H5N1 bird, cattle flu again, my thoughts again: this is pure fraud (wanna be MANUFACTURED crisis); until we see something to worry about & there is NOTHING we have seen or on the horizon
to make us worry! so turn it all off! walk away from CDC, FDA, Health Canada, PHAC, your ministers of health, all of them, these EFF in idiots, academically sloppy moronic dolts with fancy titles
this is fear porn, another effort by the COVIDians, the COVID type Taliban, they need to help win (steal) an election for Trump 45 will be the next POTUS, aka 47…
my prior stack on H5N1 and the fraud of it is worth re-mentioning and in short, do NOTHING! No lockdowns, no masks, no school closures, no business closures, no EFF in vaccine…it will fail as it did for COVID…just do nothing, take commonsense precautions and you be the judge if there is a problem…Until I/we tell you otherwise, if we say there is a problem, if I wrote there is a concern, then, until then, just spit on the television, spit on any of the public health officials who come near you talking their fraud H5N1 crap, yes, tell them I said spit on them, they deserve for what they did us in COVID, for their words and policies and actions KILLED:
What did we learn from COVID and what do I have to say at this stage of this creeping effort to terrorize you with this H5N1 fake madness? The key point is that at this time, the evolutionary adaptations needed by this H5N1 for it to efficiently adjust in humas and spread efficiently are not there…the depth of ‘time’ needed is not there…it has thus appeared (if we accept what is being reported) without the ability to ‘spill-over’ into human populations and remains with its base reservoir in animals…in other words, if they were doing gain-of-function on it to give it ‘FUNCTIONS’ it prior did not have e.g. infectiousness and lethality it PRIOR did not have, then that is a different discussion we would have to have and no doubt, we/I will inform you if that was the issue…if we should be concerned…we are not there and IMO, we will not get there…though we sleep with one eye open with the evil bitches in this world like the Faucis, the Bourlas (who will want to bring vaccine etc.)…there is an election to be won, there is depopulation to occur, the OP is NOT over…’Nothing is over! Nothing! You don’t just turn it off!’
We learnt basically (and very applicable to H5N1 avian bird flu) that (and we should react as follows):
1)COVID was a lie, there was NO pandemic, the IFR turned out to be basically 0.03% (risk of survival was 99.998% persons up to 70 to 75 years old) so less than the 0.1% reported for seasonal flu…we shut society down for something that was less lethal than flu
2)COVID was a RT-PCR ‘process’ MANUFACTURED fake pandemic (cycle-count threshold greater than 24 detected viral dust, fragments, non-infectious, non-lethal pathogen etc.), based on the lie of asymptomatic transmission and equal risk of severe outcome if exposed despite baseline risk and no efforts at age-risk stratification
3)that the media, our medical doctors, our governments, the academic scientists etc. all lie, are grossly incompetent, academically sloppy, intellectually lazy, specious, non-sensical, inept and dangerous as placed their salaries and grants and stability above that of the patient and public
4)that the medical management of people especially high-risk vulnerable ‘elderly’ persons in hospitals caused about 90% of the deaths in this 4-year COVID era e.g. the isolation, the DNR orders, the denial of antibiotics, the fear, the dehydration, the sedation via propofol, malnourishment, midazolam, lorazepam, fentanyl, morphine etc., deadly kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, and the deadly ventilator
5)that no COVID surgical mask, no cloth mask, no mask, ever, across all prior respiratory pathogen, even CDC own reporting in it’s non-sensical pseudoscience MMWR, for viruses etc., and definitely for COVID, no mask worked to curb transmission or deaths, PERIOD! Failed in adults and children and was toxic. No such mask and mandates needed for this likely fraud H5N1…until I or people like Yeadon tell you that you have a problem, just turn it all off.
6)that no mRNA vaccine, no vaccine, none, is needed for this so called H5N1 Disease X scariant as this too is a respiratory pathogen (if so) and as such will not react to a vaccine; it is why we never ever had a vaccine for the common cold ad why all flu vaccines have failed! It is a known secret…only our elderly are deceived by their own medical doctors. No RNA virus, no respiratory virus possesses the replication fidelity whereby we can ever produce a vaccine that can match and ‘hit’ the predominant circulating strain/variant; we must always understand the force of Darwinian natural selection pressure 1) original antigenic sin (immune priming, immune fixation etc. where recall antibodies are to the initial prime or exposure 2) viral immune escape 3) antibody dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) as well as ADED (disease) etc.
No vaccine! None.
I imagine it will be same for this ‘H5N1 seeming effort to scare you pathogen’. I am saying, if they tell you mask up, take your masks and make a pile and BURN them, they did not work and WILL NOT work for any respiratory influenza virus etc. like H5N1. PERIOD! DO NOT use masks of any kind for this H5N1, no mask mandates, NONE! We have no credible research to show otherwise. And if you are still wondering if masks will work for this H5N1 ‘if they make it into a real pandemic shitshow fraud AGAIN’, then read my complete review showing the body of evidence that these masks do not work for COVID or respiratory viruses or influenzas etc.
Masking: A Careful Review of the Evidence | AIER
Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging | AIER
7)No business closure during COVID fraud worked to curb transmission or deaths and I imagine will be very same for this if they progress to make this into a fake pandemic; do not listen to anything the media-industrial complex tells you on this; do like me, turn them off, do not listen to them; if people like me, McCullough, Igor Chudov, 2nd Smartest, Risch, Eleftherios, Prasad, J Rose, Hill, Yeadon, Thorp etc. tell you there is an issue, then stop and take pause and listen…
8)There is no data anywhere in the world, nowhere, NONE, showing that lockdowns ever worked to curb transmission or death in this thing called ‘COVID’ (let us play along)…there also will be no benefit to lockdown for this H5N1 if this too is real; IMO, DO NOT lockdown as the result will be harms and deaths and if you are unsure what I am saying, let me draw you to my reviews that accumulated the body of evidence showing how every COVID lockdown failed GLOBALLY for 4 years!
The Catastrophic Impact of Covid Forced Societal Lockdowns | AIER
9)There is no data anywhere in the world to show that ANY shielding policy worked to curb transmission or death in COVID, and I imagine will be same for this H5N1. We can expect our moronic governments to over-react and do foolishness that results in deaths of normal healthy people. Again, all we need to do is double down and triple down protect our high-risk vulnerable and do NOTHING else. Proper hygiene, handwashing, precautions that are commonsense and logical. All the data today, as I write, indicates this. Should any new data show that this H5N1 is lethal and problematic, then I (and others) will quickly inform you. Today, it’s fear porn. All we did in COVID was shift the morbidity and mortality burden from the upper middle class and wealthy laptop ‘zoom cafe latte’ class to the poor persons, especially women and children.
10)School closures, well, there is no data, no evidence anywhere in the world to show that closing schools during COVID functioned to reduce transmission or deaths; in fact, it harmed and killed children and I plead, DO NOT close schools for H5N1; we have no evidence to date, to show that H5N1 is pathological to children warranting school closings.
75 Studies and Articles Against COVID-19 School Closures ⋆ Brownstone Institute
School Closure: A Careful Review of the Evidence | AIER
Why are We Vaccinating Children against Covid-19? | AIER
But.. They've culled over 100 million birds from our food supply due to fake H5N1 and BS PCR tests on birds.
We are more likely to be starved to death by our owners...
Fort reference. See: Bolsheviks. Holodomor, Mao.
There going to have to prove it with something other than a PCR test. And in addition they are going to have to prove that in no time in our history other than right now do cows milk contain bird flu genetic material. I find it hard to believe that just in time when we finally got a way to test milk for bird flu...we find milk with bird flu.