Nonsense!!! You are losing your critical thinking skills here. Fauci lied and pushed this crap on us. Malone is not responsible. He didn’t use the synthetic uridine in his research. The process was changed. It is unrealistic to expect that he could have stopped this trillion dollar money making, money stealing, life sucking scheme of the elite globalists. He doesn’t have that kind of power and who does?! I am sick of this beating a dead horse.

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You are defending the indefensible. Robert Malone is a Trojan horse. He sued Dr. Jane Ruby and other highly qualified doctors for millions of dollars for questioning his veracity. They are supposed to be in the same "truth" movement. If she was wrong about him, why not have a beer, talk about it, and straighten it out? Because he is part of the Criminal Enterprise, that is why. He hides behind a mask. He is BAD JUJU.

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I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. I don’t know enough about Dr. Ruby to speak on that situation and the Breggins have a lot of respect as they should so I do find it concerning that he is suing them. It’s not a good look. He looks petty for doing it. He did call Peter to ask him why Peter was publicly coming after him. Peter wanted to put Ginger on as well and record it and according to Peter Malone then hung up. So perhaps he feels he tried and it didn’t stop so he wanted a cease and desist and since that didn’t work, he sued.

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What is a "JUJU"?

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Voodoo magic. Bad juju.

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Different things to different people. In my case it’s been a loving nickname .

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Then why did you remove it?

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He's not a dead horse and can still speak regarding questions that are well founded. I am always leery of people who refuse to answer legitimate questions. How easy would it be to clarify all the skepticism?

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Go to his Substack. He has addressed a lot of this. Perhaps not all but you can look there for answers.

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Yep go to his substack and pay your tribute by climbing his 'pay wall', great idea, pay him to ass fuck you harder

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You only need to pay to comment. Read away for free.

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I love you from afar😘😂

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They erased Dr Luc Montangeir? In 2020! If he spoke up he would have had the same fate!

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Well also look at Mike Yedon and Geert Vanden B. They were desperately speaking to any and all who would listen. Both of them were truly panicked about what could happen and they were silenced and smeared.

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Agree strongly!

Personal story- sometime in 2005-2015, my family doctor was treating Lyme successfully. He had a visit one night while closing-told to stop helping Lyme patients so well or he’d be in court defending every Medicare bill his office ever submitted until he was bankrupt or retired. It’s sad they crushed him (& his spirit!) and his ability to do his job.

The medical mafia is real and brutal.

I pray gratitude & protection for Dr Yeadon and others often.

Malone, I pray for his soul.

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Lyme disease is another US bioweapon developed at Plum Island.

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Malone wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on our kids, the vaccine Frankenstein can't possibly have a soul.

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He evades questions. George Webb wasn’t allowed in to Steve Kirsh lawyer gathering in Atlanta recently & Malone was there. Anyway, I keep praying for discernment. & reading.

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Mama Bear attacks everyone who highlights the truth about the Vaccine Frankenstein who is on record advocating to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids. Same Mama Bear, who according to newspaper articles, was allegedly charged for breaking into MIT President's office & demanding that MIT pay $150k to the Black Panthers, but White privilege can provide access to legal eagles who can make events like these a non issue.

Same Mama Bear who is on video saying she worked with the Communist Fidel Castro regime who has murdered hundreds of thousands innocent Cubans since 1959. Same Mama Bear that viciously defends someone else's husband. 🤔

Shame on Mary Holland and RFK Jr. for their hypocrisy in elevating a monster who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on kids while CHD is collecting millions of dollars from mostly Conservatives who are unaware of their double talk. Let's spread the word so that Conservatives realize that the Progressives who have hijacked the Medical Freedom Movement are a bunch of hypocrites. Alison McDowell has excellent research on CHD's & RFK Jr.'s hypocrisy of advocating for transparency while hiding their financial data from the public.

Don't believe your lying eyes, it's a 6th generation psyop as Mark says. He and George Webb will continue to connect the dots. They have the receipts and they won't be intimidated no matter how viciously Mama Bear attacks them and us😉

All roads lead back to the Anthrax gang. Follow the yellow brick road.

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They murdered Dr. Montagnier

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I suspect Dr. Kary Mullis was also murdered.

He knew there were limitations to his invention of the PCR test and he thought Fauci was an idiot.

The PCR test was what fueled the plandemic.

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Yep. He was murdered in 2019…the timing is not coincidence.

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Yes, his death was August 2019.

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How? He was a good man!

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That is a good point however, Dr. Malone & the other scientists involved in creating this technology still have a better understanding of how it works & possibly how to mitigate it.

