Hang them high I say, hang them all! all medical doctors! If we take them to court room with judges & juries & the verdict is they caused deaths negligently & knowingly, then we hang all, millions of
doctors if we have to, we hang them all! We show them no mercy like they did to our parents, grand-parents...we punish them...I am not accepting para "but we were following CDC, NIH, FDA etc."
I am not accepting para “if I gave the exemption letter, I would have lost my license and been fined 5,000 $…no, not accepting that, these bitches knew what they were doing and they suffered our elderly peoples into a death spiral once they went to the hospital….via their deadly COVID policy of false positive PCR process result, isolation, sedation with deadly toxic drugs propofol, lorazepam, midazolam etc., DNR orders, dehydration, Remdesivir, ventilator
Heck, you'll have to import rope from China to get all the parasites.
Let family members who lost family members to forced coercion and outrageous lies...pull the levers!!! They MUST be held accountable...no wiggle room allowed...PERIOD!!