health one, but rather a political one…it became a clown car GONG show and Americans were dying, not from the fraud fake PCR non-pandemic COVID, but from the devastating medical management of our elderly by the medical system and our Mengele Hess like medical doctors in USA, Canada, UK etc…
I argue we faced a likely toxin, chemical, poison that provoked the ILI respiratory ARDS pulmonary symptoms for there was a serious hit on some of our elderly. I do not buy the coronavirus fraud. Today.
Trump fell for it all hook line and sinker for his ego and hubris and ignorance too drove him to see only the success and he wanted to help his peoples, he was not thinking para ‘how the hell could they take a 20 year vaccine development process and boil it down to 4 months and it be safe’? he failed to think it through…he was told you will be famous…trust us Mr. President…and he did tell them, over and over, I know, I heard he would say, I was there “do not bring anything to me unless it is safe, yes effective but must be safe’ over and over he would say ‘it must be safe’…and each time the fuckers would tell him ‘yes Mr. President, it will be safe’ all the while knowing they were fucking him upside the head….
I am angry as I wrote this on the heels of the dangerous incredibly moronic deadly STARGATE bullshit with mRNA vaccines, cancer, and AI…more grifting fuckers coming to destroy Trump AGAIN, this is OWS 2.0 on roids and he is not thinking again, he is not thinking it through…he is seeing MONEY MONEY MONEY and fame…and it is a fraud…can never work! these fuckers like Bourla and Malone and Sahin et al. told his administration, on OWS, told Peter Marks that they would squeeze the regulatory red tape and inefficiencies out of the COVID mRNA vaccine development process (and DNA viral vectored) but these fuckers knew the 18 to 20 additional years of surveillance post clinical trial phase was there, so as to follow in surveillance so as to ‘exclude’ harms and prove safety….they knew! Like how they were silent on reverse transcription, on mitochondrial damage, on SV 40, on immune tolerance etc. They knew that the LNP platform was there to take it deep and far inside the body and thus the content would never stay at injection site, but these beasts were silent…until could not be any more as the deaths piled up.
But they knew too it would kill people, but they were on the money train, fame train, NOBEL train, power hungry devious beasts. they knew it was unsafe. A den of evil animals.
Yet, here we are again, Trump is in the mix, in control as they throw out madness to us, the mRNA, AI, cancer STARGATE cure fraud…I wrote before how it cannot work, please re-read see below…but let me share some key issues AGAIN…
First, you should understand, I supported Trump and still do. I want him to succeed for America will succeed. I worked hard to help re-elect him. But I am scared now and concerned about the future given just a few days of him on tap. And the ‘shiny’ things, the ‘shiny’ EOs do not tackle the key issue today…this being the mRNA vaccines that will transform our world negatively. That he would come out with this mRNA/AI/cancer with no concern about fixing what happened due to his decisions and actions in term 1 COVID. I think he means well but is not doing the work to understand what was done to the nation with mRNA, he still has no clue and I know he knows it killed, but he does not understand the implications…as he does not now understand how catastrophic the STARGATE, mRNA vaccine, AI, cancer crap Ellison Altman China/Korean man et al. put out, could be for Americans. It is just pure bunk drivel, pie in the sky grifting. And what is staggering is Trump seems to be letting them.
Let me be as clear as could be:
1)COVID was a complete 100% lie, a fake from PCT created falsehood, nothing about COVID was real, nothing.
2)it is how our precious vulnerable and elderly and even low risk were abused and mistreated by doctors and the medical system that killed most…it was the medical management and COVID lunatic policies of isolation, lockdowns, sedatives, denial of treatment e.g. denial of antibiotics for likely bacterial pneumonia, sedatives like lorazepam, propofol, midazolam, fentanyl, morphine etc., dehydration, malnourishment, terrorization, crushing fear and isolation, catastrophic physical abuse of our elderly under care, dislocation, when placed on the COVID death program, pumping them with toxic drugs, Remdesivir that was kidney and liver toxic, ventilator that blew holes in lungs and caused VAP…all of it. NOTHING worked, all was devised to make
3)NOTHING worked, for it was in response to NOTHING. There was NOTHING to warrant what was done, save to properly double and triple down protect the vulnerable and let the entire rest of society to live free unfettered non-lockdown lives
4)Had we done NOTHING, most of those who died would be alive today. Our medical response KILLED 95%. Of those who died.