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I agree that having intimate knowledge is certainly helpful. The problem is the damage happens in various organs/systems and that causes a cascade of problems that require different treatments. Dr. Marik, Dr. Kory and the flccc folks invest a lot of time researching for answers and they are treating patients so their information isn’t just researched but also bedside clinical. End of the day you need to see clinical results. Dr. Malone is less likely than the FLCCC experts to succeed here. Paul Marik’s protocols saved many more people than standard of care yet he was forced out of his hospital for doing so. He still is passionate about trying to help the vaccine injured and those damaged by Covid. Those frontline guys are extremely valuable. Malone should lead the crusade to stop the gain of function mad science still being done. We are going to have another one of these events in the near future unless it stops. We need someone like him who has profited in this industry to stand up to it and join the doctors, researchers who have been worried about gain of function and trying to push back.

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Stop the BS, the DOD-MIL who financed mRNA since day one, has said "It was always intended to be a bio-weapon delivery technology' ( 1980's tech is mRNA )

Covid was identified in 1936

Now you expect all the reality to be sugar-coated with BS that only a child would eat;

Malone said long ago in the ROGAN interview, the only reason he went public is that he started seeing players like Fauci getting billions, and he wanted his share of the loot;

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I listened to all 3 hours of the Rogan interview and you just proved yourself a liar. I invite others to listen too.

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Let's here you say it again, you listened to all 15,000 Rogan interviews, and the interviews that he did with Malone and you never heard Malone complain that he didn't get his share of the mRNA loot?? Did I get this right?

Do I have to post a link to the fucking video, and give you a time edit? But I would prefer to play the negative game and you prove that Malone never complained about not getting his fair-share for being the 'father of mRNA' ( a mil bio-weapon )


Just for fun could you post the link here to the Rogan/Malone interview you watched? Then I'll look & see if we're even talking about the same interview; Me thinks your a Jewess hag who needs to get back to Miami and cry a river;

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I too question Malone due to his continued stance that the elderly and those with comorbidities should be in line for the jabs, when I believe that the elderly and those with comorbidities are likely to have the weakest immune systems and would be the most likely groups to be susceptible to the numerous serious adverse event outcomes known to be associated with the alleged Covid-19 jabs.

But, we shouldn't have to spend our time trying to verify something you say. If you have video recorded proof of Malone making such a "fair share of the loot" statement, provide us a link to the article or interview, and the time within the video of Malone's statement. In other words, back up your statement just like we do with references when we submit a paper for publication. We will then be able to further disseminate this information you are providing.

Let me give you an example:

Below is some very interesting information regarding Robert Malone's past participation in patented mRNA research which surfaced in a Stew Peters video recorded discussion with Karen Kingston. I'm pasting in a response I made on another substack thread:

The 1996 U.S. patent (2nd link below) which lists "Robert W. Malone" as one of the inventors, indicates synthetic mRNA in a "clot shot" can be encoded to produce various toxin peptides, such as cobra snake venom factor, ricin, diphtheria toxin, enterotoxin, etc. Once that mRNA enters your cell cytoplasm, ribosomes would translate it (like reading a ticker tape) into the actual peptide toxin(s), which your immune system would see as a toxic invader and mount an immune response. In other words, such a "clot shot" is meant to get you sick, as is explained by Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits to Canadian Constitutional attorney Rocco Galati and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the following video:

[VIDEO] 'Dr. David Martin tells us this is not a vaccine but rather a medical device.'


Malone was 37 years old when the following 1996 U.S. patent 5,580,589 was issued; and, curiously, he has not spoken about his role in this research. He's listed next to last out of 5 researchers and, from what I remember when I was publishing in the 80s, next to last is a fairly prominent position on scientific articles...sort of like the Wuhan "bat woman" being listed immediately before UNC Chapel Hill's Ralph Baric on the 2015 Nature Medicine spike protein gain-of-funtion paper. I do not know whether the same holds true for patents.

U.S. Patent Office document: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/6f/65/07/e39a6bf6d18e9d/US5580859.pdf

This potential can of worms was opened by Karen Kingston, who appears to have been somewhat miffed by something Malone said, as she implies in the following video:

March 13, 2023

FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!


Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA. And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."

"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" (Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"

Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."

(Ed Paré Note: According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, various toxic venoms cause symptoms identical to the symptoms alleged to be indicative of the alleged Covid-19 illness, including loss of taste and smell. Additionally, Ardis states that PCR tests will report these toxic venom peptides as a positive result for "Covid-19" 100 percent of the time.)

