If Trump wins November 5th 2024 (& we know he will), we will need to take extraordinary steps to protect him above Secret Service as the left, democrats will move to assassinate him; I have been in
a discussion with people who are next to him directly & it is in planning already; democrats, deepstate will try to kill him for the WRONGS they have done; its why his VP pick is CRITICAL, ready to
serve, day one, must come ready to serve…they will not stop until they imprison and if they could, kill him literally and his family…they want all Trumps dead…POTUS Trump presents that much of a threat to the democrat party…blacks are turning to him, all turning to him…we are at a serious cross-roads in USA and the world…now…
what happens next and our biggest challenge is not Nov 5th win, but getting him ALIVE to January 20th 2025 to place his hand on bible…serious people are already getting wind that this is the plan of the left, to harm him.
now word that democrats want to strip him now of Secret Service Protection…you understand so that killers can get a shot…
understand what’s at stake and we must rise to his defense.
be ready to protect him…surround him by the millions…
He is at risk for assassination NOW. The Secret Service has been beholden to DEI. God knows that a slouch Secret Service DEI Agent may be in his detail and a few jihadis may take him out.
Absolutely Dr Alexander, being ready to serve President Trump is of the essence, serving ourselves! Helping each other.
For if President Trump is somehow, eliminated, shot, killed or Jailed, who do we have to protect all of “We The People”?
There’s no way on earth any man, any human being, would be able to take this amount of “onslaught of abuse”! Being constantly threatened, as President Trump has taken on! Mr. Trump has always shown his love and deep concern for all Americans of all races and religions and creeds and religious beliefs, otherwise known as “WE THE PEOPLE”!
“He is unlike any leader of anyone’s lifetime, IMO”!
I do believe his concern for all Americans, all people around the world, humanity in general, is so deep and loving, sincere and steadfast, we must stand together as President Trump has continued to stand for all of us!
Once in a lifetime, God uses someone for the greater good. President Trump was Gods “chosen leader”. President Trump was chosen for America and all Americans! Satan HATES HIM and SATAN IS OUR ENEMY! As well as President Trumps!
At minimum we must all unite and fight against this evil and corrupt parasitical regime, who have embraced “Satan as their leader”! Yes Biden your “Glowing Red Eyes” was a dead give away!
It’s quite simple. “God is Great” vs “Satan is Evil”! Good vs Evil, isn’t this what we’re all facing and fighting against today? Those who choose Satan, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE! And you will never be able to hide!
Can anyone and I mean anyone and everyone tell me, this path we’re being lead down is “Good” or is it “Evil”?
Hands down it blatantly “EVIL”! Everyone knows this and everyone who’s watching, knows this. And it’s happening before our own eyes!
This level of rot, rivals what Hitler did in the beginning. If we allow this to continue and believe me you, the evildoers are not going to stop one iota, then we’ll witness, if we survive, the most devastating human tragedy ever recorded in history of mankind! The writing is on the wall not to mention, “THEY’VE TOLD US SO!
What has happened and what could potentially happen, is NO JOKE! WHAT ALL AMERICANS and ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ARE WATCHING TRANSPIRE is at a level never imagined possible. Where millions upon millions of people may starve, freeze and suffer beyond anything we can compare to in history.
Simply because there hasn’t been this kind of support ever shown, for such complacent and arrogant evilness! Trump said it precisely that the “MSM is the Enemy of the People”! How correct Trump was? Everything has been a lie after lie and the MSM wants us to believe they’re looking out for us? AYFKM? Go away MSM! Shutdown and collapse, PLEASE?
My words cannot describe the massive suffering the entire world will endure because of a handful of evil-driven Klaus Schwab’s, Barack Obama’s of today’s mankind!
These people are as “evil as evil” can be! They’ve redefine “evilness” and “wickedness”!
This is how badly they want “Power and Control” over the world! This is a game to them and they don’t care who they destroy!
We must stand together and fight against this, never before seen, evilness! They know who they are. And honestly Dr, they don’t give a damn about you or me or anyone else, anywhere on “Gods Good Earth”!
We are at a level of “Spirituality” nobody can possibly understand. This is how dire the sense and feeling, I believe is before all of us. And all of this I’ve heard from others as well.
Many people I’ve talked with in their 30’s-50’s are completely lost. They don’t understand how or why things are the way they are. They feel it’s all a phase and believe it’s all about November’s election. With some protest thrown in for good measure. NOT!
Older folks I’ve spoken with, in their 70’s and 80’s are far more in tune. They know they’ve not witnessed anything remotely close to what we’re seeing today. Rightly so, they’re scared to death. They know how urgent and important it is to stop this madness. All say pray.
There’s been so much “STUFF” thrown at the “walls of society” I call it the “Iceberg Effect”. Looking at everything we’ve watched happening. And we know we’re only seeing 20% at best.
What lies beneath, the remaining 80%, is so vastly societally upending, we won’t know how badly the abuse is, until all the details are unearthed.
First by “DRAINING THE SWAMP” and bleaching the “stench and gut-rot” permeating from their “HELL HOLE CRUCIBLES” they’ve enthroned themselves into! If we ever get the chance! I pray we do!
It’s unimaginable how many rules and laws were violated. Or were altered and changed, while the game was being played! I pray the Supreme Court at some stage, has the way with all to, “Right All Injustices” which have been overwhelming our society. Especially President Trump’s and their complete disregard and usage of “Law-fare” against him!
These are “evilly wicked people”!
We are at a crossroad no doubt. Where we need “ALL HANDS ON DECK”! How? Is the ultimate question everyone seems to have. One thing at a time and now first and foremost is protecting and defending President Trump and his family! Even if it means you can only get on your hands and knees and “pray the prayer of prayers”, then please do so, for all our lives.
May God Bless and Protect Our Dearest President Trump and his family!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!