Operation WARP Speed (OWS), the tax payer was on the hook, lost billions, as vaccine makers paid UPFRONT; research, vaccine manufacture, logistical distribution all done by the minute, hour by hour
the idea being most of the vaccine would not be effective & first to declare signal of benefit would be given EUA (foregone was Moderna, Pfizer); vaccine was sitting waiting the nod
as so called fraud Pfizer and Moderna research was ongoing for we both know they already had this done years before, mRNA-LNP (exosome) complex vaccine was already devised by Malone, Weissman, Kariko, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. years before, but the head fake was against the American public and Trump, he actually thought they were conducting valid research in 3-4 months while it would take 15 years, so idea (theoretical) was by the minute day 1, as OWS was started, as the fraud ‘pretend’ research was ongoing to make the public think researchers were hard at work ‘researching’, vaccine was actually manuufactured (with no final results, nothing, just a name), boxed, placed on trucks, sent to distribution points each day…then once EUA was granted, they, the military, just had to deliver…key was to destroy most that did not show signals of benefit and to have it ready to go on the minute after EUA…those that the deepstate said showed signals of benefit and that was a foregone decision it was Moderna, Pfizer…
on the one hand an ingenious plan and this is where I credit Trump for on paper he was superb on innovating and willing to try to do anything to save lives, I know, I heard, I saw…he saw this was a way to wring all of the red tape and dead space and beuracratic red tape out of the process so he felt this was needed for the urgency to save lives, he did, yet they did not tell him that the red tape was there for a reason in vaccine development, the length of time between phases of vaccine or drug or device develeopment (Phaes I, II, III, IV) is there for a reason, to ensure the Phase IV goes on and we gather acute and long-term surveillance information on possible harms downstream (so we can ‘exclude harms’)…the 14 years after a clinical trial research and data analysis phase, is there to detect harms…built in…this is where Trump was fucked…they fucked Trump bigtime…no, he was not nefarious…I heard him ask and say over and over…para “ensure that the vaccine is safe and effective, only bring it to the people if safe and effective, I only want something safe and effective” and the responses always by the criminals were para “yes Mr. President, it is safe and effective”…yet they, Fauci, Bourla, Bancel, Malone, all of them linked to mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine knew they were fucking Trump with no lubrication, up his ass…each day…para “Mr. President, can you bend over…” and that there was no way you could bring a vaccine in 4 months…
he did not know…he trusted…they told him it would end the fake pandemic and he, the big player, big ego, man he is, wanted to save lives and yes, credited with ending the fake pandemic so he beliveed them…he did not know all the constitutional violations by closing schools etc. for he thought the folk around him were on the up…not knowing they were shredding our right, freedoms, constitutionally protected rights…killing children just like that…
do you get why I say Nuremberg 2.0? Why Malone, Bancel, Bourla, Sahin et al. must sit under oath in legal tribunals and examined for judges and juries to have a go at what these fuckers did…these are evil money making money whore fuckers, they killed people…they knew the risks…all of them…and so we must assess if they must be jailed or hung…not you or I, but proper judges and juries…only after that and if they say they did good, no ill intent, we then praise and kiss them all…celebrate them, hug Malone…but if judges call for death penalty and juries, then I say hang them all!
The American people paid up front for vaccine that we did not know will work, yet kind of a novel concept and I credit Trump for he was willing to innovate and try, yet we and they knew it was never needed, the vaccine was never needed, and that this was a NOT a pandemic and that the lethality was minimal, less than flu…we knew out of the gate it was an IFR 0.05% and Tedros and Fauci was lying…yes, we had Senator Johnson etc. fighting with us behind the scenes to stop the madness, but Trump was threading a needle of election year while being fucked by his COVID Task Force, so Atlas and I were in the den, inside the belly of the beast fighting Birx, fighting Fauci, fighting the malfeasants to open up, to end lockdowns etc…we knew the deaths…Trump fought them, the media refused to cover how he battled these fuckers inside the oval…so you got to examine this as ‘if it were true’….the American people were fucked up the ass side ways…with OWS, mRNA technology and mRNA vaccines…those who took the shot have timebombs in them, many will die in time, our police, military etc. We told them not to vaccinate the police or military…
FDA told me they were not interested in vaccine mRNA safety, only to DENY Trump EUA…imagine denying him EUA before election was their main goal, plain language, para “not interested in safety, just denying him that EUA victory lap”…this was pure politics for a vaccine they knew was fraudulently made, was not needed, for a non-pandemic, where all of COVID was based on a lie…do you understand the fuck?
Do you get it that IF, I say, ‘if’ the vaccine was needed, and if the infections were true (were not due to the over-cycled false-positive fraud PCR ‘process’), that the FDA was intent on causing many to die, no vaccine, withold it, if it was needed and credible, IF, yet ONLY to deny Trump….do you understand the malfeasants in our government?
I know, I was there.
Exactly. Dr. Alexander has revealed how the hoax was started. The entire fear-mongering propaganda as to the virulence of COVID, the death dealing hospital protocols, the federal incentives for hospitals to encourage the lies, and the extortion of the president who brought in other advisors ( Dr Scott Atlas and yourself) and was threatened that the three instigators ( Fauci, Brix and Redfield) would quit if Trump attempted to fire any of them.
To your point. This is the 21st century and we are losing the information war. There is way too much for a single person to have anything other than an uninformed opinion on anything; there’s just too much to know. To expect a sitting president to be all knowing about a vaccine is a tall order to say the least. Hence all the other people that hold info positions. This is why all of them should be questioned. Again and again. Somebody will crack; they always do…….