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Yes, he also admitted to the same on his first interview w/Eric Weinstein.

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Good point. M. being on top of things and all, I wonder why He took the poison?

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Malone is a con man at best. He uses weak ppl to further his goals. If he is so bothered and “hurt” by criticism, why isn’t he man enough to debate? Why sue ppl for 25 million? Why? What is he so afraid of?

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It's called Nano Tech, Quantum dots, is what the so called LNP's are.

Karen Kingston will show you the patents.

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Karen Kingston is an invaluable resource! And dead on.

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Malone say's he invented mRNA, since 1990's the DOD US-MIL has said mRNA is a military bio-weapon

Please people if you are still defending Malone, then your dumber than his horses;

Multimillionaire Malone is only pissed he didn't get his billions like his crony pal Fauci. Malone owns an horse ranch that is typically like owning a trophy wife, among the worlds elite; Probably the greatest play Malone ever did here at COVID-Wacko club is convince the morons he was a 'little goyim person'

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Have you watched the Malone videos where they ride their fancy horses wearing ridiculous costumes while they pretend to be historical characters? Cielo Azure farm on YT. They're so full of shit when they claim they're middle class 🤑🤑

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From the point of the Dr. Zev Zelenko letter dated March 23, 2020 "To all medical professionals around the world:" .... "In sum, my urgent recommendation is to initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible in accordance with the above. Based on my direct experience, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives.

With much respect,

Dr. Zev Zelenko

cc: President Donald J. Trump; Mr. Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff"

I could not understand the suppression of all real treatment, so easy to verify, for covid, until Dr. Zev Zelenko spelled out the "why" - the need for the "Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)" for Mrna injections. "FDA may authorize unapproved medical products ...when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives."

To get "their" EUA the Mrna cult CHOOSE NOT TO HEED, while “they” SABOTAGED, effective treatment protocols and Real Doctors using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (Depraved-heart murder - see definition from wicked-o-pedia)

The Mrna cult demonstrated their willingness to go to the ends of our world torturing and mass murdering millions to get "their" EUA. THE FIX WAS IN. Nothing was going to stop the "warped speed" development and deployment of the Mrna injections.

Dr. Alexander. neither you nor Trump was able to get early outpatient treatment for covid to the People. Early outpatient treatment for covid which would have stopped both "the pandemic" and the EUA for Mrna injections. What, in Truth, could Dr. Malone actually have done more than what he HAS done?

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From the point of the Dr. Zev Zelenko letter dated March 23, 2020 "To all medical professionals around the world:" .... "In sum, my urgent recommendation is to initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible in accordance with the above. Based on my direct experience, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives.

With much respect,

Dr. Zev Zelenko

cc: President Donald J. Trump; Mr. Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff"

I could not understand the suppression of all real treatment, so easy to verify, for covid, until Dr. Zev Zelenko spelled out the "why" - the need for the "Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)" for Mrna injections. "FDA may authorize unapproved medical products ...when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives."

To get "their" EUA the Mrna cult CHOOSE NOT TO HEED, while “they” SABOTAGED, effective treatment protocols and Real Doctors using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (Depraved-heart murder - see definition from wicked-o-pedia)

The Mrna cult demonstrated their willingness to go to the ends of our world torturing and mass murdering millions to get "their" EUA. THE FIX WAS IN. Nothing was going to stop the "warped speed" development and deployment of the Mrna injections.

Dr. Alexander. neither you nor Trump was able to get early outpatient treatment for covid to the People. Early outpatient treatment for covid which would have stopped both "the pandemic" and the EUA for Mrna injections. What, in Truth, could Dr. Malone actually have done more than what he HAS done?

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Woo Hoo. Go get em Tiger! Lol.

Malone can’t sue anybody because the Discovery on him will be priceless!!! He’s probably trying to scrub much of his past right now. Lol.

I wanna know all his CIA and government friends!!! I want to see who he has been working for!! I hope the Breggins get it all!!!

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I think his wife runs a lot of what happens with him and what he says. I never trusted him.

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Omg KC. You are a paid subscriber to Malone!

You either have poor reading comprehension, a liberal, playing dumb, or all of the above.

Go away and goodbye. Lol. Waste of time if you don’t get sarcasm.

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He is suing the Breggins, right? It makes

no sense to me that you say he can’t sue anyone because “discovery will be priceless”. It makes no sense either to state he can’t sue but then turn around and say you hope the Breggins get it all.

Am I missing something?

