Medical Profession urged to tell Women the truth about Dangers of Covid Vaccination during Pregnancy (RHODA WILSON); The EXPOSE
“it appears all pregnant women receiving these vaccinations are actually vaccine trial participants.”
The modern-day miracle mRNA vaccines which were created in record time are firmly under the global microscope as experts analyse data which challenges the efficacy and safety profile of the vaccines, especially regarding reproduction and whether it is a risk or reward to pregnant and fertile women.
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) has significant concerns with the lack of trial data in pregnant women and a spokesperson for the group stated, “it appears all pregnant women receiving these vaccinations are actually vaccine trial participants.”
The vaccination rollout continued around the world while adverse event reports began flooding into the United States VAERS database – and likewise to other databases from many other countries – which generated especially severe safety signals for pregnancy, reproduction and menstruation. However, these women’s health issues remain universally ignored and dismissed by health authorities, along with many other serious adverse events.
In a press release, NZDSOS called upon the medical fraternity to stand by the Hippocratic Oath to “first do no harm” and uphold fully informed consent when advising women who are wanting to become pregnant, or who are already.
How is this not obvious? When my wife was pregnant with our now 9 year old, she was not to take any vaccines and most medications until after delivery. But suddenly, this shot is okay? Why would anyone believe this?
This was clear from December 2020, when I went online to check the EUA submissions, and read that pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from the trials, along with all CoVid-recovered people. It was absurd that the CDC and many (most?) doctors so emphatically recommended their patients get these injections. Women were told that if they didn’t get injected, their OBs would not take them as patients. Criminal dereliction of duty to do no harm.