Malone, this is EXIT RAMP # 2 the Lord has sent you, take it eyes closed! Leave Drs. Katalin Karikó & Drew Weissman that the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine was awarded to for nucleoside work
base modifications (mRNA technology that is basis for COVID mRNA gene injections) that underpins the COVID mRNA vaccine; walk away now, pull your law suits & never utter a mRNA technology word again!
Consider this a huge victory for you Robert and this could actually allow you to separate yourself from this mRNA disaster, this killer invention, nothing about it was good or could be good based on all the science we know today.
I implore you again to pull your suits against Breggin and Ruby and whomever. Please take the opportunity now to step back after the recent legal ruling re Washington. Look at that too as a win. The judge helped you.
Let this Nobel award to the 2 death scientists be a chance to mend wounds and join forces to defeat the evil COVID mandarins, the COVID Taliban, the Pandemicists, the lockdown lunatics, the evil malfeasants from Fauci to Njoo to Azar to Bourla…
This is a gift Robert, a gift, an exit ramp, for now let these 2 malfeasant murderers Karikó & Weissman sway in the wind…let them OWN it fully….do not take any more credit or ownership of mRNA technology if I were you for as you know, it harms and kills and whether your base invention or modified mRNA, I don’t care nor will the public and history. mRNA is mRNA technology to most, base or modified. For none was vetted or proven safe, no proper research. History will record only who was involved and history will not be kind. So take this chance to separate yourself.
Let them have the crown, psychos they are with Bourla and Bancel and you take the off-ramp away from this disaster. mRNA technology you and they were involved with was unsafe from day one, you all never safety tested it nor ran the proper trials etc. So now the sh*t is hitting the fan and do not be upset Nobel idiots left you out in the cold. Laugh at them, and do not argue or wrench, silently walk away and start helping the world by telling us the truth on what this mRNA technology was all about, what it could and can’t do and how deadly it is. Help us with an antidote. Work together.
Your time now to mea culpa and we will forgive and with open arms welcome you…do not take this as a defeat for these malfeasants preside over a deadly mRNA COVID vaccine with the base mRNA technology in it…they did things that resulted in a DEVASTATING catastrophic mRNA vaccine with Moderna and Pfizer and BioNTech that is:
i)the base technology was never safety tested by anyone involved and you can now attest to this fully, you can even say what they did as to the vaccine was even worse as we suffer the effects
ii)the combination of the mRNA technology enwrapped in the lipid based nano-particle is even more deadly (wrapped in exosomes, extra-cellular vehicles etc.)
iii)the core vaccine technology with the modified pseudo-uracil (methylated) is deadly as is and was the base mRNA technology that underpinned
iv)the mRNA vaccines are themselves ineffective (protection rapidly waning to negative effectiveness territory) and are shown to be deadly…
v)we know that those who take the mRNA vaccine are at far greater risk of becomming infected (re-infected) post shot, incredible as that may seem
vi)we know now that the injection was never devised to stay in the injection site in the deltoid, would not dissolve or dissappear in hours as we were told as we have vaccine content, spike protein and fragments, mRNA and fragments etc. persisting in tissue and blood for many hours, days, weeks, months, and years
vii)we know too that there is reverse transcription of the mRNA back to DNA which can have catastrophic consequences for mankind
viii)we know that there is placental transfer and via breast milk to the infants; we know now that vaccinating the mother with the mRNA shot is like vaccinating the baby in utero with all the coming harmful effects e.g. bleeding, clotting, aneurysms, cardiac arrests, paralysis etc. and for both adult and infant
ix)we know that the vaccine content sheds from vaccinated to unvaccinated
Once again Dr. Malone, I would be silent if I were you and even help celebrate these 2 idiots for the Nobel and take no ownership of any part of this…if I were you. Take the exit off-ramp, grab it! IMO, let these beelzebubs own this…walk away and help us fix this…
this is my view and I think here is the chance for the movement to unify…take it!
I wish there were a list of the companies that use mRNA and their products. Lots of bragging about putting it in the air and other products. We need a boycott list....
His ego won’t let him. Let 🐴 go