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I have not trusted Malone since early on. He KNEW the mRNA was deadly, he took the shot. He is not a stupid man. Why would have take a shot that he knew contained a deadly killer? I think it was because he KNEW there was no mRNA in the injection. Several scientists have proven by analyzing the vials of the bio weapon from many countries that they all contain the same thing: reduced graphine oxide, salt, sugar, lots of heavy metals and lipid nanoparticles. The only difference between the injections was the content of the nanoparticles. So to me this is the only explanation that makes sense. He KNEW there was no mRNA in the shots. Or perhaps he never took the shot at all and used that story to make himself more credible. Trying to convince us he has seen the light. He is also buddying up to Kirsch (another one we should not trust) and Kennedy. If Kennedy were smart he would distance himself from both of these guys. Kirsch is in this for money. Malone wants a big job in the admininstration (IE HHS, DOD, NIH etc.). Keenedy is a great guy but he is not right for the Presidency. He is all in for climate change and that is a big fat globalist NO for me. During his 1 hr. 50 min. speech he never once mentioned abortion, the work agenda, CBDC, the Great Reset, DAVOS, the amendments to the IHR or the Pandemic Treaty. These are all issues that deeply concern the American people. He should have spent less time talking about his father, his uncle and himself and more about the issues. His website is very lacking as well. Malone, Kennedy, Kirsch all Democrats and I just cannot bring myself to trust anyone that is a Democrat even the middle of the road Democrats (althoug there aren't many of them today). RFK Jr. says anyone that denies climate change should be given 3 hots and a cot. https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1649678578223575041?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Good comment. Kennedy has done good work with children health defense. (Still listening to his speech . He needs to have lunch with Dane Wiggington, set him straight on climate change global warming agenda /hoax )

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Dr. A, 2.5 years ago at a conference in Southern Ontario, Dr. Michael Palmer said that Dr. Malone should “not be trusted”. That he knew how the mRNA worked. HE KNEW…and stayed silent! Thanks for coming on board, sir!

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Dr. Palmer simplified the mRNA-speak into how it works and what the outcome is. Thank you for posting his name. I couldn't remember it and I didn't save the interview. This short article defines it perfectly, imo. Malone absolutely knew. Thank you Dr. Alexander!


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Couldn't agree more...he says all the right things (but fails the sniff test). How could he have not known some of this...and It's strange he came out proclaiming to be the inventor of mRNA (oddly taking credit and fame), while at the same time supposedly warning of the dangers. How could the inventor not know some of this? How or why would he withhold anything? Only if he's complicit and self-serving on some level...

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I mentioned this in a separate comment but thought it might be helpful here. He was one of the original inventors but that was back in 1987. Since then literally hundreds of other scientists have worked on evolving the technology. Also, and I may need to do more research on this but I thought it was the spike protein that was causing all the damage and sadly deaths?

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Spike is only one cause of damage. The lipid nano particles and pseudouridine are two others. Malone has been well aware. He remained silent.

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There is no spike in the shots, there is also no Covid virus. There are different corners of Substack, this corner doesn’t want you to see the others.



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I previously posted this in another article about a month ago (03/26/23) and thought it might be helpful here. A PDF by DR. Malone the date in the address being 11/09/21 it was being done for good purposes but raises many questions as well, notice #'s 11 & 13 are "CURRENTLY".





10. I served as Associate Director, Clinical Research at Dynport Vaccine Company LLC from 2002-2003, supporting the prime systems US DoD contract for all biodefense products under advanced development by the Department of Defense. I also served as Director, Business Development and Program Management for the

"Bill and Melinda Gates funded Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation from 2004-2005;"

Senior Medical Director, Summit Drug Development Services (a Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Research specialty contract research organization) from 2005-2006; Director, Clinical Development & Medical Affairs, Influenza for Solvay Pharmaceuticals (currently Abbvie) from 2006-2008; and Medical Director, Vaccines for the Beardsworth Consulting Group from 2010 – 2013.

11. I currently serve as CEO and Principal Consultant for RW Malone MD LLC, primarily supporting the US Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (via contracts held by Leidos and MIT-Lincoln Lab). I have been leading or serving as a principal consultant for teams developing both repurposed drugs or vaccines since January 4, 2020, resulting in multiple novel findings, published and pending manuscripts, three clinical trials involving repurposed drugs (two in USA under DoD funding, one in India under funding from Reliance Healthcare) and one Phase 1 clinical trial for a novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

12. I have a history of over a decade of service to the NIAID as either reviewer or study section chairperson for evaluating large contract bids for development of Biodefense and other Medical Countermeasures against emerging infectious diseases and biothreat agents.