5)Trump’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) failed, saved not one life! It killed! Trump is 100% wrong to praise it as a success! He must stop!
6)Lockdowns, school closures, business closures failed, saved not one life and killed!
7)The mRNA technology transfection mRNA-LNP (nano particle) vaccine did not save one life, were NEVER needed, not even for the elderly, and failed and killed! Trump is 100% wrong to claim it saved lives. It saved not one life!
8)There is no avian bird flu pandemic, none of it, it is a PSY-OP fear porn to drive you to take more mRNA vaccine…it is a pure lie, as they seek to create a fake crisis using the over-cycled PCR process again.
9)Now there is the STARGATE-mRNA vaccine-AI-cancer unfolding disaster Trump has announced. Trump is taking us down a dangerous path and I am now saying it is enough. Trump must now be asked to explain OWS and what he did, and the lockdowns and vaccine and we must not anymore protect anyone. Truth always now.
Trump’s OWS failed and killed. We are here because of Trump’s OWS and the lockdowns that killed and failed and the deadly Malone Bourla et al. mRNA vaccine.
It is time that Trump be called upon to answer for the harms and deaths of his OWS and Malone Sahin Kariko et al. mRNA death shots. It is time we told him NO MORE! No more lies! Stop it Mr. President, stop lying to the American people that OWS and the mRNA vaccine saved lives. It is a falsehood. It never worked. It killed. STARGATE et al, will kill too!
I am available to debate anyone anywhere on any of OWS, the mRNA vaccines, this STARGATE madness. It is time POTUS Trump, as much as I think you mean well, your policies term one resulted in harms and deaths and including to our children. No more. Time to come clean! Time to un-silence RFK Jr. RFK Jr. is our hope. He must stand tall and up and out NOW! Tell Trump cabal and team to fuck off Bobby, we need you unchained! We need you to help us, do not bail on us!
I have said one of 2 things will happen in RFK Jr.’s confirmation on Jan 29th 2025:
1)if the decision is to take him out and fail him, the Republican and Democrat senators will ask him pointed questions on OWS and the deadly mRNA vaccines. He will not lie as will be under oath and so he will not be confirmed as he will tell us what he said all along that OWS killed and the mRNA vaccine was unsafe and must be removed…para
2)alternatively, if the decision is to confirm him for future actions working with bendable people like Jay and Marty, then the Republican and Democrat senators will NOT ask him relevant questions. It will simply be a shit show game…so that he will be confirmed. It is left to be seen. There is a reason folk like me, Couey, McCullough, Yeadon etc. are not in the administration now…I have stood up to his madness. I actually worked for Trump term 1. Imagine that. Only those who can bend to the will of the vaccine pharma cabal, the vaccine mafia, will be nominated and get jobs.
IMO, they can keep it. I will not be silenced. For no amount of money! We have lives to save, and our children’s futures to safeguard!
that POTUS Trump would allow IMO misfits onto a podium to spew garbage of which they know nothing about e.g. mRNA vaccines and cancer etc. adding AI that they are telling you that they would bring a cancer vaccine based on the mRNA LNP platform to deal with the cancer that the vaccine itself is causing...does it get any more hysterical and insane than this?
You are absolutely correct that what I see as Trump‘s deep seated desire to be liked, and admired, sabotages him. Yet, I have every hope that Bobby Kennedy, will school him here. And fast. If not, then we must assume that Kennedy,, himself, is compromised. I have been an admirer of RFK, Jr. since 2012 and that would be heartbreaking for me. If he doesn’t step in, than we must. I live 10 minutes from the White House. I’m on my way now….. 😎