Even 'Freedom Movement' media silent on recent Ellis Altman Chinaman Trump STARGATE, mRNA vaccines, AI, cancer fraud news conference; I told you they in it for jobs $, took your donor $$ DECEIVED you!
Did I not tell you most of so called 'Freedom Fighter' media & doctors, scientists were grifting money whores, only BENEFIT themselves, were NEVER concerned with HARMS to you of OWS & mRNA shots
Just to get into your pants for your money…worse than the 2$ crack whore pimp and tramp prostitute…male or female.
Please ask DEL, EPOCH, Brownstone, CHD, Defender, Revolver etc. that type….their views on the STARGATE and mRNA and cancer and AI…do not include FOX for FOX is a conflicted biased joke now, I actually from time to time now watch CNN…as crazy as that is…I guarantee if you came up on any of these Freedom Fighter Movement media and asked them anything, they will not respond…they will run away from you, while before they prostrated ‘ass up puckered up’, for your donor money, now they looking to government for money, contracts, ‘inside’…they on ‘the in’ in Trump world looking for jobs, and what is so funny and alarming too all at once is that they do detest him, loathe him, hate him, I know them all…the things they have said about Trump and written…but boy can they play a good crooked game for money…and in a way, he is playing them for silence while they THINK they getting jobs. Many Freedom Movement doctors, scientists, media are just pure frauds. Pimped off of you for 5 years. Why not ask them to speak up now…
Do you now understand why they all went SILENT the moment Bobby Jr. endorsed Trump? They got the memo. Bobby Jr. I like, I support him, I think in my heart he is a good man…really seeks to do good, I judge by arc of one’s life, but his silence since endorsing Trump has hurt his credibility and this was WRONG.
Do you now understand our battle? It just begun. The silence leading up to the elections, the silence by POTUS Trump on deadly OWS and mRNA vaccine, the silence by the nominees, the silence by Bobby Jr., the madness of the recent STARGATE cancer mRNA and AI news conference with Trump, Chinaman, Ellis, and Altman tells us the extent of the insanity we face. This STARGATE is an utter disaster and ask yourself, how come no one has come out to defend it?
Never EVER trust your medical doctor again for it is them that sold you out in the PCR-manufactured fake COVID fraud, never ever trust the health agencies and officials like CDC, HHS, FDA, NIH etc., never! Trust only you. Never trust our governments again! Many in congress, senate, MPs, leaders ae actual crooks and criminals. Never trust pharma drug makers, vaccine makers, ever. Trust your critical thinking.
I do not agree that there was even a virus in COVID, none, something, a toxin, poison? chemical? the virus was never isolated...vaccine makers based the vaccine on code given by China?
they murdered us...we were kill by the COVID response...the medical treatment. it is pure murder...and many got away with it re COVID 1 or so they think...we are not done...many from Trump 1.0 and Biden must go to jail and Trump best know we are demanding that. not bullshit STARGATE