13. I currently sit on the NIH/FNIH ACTIV COVID-19 Drug development panel.

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Says all I need to know about him even though I wasn't on the fence at all. I want my pasture FAR AWAY from Malone's neck of the woods. Lol.

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Thanks for sharing this Kelly, it is helpful. It does raise some questions for sure.

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I was a two time subscriber and active for another 8 months, so I'm not saying either way, just that I have questions too as he has a long history with what I deem are the bad guys?deep state.

Does it mean he isn't ready to come to the good side?

What is the good side?

I posted information above about the vaccine Novavax (apparently non mRNA) he was affiliated with that was the 4th vaxx to get FDA approval, with links. Seems odd all the negative feedback there was positive reviews in MSM, and I had to work to find the links as I couldn't remember the name of it. CCP Yandex is the only SE than brought it up. He's obviously still provaxx which I'm not, but in fairness it's peoples choice whether to get them or not, or was until this plandemic, and many still believe in their efficacy of being safe and effective. It used to make us mad when Navarro and Malone used to say the jabs were for the Elderly and Vulnerable, to which mom and I told them to stick it in their own damn asses and not ours thank you.

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My questions is why would he have taken the shot if he knew that it was in fact dangerous....Nobody in their right mind would take it if they really think it is dangerous for them.

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You shouldn't believe him about the shots. He is an obvious alphabet asset.

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CIA or any other 3 letter agency: "you can check out any time you want...but you can never leave."

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He either didn't take the shots or he didn't realize at the time how dangerous they really were. Either case, he needs to clarify all of this.

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This is my second comment on this, because this post is bothersome to me. I have tremendous respect for you Dr. Alexander, but I think you might have chosen sides without knowing all of the facts. I am actually appalled at the Breggins' response to Desmet's theory and their attack on Malone. I read Desmet's book and listened to a number of podcasts, and nowhere did he come across with a "blame the victim and let the perpetrators get off the hook" statement. He merely presented a theory of what he perceived to have happened regarding the public's response to a (contrived) very fearful scenario.

Dr. Meryl Nass put together some of the salient points in this substack that I recommend folks read before they pile on without objectivity. Meryl has written other pieces with sound analysis on this subject and you can avail yourself on her substack should you so chose.


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And Dr. Breggin did the same. He shared his professional opinion about Desmet's theory and Malone's suspicious dealings while he swam in the swamp for 30+ years. Does that warrant a $25 million lawsuit. No it does not. Malone is using bully tactics to shut down his opposition much the same as the media and our government has done to many of us.

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Breggin said some pretty awful things about Malone based on Malone's friendship with Desmet because he (Breggin) didn't agree with Desmet's theory and read something into it that isn't there, IMO. That was at about the same time Breggin published his book, which makes me wonder if Breggin's ultimate goal was to discredit Desmet and Malone to draw more attention to his own book and theory which he laid out in his book. The court documents, which can also be found via Merly Nass' substack, make it pretty clear that Malone asked Breggin (nicely) to cease and desist the attacks, which Breggin started in the first place, and when the attacks continued, Malone fired one across the bow with the lawsuit. I might have done the same.

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So a 25 million lawsuit is warranted then, because little Bobby Malone can’t be a grown up and move on? Because everyone and everything must revolve around the Malone’s delicate senses?

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Pray for discernment.


My gut instinct went “Question every thing, “after Malone did his epoch times production Showcase interview , sorry I can’t remember the title and don’t have a link handy. It was over the top, bummed me out. Grandiose.

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The man does have an ego...

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Dr. Breggin pointed out Malone's horrendous history. But he failed to mention that Malone wanted to test the Anthrax vaccines on children. Malone is a monster.

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Woah, I sense a lot of hate there. Next will come a personal attack on me from you.

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Facts aren't hate, you shouldn't confuse them. You know what happens when you ASSume...

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Regardless of facts to the contrary, I see you are firmly entrenched as indicated by your tone and writing, I am not going to waste additional time, spent better elsewhere, in further conversation with you about this subject. No hard feelings, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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This was my take as well. I’m addition, I feel that a lawsuit of this magnitude could be seen as bullying (as the dead horse rant suggests) or it could simply

say, “I asked you

nicely, over & over and you ignored me. Stick a fork in it; I’m done. No more Mr. Nice guy.”

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Exactly. There's only so much anyone can take before they're done with turning the other cheek. I really don't think any court will award $25M to Malone, but the filing is what it took for Breggin to cease and desist. It's really sad that it had to go that far.

