HOME ownership, home ownership is the one factor (in all math models we run with a host of socio-economic predictors) that reduces crime in any city, nation, pride in ownership, & not government
government type squalid housing, squalid filthy crap, I mean people have to pay mortgages too, to have stake in it, but affordable; there will be reduced or no crime & pride in ownership
Throw in access to good health care and for all peoples, for lets face it, the health care model and system in USA is disastrous. But home ownership. Pride in owning something. Crime plumets. I mean paying for your home, not given for free. But pegged too to income etc. And key, have the father in the home.
We were taught growing up to take pride in what was earned, not given. You do not respect if it is given you must earn it. This is what you see in the projects, places given to poor, the places are filthy, falling apart, because they did not earn. Everyone takes pride in things earned, new homes, cars, old or new, education. The right of ownership!
Like everything else it touches, the government has made home ownership less and less desirable for the middle class. That wasn't always the case. Before 60 years ago home and property ownership in general was an excellent avenue for creating wealth. The government eliminated that for all but the mega-wealthy. Their goal is to take it *ALL* - and they're well on their way.