Metabiota (Hunter Biden & Nathan Wolfe), Ukraine labs, Obama: what is the connection? Are we looking there or covering it up? How could Hunter Biden be in coronavirus research? He is a crackhead whore
Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014 via project PREDICT with CIA proxy USAID. Russia accused them, Clandestine, 2nd Smartest Guy in world
See these 3 prior stacks I wrote, see the seminal scholarship by Clandestine and 2nd Smartest Guy in the world (and George Webb and Rhoda), I advanced their work, support these 2…tremendous scholarship on this angle and we raise the question…
Is the lack of interest because of what ‘LIES BENEATH’?
why are these people in the same photos together?
are the congressional hearings just really bullshit dog-and-pony not devised to find anything, just stroke each other, embarrass each other to bullshit us with misdirection, but many in congress and senate are part of the Ukraine connection, making and made corrupt tax-payer money linked to Ukraine…is this why they are all pretending there is no Ukraine role? no Hunter role? a crack whore studying bat coronaviruses? my God I near shit myself laughing that Hunter Biden is in COVID research….and this Nathan Wolfe? Why has he not been placed under oath? Is this why Biden et al. have no choice but to give the pump wearing Ukraine freak cross dresser pedophile penis piano playing freak our tax-payer money for he has them by the nuts…he OWNS Biden…he owns our congress that’s why they HAVE to give him money...the secrets he holds…see why you don’t ever bed down with the devil for the devil always comes back for repayment…
focus on the Ukraine link, focus on Nathan Wolfe, focus on metabiota…look there congressional select subcommittee else all you are doing is lying to the American people and bullshitting us…maybe many sitting in the same committees have names and surnames on many of those Ukraine lab contracts? huh?
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Paul, when you peel back the layers of programming created by the criminals, you have the same Evil packaged in multiple ways. Be it the CIA, FBI, DOD, CDC, The Senate, The House, Etc...
We have met the enemy and it is Government, and the Banking structure supporting it.
All Governments, and the Central Banks are the ultimate criminal syndicate.
The USA and UK want to cream off the interest (USD 3.7BN p.a.) on seized Russian assets (USD 260BN) to cover the interest on a USD 50BN loan uncle Schmuel wants to give to former rent boy Zelenskyy.
Only problem is all EU states need to ratify unanimously the deal every 6 months.
If Hungary were to torpedo it, then uncle Schmuel will be left holding Zelenskyy's tired and poor rent boy balls.
If this isn't highway thievery, then I don't know what is.
It's like the neighbourhood seizing my salary to loan money to my nemesis neighbour, to enable him to buy arms and ammunition so he can try kill me and finally seize my house and everything in; or flatten it like uncle Schmuel has done in Gaza.
And the West plays fair - yeah right.
Malevolent bunch indeed.