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The Breggins haven't "ceased" or "desisted" - they're on fire. A group of us have offered to help them by sharing our research on Malone's history. The Malones have attempted to wipe their record of performance from the web, but many of us had already archived it. They can't hide - Mark, George and others have the receipts. Maybe you can ask them why they're continuing to erase their information from the web, what are they hiding? On the other side, the Breggins have nothing to hide.

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We do live in America and according to our Constitution we do have free speech. Breggin in entitled to his own opinion about Malone or anyone else he pleases as do all of us. Saying awful things about someone is not grounds for a defamation lawsuit. Breggin did not in anyway cause financial loss to Malone because of his comments and defamation is when you purposely told lies that you knew were lies in order to destroy someone. Breggin feels his statements about Malone are true. His book had nothing to do with the topic of Desmet's books or interviews. There was no competition because the books covered totally different topics. I do not believe Breggin was reading something into Desmet's theory that was not there. You did not pick up on it nor did you interpret it the way Breggin did but Breggin was not the only person that felt Desmet was off base. Breggin did not hurt Malone financially and Breggin did not knowingly tell lies about Malone. If Malone cannot take the heat then he needs to get out of the kitchen. Malone has a habit of attacking people that challenge him. He had George Webb (an invited journalist) removed from a conference in Atlanta because Webb was prepared to ask Malone about his involvement with DOMANE. Malone also has gone after Dr. Ruby and Stew Peters. I guess he is just going to sue everyone that says a mean thing about him. This appears to be a bullying tactic to stop people from saying things about Malone he doesn't like or to challenge some VERY questionable aspects of his career. You might have done the same??? And you would have lost your case just like Malone will lose his case.

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How do you know Breggin didn't hurt Malone financially with the adverse comments he made about him? Neither you or I can say that for certain. If the lawsuit moves forward the evidence will show that.

Early on, Ruby and Peters sided with Breggin - their right - but if they publicly attacked me, I would probably be hostile toward them as well. Psychologically speaking, Malone is probably finding himself on the defensive a lot lately. What we do know for certain is that the adverse comments succeeded into dividing the public into two camps regarding Malone and Breggin, especially on social media. That in itself can have significant financial impact. IMO, if Malone and Breggin both put their egos aside and worked together, they could make a formidable team. Alas, the infighting among the truth warriors is, of course exactly what our enemies want - divide and conquer.

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Malone is on video stating that he wasn't making any money, so how exactly did the Breggins cost him $25 million? Have you done ANY research on the Malones? You can't possibly be a researcher. George Webb and Housatonic.Live have the receipts on Malone and his mail order medical degree😂😂the guy says he's a physician but has never seen a patient. He's a bad joke.

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I would not be surprised

if someone didn’t

get to some

of them with a bribe to a divide and conquer.

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I can see this point of view as well. To me though, we need to let this take its course and see how it plays out. So much that we don’t know about this situation.

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Meryl Nass is an apologist for Robert Malone. She has destroyed her long history of advocating for kids and our military by now protecting the Anthrax vaccine Frankenstein that she fought in 2011. I wrote about it and Vera Sharav commented on it because she thought I had said that she too was protecting Malone. Ms. Sharav hasn't sold out, can't say the same for Meryl Nass or the hypocrites at Children's Health Defense.

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This is definitely new information for me. What I’ve learned about Dr Malone from the beginning of the pandemic was that he took both shots has an adverse reaction and then got Covid which also caused a number of health issues for him. To my knowledge he was speaking out at the very beginning with regard to the dangers after he got the shots and he was also silenced and grouped as an anti vaxxed.

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I'm starting to seriously question if he actually took the shots. Did he ever publish any proof of that? NONE of the elites took these shots...they all faked it on camera. Biden, Trudeau, etc., don't be fooled for one hot second, that they took the deadly product they were trying to mandate for your children.

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You may have a point. I never doubted that he didn’t because I have been following and listening to him for several years since this all started. He’s been on the highwire a number of times since 2020 speaking out against these shots. Including a link. Am hoping it hair goes to the page with all the episodes he’s was on. Apologize if it does not bit you can do a search on his name and they will pop up. He was also on Joe Rogans podcast about 2 years ago. Really great episode. https://thehighwire.com/?s=Robert+Malone

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Thanks but I saw all of these...yes, he talked about taking them and getting sick...then waking up to the dangers. Can we trust that to be the truth? Our politicians all said they took them as well. While I used to completely believe Malone, he's now in the "don't blindly trust" category.

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I will say when I met him it was very shortly before he did Rogan. He did a summit in the Nashville area and he casually mentioned in a conversation at a buffet dinner that he had taken the shot and was still suffering some health issues from it. He did not say this on stage but in conversation with several people. I saw that he was quite tired and at one point he found a couch to go sit on alone. It looked like he needed that break. The other docs were all on with lots of energy even Dr. Marik who just had been through the sham peer review. His heart was broken but he still had more energy than Dr. Malone. I was sort of shocked that Malone would take the shots but at the same time these guys, this is what they do. They develop vaccines so I think there really is a blind spot that I wouldn’t have. Nobody at the time knew that these weren’t being tested with dependable methods.

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Agree. They didn't take the poison shots.

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You have no idea whether he took any or all.

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I don't believe he took the shots--I think that was just the claim he used to give him "credibility" and an excuse for joining the medical freedom movement, which IMO is being sabotaged from within. See Diana West's excellent piece "Robert Malone A Risk Assessment" posted on her site.

I'm not even sure Steve Kirsch got the injections--that's also his claim for "credibility" in the health freedom movement. Though Kirsch has done a lot of good in trying to expose the dangers of the shots, I'm still suspicious of him given his connections with digital currency, digital ID and consulting with central banks. J.J. Couey recently analyzed the video with Brett Weinstein, Steve Kirsch, and Malone--I thought his insights were quite interesting:


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Good stuff Sandra, thanks. Yeah, also Kirsch promoting the whole "let bygones be bygones", etc...and his "let's figure out how to come-together, group-hug and fix the CDC" BS, really irked me. There is no fixing the CDC and anyone with 2 bits of a brain knows that. The number of inconsistencies and seemingly conflicting stances/behaviors have me distrusting Kirsch as well. Slick controlled opposition and deception should be expected, given what we are truly facing and the times we are in. God bless.

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"Slick controlled opposition and deception should be expected, given what we are truly facing and the times we are in"

Yes, that's what we should expect and I think that's what we're seeing!

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You don’t honestly know how many shots he took, be it zero or 4.

Wild speculation begat by who knows what… Begat by these rants, I imagine?

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According to Malone, he got C19 first. He took the jabs, according to him, in the hopes it might help his long Covid symptoms. He experienced high B/P as a result of the jabs. None of it has ever made sense. He hides behind his wife. He is afraid of debate. He does not tolerate questions, only blind devotion. He has said he’d like a Cabinet level appointment. I can only imagine what his confirmation hearings would be like: little Bobby Malone having snit fits over any line of questioning that hurt his considerable ego. The man is a menace and not to be trusted. He’s scrubbed his Twitter page of his more damning Tweets, but they can still be found. He hates Conservatives... uses the same term as his hero, HRC: Deplorables. Alternatively, use the Wayback Machine. Jill Malone’s LinkedIn profile is available. As is Robert’s. Ppl need to wake up & wise up. C19 was merely the opening act. Hardly anyone in the public eye is who they claim to be. Malone isn’t here to rescue us.

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He said he got covid in February 2020.

He was having problems with high blood pressure and whatever after.

Then he said he took the shots to help with his long covid. Well the shots were not available till late 2020 early 2021 for seniors. It’s like a year later after getting covid.

Then he says later he took the shots so he could fly.

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No he didn't speak out from the very beginning, he was working with Rick Bright to bring us Remdesivir. He's not part of the Dirty Dozen because he was SILENT while others sacrificed their careers.

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So all this time you missed the information that he was one of the inventors of the technology?

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No, I knew that part. The new information was around people questioning if he was at fault or has some accountability.

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Missouri has a bill before the state legislators about using food as a delivery mechanism for pharmaceuticals including mRNA. Please look it up. My impression is its already happening the bill would force producers to disclose the alteration via labeling. Far as I'm concerned this is Bill Gates' signature.

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I was so upset when I learned animals have been and will be used to sneak poison into us that I began in my small way to work against it. Last week I made many calls inquiring about how to stop it. I called Krogers (local and corporate); Ohio Cattlemen's Asso; my county health dept. (multi. calls); my county commissioners office (multi); drove to the local Krogers to query meat manager: State Senator's (J.D. Vance office in D.C) etc. and got nowhere. Stonewalled/met with ignorance and indifference or evasiveness in every case. Also learned in the process more about the evil in all our government parasites in the way they use us and enrich themselves with money and power. The parasites will hide in the darkness and work their evil and lie when confronted. Every county in our country is the same, I am sure. And we have our money taken by force to finance these evil people and increase them in numbers.

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Important video you might want to watch. It proves the so-called U.S. Government has been conquered by Satan and is offering us up as a sacrifice. At least, that is my take on the WHY of it all... https://youtu.be/z_bNs0pk5bA

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Dr. A you've given me alot to think about. Number #1 lesson from the plandemic is to never outsource autonomy or critical thinking. This includes confronting information that creates discomfort. Not changing the channel. Not scrolling away. I'm at a point where I'd prefer coffee with a communist willing to tell me the truth than a uniparty sellout spewing MSM garbage. I'll reread your article. Again and again. I'll share with others. I'll research. You're not alone. I've read others that feel Malone has been controlled opposition. Thank you

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Sorry I posted my reply in the wrong place so I deleted it.

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Thank you for calling Malone out and asking him to answer these questions. I have wondered about this from the first time I heard him say he was the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology. I have asked Malone, via social media, to explain his lawsuit against the Breggins, which seems egregious. Of course he has not responded. I hope others who are doing such important work, such as Naomi Wolfe, stop aligning with him.

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Participants are advised not to make public comments about lawsuits. That should answer your question of Why.

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He's bragged about the lawsuit on Shannon Joy's program and answered her questions in addition to threatening to sue those who criticize him. He's a parasite who needs a rude awakening, but he's protected so he'll continue to destroy lives. He's a tiny turd with a humongous ego

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So instead of addressing the questions and criticisms surrounding his work with mRNA and the Government entities he lists himself as a Resume to have credence he files a lawsuit preventing him from having to address these concens? Convenient wouldn't you say? Below is not about the lawsuit with the Breggan's.

A PDF by DR. Malone the date in the address being 11/09/21 it was being done for good purposes but raises many questions as well, notice #'s 11 & 13 are "CURRENTLY".





10. I served as Associate Director, Clinical Research at Dynport Vaccine Company LLC from 2002-2003, supporting the prime systems US DoD contract for all biodefense products under advanced development by the Department of Defense. I also served as Director, Business Development and Program Management for the

"Bill and Melinda Gates funded Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation from 2004-2005;"

Senior Medical Director, Summit Drug Development Services (a Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Research specialty contract research organization) from 2005-2006; Director, Clinical Development & Medical Affairs, Influenza for Solvay Pharmaceuticals (currently Abbvie) from 2006-2008; and Medical Director, Vaccines for the Beardsworth Consulting Group from 2010 – 2013.

11. I currently serve as CEO and Principal Consultant for RW Malone MD LLC, primarily supporting the US Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (via contracts held by Leidos and MIT-Lincoln Lab). I have been leading or serving as a principal consultant for teams developing both repurposed drugs or vaccines since January 4, 2020, resulting in multiple novel findings, published and pending manuscripts, three clinical trials involving repurposed drugs (two in USA under DoD funding, one in India under funding from Reliance Healthcare) and one Phase 1 clinical trial for a novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

12. I have a history of over a decade of service to the NIAID as either reviewer or study section chairperson for evaluating large contract bids for development of Biodefense and other Medical Countermeasures against emerging infectious diseases and biothreat agents.

13. I currently sit on the NIH/FNIH ACTIV COVID-19 Drug development panel.

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I don't believe he took the shot either.

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Of course he did.

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Thank You, Sir, for bravely telling and showing the world that the "Covid Jab Fruit" is ripening and that growers and marketers need to answer some basic questions. We, the world, the public, have been force-fed for months the poisonous fruit without much chance to resist. Somewhat like the poor geese farmed for "liver pate". Mandates were enforced as a condition of continued employment, continued access to education, child development was set back almost a year, and so on. Medical needs and interventions going up, disabilities and work absenteeism like never before and as it looks like, we the taxpayers, will foot the bill.

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I don't follow Malone. When he came on the scene, I paid attention, but that attention didn't last long--gut feeling told me to look elsewhere.

I appreciate your work, Dr. Alexander. Thank you.

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I read Dr breggins substack before reading this piece Paul - oh my - what can be said apart from "dr" malone isn't who we all thought he was - I've said it before Malone is deep state and always will be

If you make something that's deadly to humans and then that stuff gets used on humans with deadly results but you refuse to say anything then that automatically makes you an accessory to murder

Malone has had 3 years to stand up and say what the mRNA does etc and how to reverse engineer it so that sick folks get better etc but he refused everytime to speak out and answer the questions ---- it's everyone that wants / needs answers maybe Malone wants to see what 5g does to his creation

Malone took the coin and played his part and now he'll rue the day

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It’s entirely within the realm of

possibility that he never dreamed they’d use it like they used it, or that he signed some

sort of DO NOT DISCLOSE document or other.

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Malone is a plant to channel the counter movement straight up

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